Making pilgrimage to Karbala, where Imam Hussain (AS) and his loyal companions were bravely martyred, takes one of the highest places in a Shia’s wish list. All around the year, Karbala hosts the pilgrims who want to visit the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (AS). But the pilgrimage in Arbaeen is different.
“Arbaeen” takes place forty days later than “Ashura”. “Arbaeen pilgrimage” is actually one of the largest annual public gathering in the whole world. Millions of Shias and Sunnis or even many Christians, Yazidis and other faiths with various nationalities participate in this grand religious ceremony and gather from all around the world in the city of Karbala. A remarkable number of them takes this trip on foot and walks from Najaf to Karbala (approximately 80 kilometers).
Many Muslims try so hard to make it to Karbala on Arbaeen and many Iraqis do their best to serve the pilgrims. During these days, copious amount of food, water, as well as small medical facilities which is run by GPs and specialists, and tents for resting are available along the route and in the cities where the pilgrims stay and visit. These services are all provided free by the native people.
Considering this large number of pilgrims and the great amount of money and time that is spent for this pilgrimage, this question may pop into many minds: What is it for?
Many goals and reasons can be mentioned for why we _Shias_ take this trip and go to the Karbala. In this text, we mention one of these reasons which is of great importance.
Among the many goals of the “Arbaeen walk” ceremony, introducing Imam Hussain (AS) to the whole world seems to be the most significant one. The public gathering of Arbaeen gives us a precious opportunity to make people get to know Imam Hussain’s personality (AS) and understand his message. This unprecedented and unique event that happens only once a year can be so attractive for people around the world who yearn for finding the truth.
Arbaeen ceremony is a unique event in which people and society go through a huge change, which isn’t seen in any other part of the world. Millions of people gathering in three or four Iraqi cities in about twelve days just for visiting the holy shrines can be a disaster to any other similar countries, but Iraqi people host this ceremony without any difficulties. In these days unlike other times, money loses its meaning. For maintaining peace and discipline, people themselves are enough and there’s not much need for police forces. People won’t be hungry, homeless or harmed by any person. In these days, people are even braver compared to other days, because they dare to face many problems and dangers that are otherwise intolerable. Even when the ISIS was in Iraq threatening the pilgrims, millions of people participated in this ceremony (1).
In this regard Imam Sadiq (AS) says:
O God! Our enemies frowned on their journey and threatened them, but it didn’t stop our followers from getting up and departing towards us in spite of the enemy’s opinion (2).
When people around the world observe this great exhibition, they understand the truth about Islam and Shi’ism which the terrorists like ISIS tried to taint.
Furthermore, Arbaeen walk offers the whole humanity a glimpse at Islam’s suggested life style and civilized society: A society with no war, no poverty, hunger, and no discrimination.
As said before, introducing Imam Hussain (AS) is the most significant objective of this grand ceremony. The importance of this purpose lies in the fact that introducing Imam Hussain (AS) and his message is actually introducing our only awaited Imam, Imam Mahdi (As) to the whole humanity. By telling people who is Imam Hussain (AS), we are actually making people familiar with the Shia Imams and the massage of this faith. Shias believe their Imams are all like each other and they seek one goal, which is spreading the peaceful message of Islam to the whole world. This is actually the essential message of Islam, too. The Holy Quran says:
It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the true religion, that He may make it prevail over all religions, and Allah suffices as witness (48:28)
Certainly We sent Our messengers with manifest proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance, so that mankind may maintain justice (57:25)
Imam Mahdi (AS) is the last Imam who is destined to carry out this mission and we, as his followers, are obliged to raise awareness about His mission and himself. When people understand the message of Imam Hussain (AS) they actually understand Imam Mahdi’s message (AS) since there is no difference between them. The Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) says:
Allah almighty created me and my Household [the twelve Imams] from one same light (3)Imam Sadiq (AS) also says:
There is always a justful successor among us who defend the religion against the falsification of the extremists, plagiarism of the disbelievers and the wrong understanding of the fools. (4)
According to the prophecies about the last Imam (AS) when he arrives and introduces himself to the people, all the world hears his voice in their language at the same time. Then, Imam Mahdi (AS) introduces himself as the descendant of Imam Hussain (AS):
O people of the world! Indeed my grand ancestor Hussain (AS) was killed while he was thirsty, O people of the world! Indeed he was left on the earth with no cloth, O people of the world! Indeed he was beaten so hard out of animosity (5)
Clearly, when people hear this voice, must know who is Hussain (AS); so, it’s our duty to make them familiar with him.
- this ceremony
- Thavab al-A’mal, Sheikh Saduq, Pg.94
- Avalim al-Olum, al-Bahrani, Vol.15, Pg.155
- Kafi, Koleini, Vol.1, Pg.32
- Ilzam an-Nasib, Al-Yazdi al-Haeri, Vol.2, Pg.233
Following the discussions on the concept of responsibility in Islam and Muslims' duties towards other human beings, this article reviews the duties towards the teachers, students, and young and older adults.
Teachers are acknowledged and valorized in Islam. It is said that God, angels, earth inhabitants and even the small ants in their nests and the fish in the seas, all salute the mentors who invite to goodness [1]. Imam Ali (AS) said that whoever has taught me a word has made me “his slave”[i] [2]. Regarding the Islamic resources, the rights of the mentor over the students are:
to be polite and grateful to the mentor, and honor him\her [3];
to sit down politely in his\her presence such that to face him\her directly [3];
to listen carefully to him\her and forget anything else during the session except what the mentor explains [3];
not to answer the questions that the mentor has been asked about and let him\her to reply [3];
to lower your voice when talking to him\her [3] as a means of showing the respect for him\her;
to ask in order to know and not to annoy the mentor or to mock him\her [4] and then to listen carefully to the answer of the question [5];
not to talk and whisper to anybody in his\her presence [3] otherwise the mentor feels being ignored;
not to talk behind other people’s back with him\her [3] since this is an unpleasant act which also bothers the audience ;
not to let others insult the mentor or lie about him\her [3];
not to reveal his\her deficiencies and to tell others about his\her positive characteristics [3].
Seeking knowledge is such important in Islam that according to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), trees, winds, clouds, seas and stars, plants and everything that the sunshine falls on, all ask for mercy for whoever seeks knowledge [6]. Also, the Prophet (PBUH&HP) said that whoever seeks knowledge is beloved by God, angels, and prophets and good for them on the judgment day [7]. Of the rights of the knowledge-seekers over their mentor are:
To be kind to them [8];
To be humble and flexible to them [8];
To know their names and some details about each of them [8]. This helps to maintain a better relationship and consequently to better teach and educate them;
To respect their character and to consider their words and thoughts [8];
To equally love them and pay attention to them [8]. In this regard, mentors are almost like judges in Islam;
To teach with serenity and dignity [8], therefore, his\her lessons impress their mind and soul ;
To be tolerant of them and answer their questions properly [8];
To consider and support kindly the newcomers [8];
To honestly tell if he\she does not know the answer to a question [8] instead of saying what he\she is not sure about;
Of the rights of young people over older adults and their responsibility in Islam are:
To be kind to them [3];
To be engaged in their education and training [3];
To ignore and forgive their mistakes and hide their deficiencies [3];
To tolerate them, be patient with them and help them in difficulties [3];
If the young people do something wrong because they are naive, the older adults should not reveal that [3];
To avoid arguments and conflicts with them [3].
The responsibility in Islam of the younger people toward the elderly include:
To respect them since they are older than you [3];
If they argue with you, do not react unpleasantly [3];
If you accompany each other on the way, do not overtake them [3];
If they do not know about something, do not humiliate them [3];
And, if they ignore you because you do not know something, keep calm and do not react as they are older than you [3].
[i] The word “slave” here does not mean servant, but is used to valorize the mentor and emphasizes the importance of respecting him\her.
[ii] Knowledge-seeker is used as a more general word than a student to cover whoever seeks knowledge.
- M. B. Majlisi, “Bihar al-Anwar”, vol. 61, p. 245
- M. Naraqi, “Jami' al-Sa'adat”.
- Imam Zayn al-'Abidin (AS), “Treatise On Rights (Risalat al-Huquq)”.
- “Nahj al Balaqa”, I. 320.
- Ibn Babawayh, “Ilal Al-Shara'I”, vol. 2. p. 334.
- H. al-Daylami, "Irshad al-Qulub", p. 164.
- M. Shoueiri “Jami’ al-Akhbar”, p. 37.
- Al-Shahid al-Thani, “Munya al-murid fi adab al-mufid wa al-mustafid”, p. 190-219.
21- Day of greetings
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
The value of deeds on that day (Eid Ghadir) is equal to eighty months, and it is recommended to increase the remembrance of Allah and Salawat upon the Prophet (PBUH&HP) and his family.
Imam Hadi (AS) said to Abu Ishaq:
On the day of Ghadir, the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) raised the hand of his brother Ali (AS) and introduced him as the flag bearer (and commander) of the people and the leader after him. Abu Ishaq said: I said, I beg your pardon, you are right. That is why I came to visit you, I testify that you are the authority of Allah over the people.
Imam Reza (AS) said:
Whoever meets a believer on the day (Ghadir), Allah will send seventy lights on his grave and expand his grave, and every day seventy thousand angels will visit his grave and give him the good news of Paradise.
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
It is proper to get closer to Allah by doing good to others, fasting, praying, reaching out to relatives, and meeting the brothers of faith because the prophets did so and advised their people when they appointed their successors.
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
It is recommended to pray in Ghadir Mosque because the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) introduced and appointed the Commander of the Faithful (AS) there. And that is where the great Allah revealed the truth.
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
A person who prays two units (Rakat) at any time on the day of Eid Ghadir -and it is better to be close to noon, which is the time when the Commander of the Faithful (AS) was appointed leadership in Ghadir at that time- is like someone realized that day ...
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
The fast of Ghadir day is equal to the fast of the whole life. That is if a person is always alive and fasts all his life, his reward is equal to the reward of fasting on Eid Ghadir.
Imam Reza (AS) said:
Eid Ghadir is a day of congratulations. Congratulations to each other, every time a believer meets his brother, he should say: "Praise be to Allah who has given us the success of grasping the guardianship of Imam Ali (AS) and the leaders." ...
On the day of Ghadir, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP) ordered: A preacher should call: Gather for prayer. Then he took the hand of Ali (AS), raised it and said:
O Allah, whoever I am the master of, so Ali is also his master, O Allah, love the one who loves Ali and be the enemy of the one who is at enmity with Ali.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP) said:
Whoever wants to live and die like me and live in the eternal paradise that my Lord has promised me, will choose the guardianship of Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), because he leads you not astray.
I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP) to say to Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS):
O Ali, you are my brother, guardian, heir and successor among my ummah during my life and after my death. Your friend is my friend and your vindictive is my enemy.
Imam Baqir (AS) said:
Islam is based on five pillars: prayer, zakat, fasting, Hajj and Wilayah (Guardianship), and nothing has been called as much as what has been emphasized to Wilayah on the Day of Ghadir.
Imam Kadhim (AS) said:
The guardianship of Ali (AS) is recorded in the books of all the prophets and no prophet was sent except with the covenant of the prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and the Imamate of Ali (AS).
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP) said:
The guardianship of Ali (AS) is the guardianship of Allah, loving him is worshiping Allah, following him is a divine obligation and his friends are friends of Allah and his enemies are enemies of Allah, war with him, war with Allah, and peace with him, peace with Allah Almighty.
Imam Baqir (AS) said:
Satan, the enemy of Allah, lamented four times: the day he was cursed by Allah, the day he fell to the ground, the day that Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) was sent, and the day of Eid Ghadir.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) said:
God says: The guardianship of Ali is my stronghold, so whoever enters my fortress will be protected from the fire of Hell.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP) said:
O Ali, I am the city of knowledge and you are its door, do not enter the city except through its door. ... You are the leader of my nation and my successor in this city, whoever obeys you is blessed, and whoever disobeys you is miserable, and your friend has benefited and your enemy has lost.
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
The cornerstones of Islam are three things:
Prayer, Zakat and Wilayah, none of which can be made without the other.
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
O Hafs! Surprising of what Ali (AS) encountered! He could not get his right with ten thousand witnesses (on the day of Ghadir), while a person with two witnesses gets his right.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) said on the day of Ghadir:
Ali (AS) is the interpretation of the Book of Allah, and the inviter to Allah, be aware that what is lawful and what is forbidden is more than what I introduce and command and forbid and count them. So I was instructed to make a covenant with you to accept what I brought from Allah Almighty about Ali the commander of the faithful and his successors.
O people! Think and understand the divine revelations, pay attention to its courts and do not follow its similarities. I swear by Allah, no one can ever utter the verses of the Qur'an and clarify its interpretation, except the one whom I have taken (and introduced).