Chapter One: The Virtue of Karbala
Hadith 1: Pure Privacy
The Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP) said in a long hadith: Karbala is the purest tomb on earth and the highest in terms of respect, and it is true that Karbala is one of the expanses of Paradise.
Bihar al Anwar, vol. 98, p. 115, Kamil Al-Ziyarat, p. 264
The Prophet of Allah (PBUH&HP) said: My son Hussain will be buried in a land called Karbala, a privileged land that has always been the dome of Islam, just as God saved Noah's faithful companions from the flood there. Kamil Al-Ziyarat, p. 269, Chapter 88, H8
Imam Ali (as) passed through Karbala one day and said: This is the altar of lovers and place of martyrdom of martyrs whose place neither the past nor the future martyrs can reach.
Tahdhib, vol. 6, p. 73 and Bihar, vol. 98, p. 116
Imam Ali (as) addressed the soil of Karbala and said: What a fragrance, O soil! On the Day of Judgment, a people will rise from you who will go to heaven immediately and without reckoning.
Explanation of Nahj al-Balaghah Ibn Abi Al-Hadid, vol. 4, p. 169
Imam Sajjad (as) said: The land of Karbala, on the Day of Judgment, shines like a pearl star and cries out that I am the holy land of God, the pure and blessed land that surrounds the leader of the martyrs and the ruler of the youth of Paradise. Kamil al-Ziyarat, p. 268
Imam Sadiq (as) said: Karbala is from the land of Jerusalem.
Kamil Al-Ziyarat, p. 269, Chapter 88, H7
Imam Sadiq (as) said: The land of Karbala and the water of the Euphrates were the first land and the first water which Allah Almighty sanctified and honored.
Bihar Al-Anwar, vol. 98, p. 109 and also Kamil Al-Ziyarat, p. 269
Imam Sadiq (as) said: There is no prophet in the heavens and the earth unless they want Allah Almighty to allow them to visit Imam Hussein (as). It is as if a group descends to Karbala and a group ascends from there. Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, vol. 10, p. 244
Imam Sadiq (as) said: There is no angel in the heavens and the earth unless Allah Almighty wants to allow to visit Imam Hussain (as). It is always the case that a regiment of angels descends to Karbala and another regiment ascends and ascends from.
Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, vol. 10, p. 244
Imam Sadiq (as) said: The tomb of Imam Hussain (as) is a door to the gates of Paradise.
Kamel Al-Ziyarat, p. 271, Chapter 89, H1
Imam Sadiq (as) said: Indeed, God made Karbala a safe and blessed sanctuary before making Mecca a sanctuary. Kamil al-Ziyarat, p. 267 Bihar, vol. 98, p. 110
Imam Sadiq (as) said: Visit Karbala and continue doing so because Karbala has embraced the best sons of the prophets. Kamil al Ziarat, p. 269
Imam Sadiq (as) said: The "safe valley shore" that God has mentioned in the Quran is the Euphrates and the "blessed court" is Karbala. Bihar al Anvar vol 57. P 203
Imam Baqir (as) said: If people knew what virtue it is to visit the shrine of Imam Hussain (as), they would die of enthusiasm for pilgrimage. Thawab al-A'mal, p. 319
Imam Baqir (as) said: Visiting the grave of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP), and visiting the shrine of the martyrs, and visiting the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) are equivalent to the acceptable Hajj performed together with prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP). Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, vol. 1, p. 266 ,
Hamran says: When I returned from the pilgrimage of Imam Hussain (as), Imam Baqir (as) came to me and said: O Hamran! I give you the good news that whoever visits the graves of the martyrs of the family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and his intention is to please Allah and approach the Prophet (PBUH&HP), he will come out of his sins like the day his mother gave birth to him.
Amali Sheikh Tusi, Vol. 2, p. 28
It was narrated from Imam Baqir (as) and Imam Sadegh (as) that they said: Whoever wants to be his abode and refuge in Paradise, should not leave the pilgrimage of the oppressed (as).
Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, vol. 10, p. 253
Imam Sadiq (as) said: Visit the shrine of Imam Hussain (as) and do not do bad to him by leaving his pilgrimage because he is the master of the youth of Paradise and the lord of the martyred youth.
Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, vol. 10, p. 256
Imam Sadiq (as) said: Visiting the grave of Imam Hussain (as) is one of the best things that can be done. Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, vol. 10, p. 311
Imam Sadiq (as) said: Whoever wants to sit on the tables of light on the Day of Judgment should be one of the pilgrims of Imam Hussain (as).
Wasa'il al-Shi'ah, vol. 10, p.