And when We made an appointment with Moses for forty nights, you took up the Calf[ for worship ]in his absence, and you were wrongdoers.( 51 )
Then We excused you after that so that you might give thanks.( 52 )
And when We gave Moses the Book and the Criterion so that you might be guided.( 53 )
And[ recall ]when Moses said to his people," O my people! You have indeed wronged yourselves by taking up the Calf[ for worship ]. Now turn penitently to your Maker, and slay[ the guilty among ]your folks. That will be better for you with your Maker." Then He turned to you clemently. Indeed He is the All-clement, the All-merciful.( 54 )
And when you said," O Moses, we will not believe you until we see Allah visibly." Thereupon a thunderbolt seized you as you looked on.( 55 )
Then We raised you up after your death so that you might give thanks.( 56 )
And We shaded you with clouds, and We sent down to you manna and quails:" Eat of the good things We have provided for you." And they did not wrong Us, but they used to wrong[ only ]themselves.( 57 )
And when We said," Enter this town, and eat thereof freely whencesoever you wish, and enter prostrating at the gate, and say," Relieve[ us of the burden of our sins ]," that We may forgive your iniquities, and soon We will enhance the virtuous."( 58 )
But the wrongdoers changed the saying with other than what they were told. So We sent down on those who were wrongdoers a plague from the sky because of the transgressions they used to commit.( 59 )
And when Moses prayed for water for his people, We said," Strike the rock with your staff." Thereat twelve fountains gushed forth from it; every tribe came to know its drinking-place." Eat and drink of Allah's provision, and do not act wickedly on the earth, causing corruption."( 60 )
And when you said," O Moses," We will not put up with one kind of food. So invoke your Lord for us, that He may bring forth for us of that which the earth grows its greens and its cucumbers, its garlic, its lentils, and its onions." He said," Do you seek to replace what is superior with that which is inferior? Go down to any town and you will indeed get what you ask for!" So they were struck with abasement and poverty, and they earned Allah's wrath. That, because they would defy the signs of Allah and kill the prophets unjustly. That, because they would disobey and used to commit transgression.( 61 )
Indeed the faithful, the Jews, the Christians, and the Sabaeans those of them who have faith in Allah and the Last Day and act righteously they shall have their reward near their Lord, and they will have no fear, nor will they grieve.( 62 )
And when We took a pledge from you, and raised the Mount above you[ declaring ]," Hold on with power to what We have given you, and remember that which is in it, so that you may be God wary."( 63 )
Then after that you turned away; and were it not for Allah's grace on you and His mercy, you would surely have been among the losers.( 64 )
And certainly you know those of you who violated the Sabbath, whereupon We said to them," Be you spurned apes."( 65 )
So We made it an exemplary punishment for the present and the succeeding[ generations ], and an advice to the God wary.( 66 )
And when Moses said to his people," Indeed Allah commands you to slaughter a cow," they said," Do you take us in derision?" He said," I seek Allah's protection lest I should be one of the senseless!"( 67 )
They said," Invoke your Lord for us, that He may clarify for us what she may be." He said," He says, She is a cow, neither old nor young, of a middle age. Now do what you are commanded."( 68 )
They said," Invoke your Lord for us, that He may clarify for us what her colour may be." He said," He says, She is a cow that is yellow, of a bright hue, pleasing to the onlookers."( 69 )
They said," Invoke your Lord for us, that He may clarify for us what she may be. Indeed all cows are much alike to us, and, if Allah wishes, we will surely be guided."( 70 )
He said," He says, She is a cow not broken to till the earth or to water the tillage, sound and without blemish." They said," Now have you come up with the truth!" And they slaughtered it, though they were about not to do it.( 71 )
And when you killed a soul, and accused one another about it and Allah was to expose whatever you were concealing( 72 )
We said," Strike him with a piece of it:" thus does Allah revive the dead, and He shows you His signs so that you may apply reason.( 73 )
Then your hearts hardened after that; so they are like stones, or even harder. For indeed there are some stones from which streams gush forth, and indeed there are some of them that split, and water issues from them, and indeed there are some of them that fall for the fear of Allah. And Allah is not oblivious of what you do.( 74 )
Are you then eager that they should believe you, though a part of them would hear the word of Allah and then they would distort it after they had understood it, and they knew[ what they were doing ]?( 75 )
When they meet the faithful, they say," We believe," and when they are alone with one another, they say," Do you recount to them what Allah has revealed to you, so that they may argue with you therewith before your Lord? Do you not apply reason?"( 76 )
Do they not know that Allah knows whatever they hide and whatever they disclose?( 77 )
And among them are the illiterate who know nothing of the Book except hearsay, and they only make conjectures.( 78 )
So woe to those who write the Book with their hands and then say," This is from Allah," that they may sell it for a paltry gain. So woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn!( 79 )
And they say," The Fire shall not touch us except for a number of days." Say," Have you taken a promise from Allah? If so, Allah shall never break His promise. Or do you ascribe to Allah what you do not know?"( 80 )
Certainly whoever commits misdeeds and is besieged by his iniquity such shall be the inmates of the Fire, and they shall remain in it[ forever ].( 81 )
And those who have faith and do righteous deeds, they shall be the inhabitants of paradise; they shall remain in it[ forever ].( 82 )
And when We took a pledge from the Children of Israel:" Worship no one but Allah, do good to parents, relatives, orphans, and the needy, and speak kindly to people, and maintain the prayer, and give the zakat," you turned away, except a few of you, and you were disregardful.( 83 )
And when We took a pledge from you:" You shall not shed your[ own people's ]blood, and you shall not expel your folks from your homes," you pledged, and you testify[ to this pledge of your ancestors ].( 84 )
Then there you were, killing your folks and expelling a part of your folks from their homes, backing one another against them in sin and aggression! And if they came to you as captives, you would ransom them, though their expulsion itself was forbidden you. What! Do you believe in part of the Book and defy another part? So what is the requital of those of you who do that except disgrace in the life of this world? And on the Day of Resurrection, they shall be consigned to the severest punishment. And Allah is not oblivious of what you do.( 85 )
They are the ones who bought the life of this world for the Hereafter; so their punishment shall not be lightened, nor will they be helped.( 86 )
Certainly We gave Moses the Book, and followed him with the apostles, and We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, manifest proofs, and confirmed him with the Holy Spirit. Is it not that whenever an apostle brought you that which was not to your liking, you would act arrogantly; so you would impugn a part[ of them ], and slay[ another ]part?( 87 )
And they say," Our hearts are uncircumcised." Rather Allah has cursed them for their unfaith, so few of them have faith.( 88 )
And when there came to them a Book from Allah, confirming that which is with them and earlier they would pray for victory over the pagans so when there came to them what they recognized, they defied it. So may the curse of Allah be on the faithless!( 89 )
Evil is that for which they have sold their souls, by defying what Allah has sent down, out of envy, that Allah should bestow His grace on any of His servants that He wishes. Thus they earned wrath upon wrath, and there is a humiliating punishment for the faithless.( 90 )
And when they are told," Believe in what Allah has sent down," they say," We believe in what was sent down to us," and they disbelieve what is besides it, though it is the truth confirming what is with them. Say," Then why would you kill the prophets of Allah formerly, should you be faithful?"( 91 )
Certainly Moses brought you manifest proofs, but then you took up the Calf in his absence, and you were wrongdoers.( 92 )
And when We took covenant with you and raised the Mount above you[ declaring ]," Hold on with power to what We have given you, and listen!" They said," We hear, and disobey," and their hearts had been imbued with[ the love of ]the Calf, due to their faithlessness. Say," Evil is that to which your faith prompts you, should you be faithful!"( 93 )
Say," If the abode of the Hereafter with Allah were exclusively for you, and not for other people, then long for death, should you be truthful."( 94 )
But they will not long for it ever because of what their hands have sent ahead, and Allah knows best the wrongdoers.( 95 )
Surely, you will find them the greediest for life, of all people( even the idolaters. Each of them is eager to live a thousand years, though it would not deliver him from the punishment, were he to live[ that long ]. And Allah sees best what they do.( 96 )
Say," Whoever is an enemy of Gabriel[ should know that ]it is he who has brought it down on your heart with the will of Allah, confirming what has been[ revealed ]before it, and as a guidance and good news to the faithful."( 97 )
[ Say, ]" Whoever is an enemy of Allah, His angels and His apostles, and Gabriel and Michael,[ let him know that ]Allah is indeed the enemy of the faithless."( 98 )
We have certainly sent down manifest signs to you, and no one defies them except transgressors.( 99 )
Is it not that whenever they made a covenant, a part of them would cast it away? Rather the majority of them do not have faith.( 100 )