"And among them there are those who say," Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the Fire."( 201 )
Such shall partake of what they have earned, and Allah is swift at reckoning.( 202 )
Remember Allah in the appointed days. Then whoever hastens off in a couple of days, there is no sin upon him, and whoever delays, there is no sin upon him that for one who has been God wary and be wary of Allah, and know that toward Him you will be mustered.( 203 )
Among the people is he whose talk about worldly life impresses you, and he holds Allah witness to what is in his heart, though he is the staunchest of enemies.( 204 )
And if he were to wield authority, he would try to cause corruption in the land, and to ruin the crop and the stock, and Allah does not like corruption.( 205 )
And when he is told," Be wary of Allah," conceit seizes him sinfully; so let hell suffice him, and it is surely an evil resting place!( 206 )
And among the people is he who sells his soul seeking the pleasure of Allah, and Allah is most kind to[ His ]servants.( 207 )
O you who have faith! Enter into submission, all together, and do not follow in Satan's steps; he is indeed your manifest enemy.( 208 )
And should you stumble after the manifest proofs that have come to you, know that Allah is all-mighty, all-wise.( 209 )
Do they await anything but that Allah[ 's command ]should come to them in the shades of the clouds, with the angels, and the matter be decided[ once for all ]? And to Allah all matters are returned.( 210 )
Ask the Children of Israel how many a manifest sign We had given them. And whoever changes Allah's blessing after it has come to him, indeed Allah is severe in retribution.( 211 )
Worldly life has been glamorized for the faithless, and they ridicule the faithful. But those who are God wary shall be above them on the Day of Resurrection, and Allah provides for whomever He wishes without any reckoning.( 212 )
Mankind were a single community; then Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good news and as warners, and He sent down with them the Book with the truth, that it may judge between the people concerning that about which they differed, and none differed in it except those who had been given it, after the manifest proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. Then Allah guided those who had faith to the truth of what they differed in, by His will, and Allah guides whomever He wishes to a straight path.( 213 )
Do you suppose that you shall enter paradise though there has not yet come to you the like of[ what befell who went before you? Stress and distress befell them and they were convulsed until the apostle and the faithful who were with him said," When will Allah's help[ come ]?" Look! Allah's help is indeed near!( 214 )
They ask you as to what they should spend. Say," Whatever wealth you spend, let it be for parents, relatives, orphans, the needy, and the traveller." And whatever good that you may do, Allah indeed knows it.( 215 )
Warfare has been prescribed for you, though it is repulsive to you. Yet it may be that you dislike something while it is good for you, and it may be that you love something while it is bad for you, and Allah knows and you do not know.( 216 )
They ask you concerning warfare in the holy month. Say," It is an outrageous thing to fight in it, but to keep[ people ]from Allah's way, and to be unfaithful to Him, and[ to keep people from ]the Holy Mosque, and to expel its people from it are more outrageous with Allah. And faithlessness is graver than killing. And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you away from your religion, if they can. And whoever of you turns away from his religion and dies faithless they are the ones whose works have failed in this world and the Hereafter. They shall be the inmates of the Fire, and they shall remain in it[ forever ].( 217 )
Indeed those who have become faithful and those who have migrated and waged jihad in the way of Allah it is they who expect Allah's mercy, and Allah is all-forgiving, all-merciful.( 218 )
They ask you concerning wine and gambling. Say," There is a great sin in both of them, and some profits for the people, but their sinfulness outweighs their profit." And they ask you as to what they should spend. Say," All that is surplus." Thus does Allah clarify His signs for you so that you may reflect( 219 )
about the world and the Hereafter. And they ask you concerning the orphans. Say," It is better to set right their affairs, and if you intermingle with them, they are of course your brothers: Allah knows the one who causes corruption from the one who brings about reform, and had Allah wished He would have put you to hardship." Indeed Allah is all-mighty, all-wise.( 220 )
Do not marry idolatresses until they embrace faith. A faithful slave girl is better than an idolatress, though she should impress you. And do not marry[ your daughters ]to idolaters until they embrace faith. A faithful slave is better than an idolater, though he should impress you. Those invite[ others ]to the Fire, but Allah invites to paradise and pardon, by His will, and He clarifies His signs for the people so that they may take admonition.( 221 )
They ask you concerning[ intercourse during ]menses. Say," It is hurtful." So keep away from wives during the menses, and do not approach them till they are clean. And when they become clean, go into them as Allah has commanded you. Indeed Allah loves the penitent and He loves those who keep clean.( 222 )
Your women are a tillage for you, so come to your tillage whenever you like, and send ahead for your souls, and be God wary, and know that you will encounter Him; and give good news to the faithful.( 223 )
Do not make Allah an obstacle, through your oaths, to being pious and God wary, and to bringing about concord between people. And Allah is all-hearing, all-knowing.( 224 )
Allah shall not take you to task for what is unconsidered in your oaths, but He shall take you to task for what your hearts have incurred, and Allah is all-forgiving, all-forbearing.( 225 )
For those who forswear their wives shall be a waiting for four months. And if they recant, Allah is indeed all-forgiving, all-merciful.( 226 )
But if they resolve on divorce, Allah is indeed all-hearing, all-knowing.( 227 )
Divorced women shall wait by themselves for three periods of purity[ after menses ], and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day; and their husbands have a greater right to restore them during this[ duration ], if they desire reconcilement. The wives have rights similar to the obligations upon them, in accordance with honourable norms; and men have a degree above them, and Allah is all-mighty and all-wise.( 228 )
[ Revocable ]divorce may be only twice; then[ let there be ]either an honourable retention, or a kindly release. And it is not lawful for you to take back anything from what you have given them, unless the couple fear that they may not maintain Allah's bounds. So if you fear they would not maintain Allah's bounds, there is no sin upon them in what she may give to secure her release. These are Allah's bounds, so do not transgress them, and whoever transgresses the bounds of Allah it is they who are the wrongdoers.( 229 )
And if he divorces her, she will not be lawful for him until she marries a husband other than him, and if he divorces her, there is no sin upon them to remarry if they think that they can maintain Allah's bounds. These are Allah's bounds, which He clarifies for a people who have knowledge.( 230 )
When you divorce women and they complete their term, then either retain them honourably or release them honourably, and do not retain them maliciously in order that you may transgress; and whoever does that certainly wrongs himself. Do not take the signs of Allah in derision, and remember Allah's blessing upon you, and what He has sent down to you of the Book and wisdom, to advise you therewith. Be wary of Allah, and know that Allah has knowledge of all things.( 231 )
When you divorce women and they complete their term, do not thwart them lest they should[ re their husbands, when they honourably reach mutual consent. Herewith are advised those of you who believe in Allah and the Last Day. That will be more decent and purer for you, and Allah knows and you do not know.( 232 )
Mothers shall suckle their children for two full years, that for such as desire to complete the suckling and on the father shall be their maintenance and clothing, in accordance with honourable norms. No soul is to be tasked except according to its capacity: neither the mother shall be made to suffer harm on her child's account, nor the father on account of his child, and on the[ father's ]heir devolve[ duties and rights ]similar to that. And if the couple desire to wean, with mutual consent and consultation, there will be no sin upon them. And if you want to have your children wet-nursed, there will be no sin upon you so long as you pay what you give in accordance with honourable norms, and be wary of Allah, and know that Allah sees best what you do.( 233 )
As for those of you who die leaving wives, they shall wait by themselves four months and ten days, and when they complete their term, there will be no sin upon you in respect of what they may do with themselves in accordance with honourable norms. And Allah is well aware of what you do.( 234 )
There is no sin upon you in what you may hint in proposing to[ recently widowed ]women, or what you may secretly cherish within your hearts. Allah knows that you will be thinking of them, but do not make troth with them secretly, unless you say honourable words, and do not resolve on a marriage tie until the prescribed term is complete. Know that Allah knows what is in your hearts, so beware of Him; and know that Allah is all-forgiving, all-forbearing.( 235 )
There is no sin upon you if you divorce women while you have not yet touched them or settled a dowry for them. Yet provide for them the well-off according to his capacity, and the poorly-off according to his capacity with a sustenance that is honourable, an obligation on the virtuous.( 236 )
And if you divorce them before you touch them, and you have already settled a dowry for them, then[ pay them ]half of what you have settled, unless they forgo it, or someone in whose hand is the marriage tie forgoes it. And to forgo is nearer to God wariness; so do not forget graciousness among yourselves. Indeed Allah sees best what you do.( 237 )
Be watchful of your prayers, and[ especially ]the middle prayer, and stand in obedience to Allah;( 238 )
and should you fear[ a danger ], then[ pray ]on foot or mounted, and when you are safe, remember Allah, as He taught you what you did not know.( 239 )
Those of you who die leaving wives shall bequeath for their wives providing for a year, without turning them out; but if they leave, there is no sin upon you in respect of what they may do with themselves observing honourable norms. And Allah is all-mighty, all-wise.( 240 )
For the divorced women there shall be a provision, in accordance with honourable norms an obligation on the God wary.( 241 )
Thus does Allah clarify His signs to you so that you may apply reason.( 242 )
Have you not regarded those who left their homes in thousands, apprehensive of death, whereupon Allah said to them," Die," then He revived them? Indeed Allah is gracious to mankind, but most people do not give thanks.( 243 )
Fight in the way of Allah, and know that Allah is all-hearing, all-knowing.( 244 )
Who is it that will lend Allah a good loan that He may multiply it for him several fold? And Allah tightens and expands[ the means of life ], and to Him you shall be brought back.( 245 )
Have you not regarded the elite of the Israelites after Moses, when they said to their prophet," Appoint for us a king, that we may fight in the way of Allah." He said," May it not be that you will not fight if fighting were prescribed for you?" They said," Why should we not fight in the way of Allah, when we have been expelled from our homes and[ separated from ]our children?" So when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned back except a few of them, and Allah knows best the wrongdoers.( 246 )
Their prophet said to them," Allah has appointed Saul as king for you." They said," How can he have kingship over us, when we have a greater right to kingship than him, as he has not been given ample wealth?" He said," Indeed Allah has chosen him over you, and enhanced him vastly in knowledge and physique, and Allah gives His kingdom to whomever He wishes, and Allah is all-bounteous, all-knowing."( 247 )
Their prophet said to them," Indeed the sign of his kingship shall be that the Ark will come to you, bearing tranquillity from your Lord and the relics left behind by the House of Moses and the House of Aaron, borne by the angels. There is indeed a sign in that for you, should you be faithful."( 248 )
As Saul set out with the troops, he said," Allah will test you with a stream: anyone who drinks from it will not belong to me, but those who do not drink from it will belong to me, barring someone who draws a scoop with his hand." But they drank from it,[ all ]except a few of them. So when he crossed it along with the faithful who were with him, they said," We have no strength today against Goliath and his troops." Those who were certain they will encounter Allah said," How many a small party has overcome a larger party by Allah's will! And Allah is with the patient."( 249 )
So when they marched out for[ encounter with ]Goliath and his troops, they said," Our Lord, pour patience upon us, make our feet steady, and assist us against the faithless lot."( 250 )"