In this new "A Verse A Day" of Salam Islam, remind yourself of your duty toward your parents, including respecting, taking care of them, and showing love and kindness toward them. They were the people who taught us to walk, talk, and to be a worthy person; thus, they were our first and most inspiring teachers. Here are some other points to learn from this verse of the Quran:
As children…
1- Always be humble towards your parents
2- Your humility towards your parents should be out of kindness, not to take advantage of them.
3- Ask God to bestow mercy upon your parents.
4- Always remember your past and all the troubles and sufferings your parents went through because of you.
5- Express your gratitude to your parents as your first teachers.
Remember that…
- Only God can compensate for the sufferings your parents went through to raise you, and you could never thank them enough for what they did.
- Praying for parents is a command of God and a way of expressing your gratitude to them.
- God will fulfill any prayer for our parents, if not, He wouldn’t ask us to pray for them