If you observe justice about yourself, you will be trusted in judging others.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.2, p.146.
At a time when you see nothing but injustice and treachery, trusting anyone (unheedingly) brings wretchedness.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.357.
Following a calamity after another is the herald of liberation from them.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.357.
Do not invest your trust fully on your friend, since if you fail and lose everything because of dedicating all your love and trust to one person, you could hardly survive its disastrous outcomes.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.357.
Islam is the basis on which faith is founded, and then on faith, assurance is built. People hardly reach the last level, that is assurance.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.358.
Losing your heart to this world brings you pain and grief while being indifferent and pious to it brings peace to your heart and soul.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.358.
The believer finds righteousness in three characteristics: a deep understanding of the religion, avoiding excessiveness in life, and forbearing the hardships.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.358.
Allah bestows His blessings upon a group of people, and it is turned into burdens on them due to their ingratitude; yet, He inflicts others with calamities, and they turn into blessings due to their forbearance.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.359.
Whoever does good to his family, Allah prolongs his life.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.8, p.219.
Meet and make friends with someone who elevates and honors you, not the one whose only purpose is to benefit from you and is pretentious.
Al-Hurr al-Amili, Wasa'il al-Shia, Vol.11, p.412.
Saying hello is a recommended act (Mustahab) while responding to it is obligatory (Wajib).
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.360.
Whoever manifests resistance at times of anger, greed, fear, and lust, Allah will protect his/her body against the fire of hell.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.361.
Well-being is a less valued blessing; it is forgotten when one is blessed with it, yet it will be reminded of as soon as it is gone.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.361.
In comfort, Allah blesses you with His beneficence and excellence, and in hardship, the chance of purging [from your sins].
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.361.
Do not pollute the water that people need.
Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Hasan Tusi, Tahdhib al-Ahkam, vol.1, p.185.
Allah loves moderation and hates wastefulness.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.4, p.52.
The least act of wastefulness is throwing away the remaining of [food or drink].
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.6, p.460.
If the weather were always bright and sunny, the earth would turn dry, and the plants would burn off the heat; the water in lakes and rivers would go down, and people would suffer; the weather would be hot and dry, and an unknown kind of sickness would emerge.
Mohammad-Baqer Majlesi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol.3, p.125.
Between two Muslim friends, the one that loves the other is the better one.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.3, p.193.
Respect the elderly and be kind to the children.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.2, p.165.
Life is joyful with three things: clean air, plentiful and pure water, and a soft land [ready for planting].
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.320.
Wash your hands before and after eating.
Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Khalid al-Barqi, Al-Mahasin, vol.1, p.425.
Do not wear clothes that attract much attention, neither clothes, which debases you.
Muhammadi Reyshahri, Mizan al-Hikma, hadith no. 18080.
Brushing teeth is among the manners of prophets.
Muhammadi Reyshahri, Mizan al-Hikma, hadith no. 9053.
Do not be the first person who expresses his/her opinion when asking for a consult and avoid suggesting naïve views.
Muhammadi Reyshahri, Mizan al-Hikma, hadith no. 9868.
Pay the workers' wages before their sweats are dried [ i.e., right after they have finished their work].
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.5, p.289.
Be humble in the presence of the one from whom you learned a knowledge.
Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Hasan Tusi, Tahdhib al-Ahkam, vol.2, p.36.
Justice is more pleasant than the water, which is offered to a thirsty person.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.5, p.289.
Every industrialist has to master three characteristics for his/her work to flourish; he/she has to be expert in his/her job, has to be reliable and meet their superior managers' demands.
Mohammad-Baqer Majlesi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol.78, p.236.
People need three things; security, justice, and welfare.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.320.
A father's best legacy for his children is manners, not wealth.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.8, p.150.
Planning shapes half of your life.
Al-Shaykh al-Saduq, Al-Khisal, p.221.
Take care of teenagers since they are more open to absorbing goodness and virtues.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.8, p.93.
There will be chaotic days when people would not find peace unless within their books.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.1, p.52.
Agriculture is a precious wealth.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.5, p.261.
Strengthen your ties with each other, be kind and generous to each other.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.2, p.175.
Any believer who solves another believer's problem, Allah will lift seventy of his/her difficulties in this world and the hereafter.
Mirza Husayn Nuri, Mustadrak al-wasa'il, vol.12, p.413.
Do not cut fruit trees, or you will be inflicted with Allah's torment.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.5, p.294.
My favorite friend is the one who bestows me my faults.
Ibn Shu’bah, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.366.
Whoever wishes his/her prayers to be granted, should strive to earn Halal income.
Mohammad-Baqer Majlesi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol.93, p.373.
The issue of art and drawings in Islam is among those topics that have not been directly mentioned and ruled on in the Quran. Therefore, one might wonder if drawings in Islam is allowed (Halal) or not and if yes, then are all types of drawings permitted (Halal)?
There are a few traditions narrated about drawings in Islam that are usually used to answer this question. However, since the answer can be derived from the Quran, this text tries to answer the question based on the Quranic verses.
Now, you might be asking how it is possible to understand the ruling on drawing while there is no direct mention of it in the Quran. The answer is clear; the Quran provides us with a set of fixed frameworks that work as a criterion for us. And whenever we come to a question that we think was not an issue at the time of the Prophet (PBUH&HP), we can study it, based on the Islamic criteria and find the answer.
Drawings in Islam and all other types of art are considered as tools to make things more beautiful and to create a feeling of admiration in their audience. Allah (SWT) has created this universe most superbly and has ordered all His creatures to admire and praise Him for this beautification. After creating the human, He looked at his creation and admired His own creation: “He formed you and perfected your forms, and provided you with all the good things. That is Allah, your Lord! Blessed is Allah, Lord of all the worlds!” (40:64)
Apart from the whole magnificent scenery of the universe, created by Allah (SWT), there are also some verses of the Quran that indicate the importance of beauty in the eyes of our Creator. And that is why the Prophet (PBUH&HP)’s saying, “Indeed Allah is beautiful and likes beauty” has become so famous [1]. The importance of beauty in the eyes of Allah is visible in different verses of the Quran:
“O Children of Adam! Put on your adornment on every occasion of prayer … Say, ‘Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has brought forth for His servants, and the good things of [His] provision?’” (7:31-32)
Creativity is a blessing with which Allah (SWT) has provided human beings (not to mention all the artistic creations of other creatures). And therefore, human beings have always created new things using their creativity, the effect of which is evident in the history and the Quran, e.g., in building houses, castles, making clothes, or designing jewelry, etc.
However, the Quran does not admire all types of art. For example, making sculptures or figures to worship and as idols are considered to be negative. For instance, Prophet Abraham (PBUH), facing his people who were worshiping lifeless and dumb idols, addresses his father and says: “What are these images to which you keep on clinging?” (21: 52)
While in another Surah of the Quran, making statues and sculptures and other pieces of art so far as they are useful for human beings are referred to as positive and admirable. An example is when The Jinn built those pieces of art under the observation of Prophet Solomon (PBUH): “They built for him as many temples as he wished, and figures, basins like cisterns, and caldrons fixed [in the ground] …” (34:13).
Besides, the main ruling on doing artworks can be derived from a Surah in the Quran called Surah Al-Shu’araa’ which means Poets.
In this Surah Allah (SWT) clearly describes the essence of forbidden (Haram) and allowed (Halal) art with a direct mention of poetry which was popular in Prophet (PBUH&HP)’s time:
“As for the poets, [only] the perverse follow them. Have you not regarded that they rove in every valley and that they say what they do not do? Barring those who have faith, do righteous deeds, and remember Allah much often, and vindicate themselves after they have been wronged. And the wrongdoers will soon know at what goal they will end up.” (26: 224-7)
In these verses, Allah (SWT) states that only perverse people would follow and admire the poets. And in describing the poets, it is mentioned that “they rove in every valley,” meaning that they make up things from their imagination. At the time of the Prophet (PBUH&HP), ‘most poetries were about the beauty of women, adultery, and pervert behaviors.’ However, Allah (SWT) does not forbid poetry completely; rather, He ‘makes the exception of faithful poets’ in the next verse. ‘Those who use their art as a tool to defend justice and to reveal oppression and injustice.’ [2]
From the above verses of the Quran, we can conclude that any form of art or any other tool is allowed (Halal) provided that they are used in the way of Allah, and if used in the way of Satan, they are considered to be forbidden (Haram). Therefore, it is of utmost importance to be familiar with the Islamic jurisprudence to distinguish the right from wrong from an Islamic viewpoint.
Another point that needs to be considered about different forms of art and drawing is that they should not go against the Islamic jurisprudence. Including erotic pictures or scenes in drawings or illustrations is one example of what makes this form of art forbidden. Therefore, as long as the drawing or making sculptures do not have any adverse harm for human soul and improvement, the ruling is as follows: “There is no harm at all in the sculpture, photography, and drawings of living beings whether or not they have a soul. Also, it is permissible to sell, buy, or keep pictures and statues. There is no objection to showing them in an exhibition as well” [3].
- Al-Kafi. Vol. 6, p. 438
- Tafseer-e Noor, Qara’ati, M. Vol. 6, p. 381
- Painting and sculpture
Imam Mahdi (AS) is the last and the twelfth Imam of the Shiite Muslims. He was born in 255 H (874 AC) and the Shiite Muslims believe that their last Imam has been alive for approximately 1150 years. According to Shiite narrations, Imam Mahdi (AS) is currently in occultation and hidden from the public.
In this regard, Imam Kazim (AS) says:
After that, the narrator of this hadith asks the Imam: “Is there going to be a hidden Imam?” Imam Kazim (AS) replied:
Yes! He will be hidden from the eyes of the people but the hearts of the faithful will not forget him. (1)
Despite Imam Mahdi (AS) being in occultation, we have responsibilities and duties to fulfill during this period. His hidden state doesn’t imply that Shiite Muslims have nothing to do for their faith and religion.
In fact, the best way to maintain a strong connection with our Imam is by following his orders. The Shiite Imams have told us about the responsibilities we have during this special time and some of them are mentioned below:
During the occultation of the Imam, it is a time when people may lose faith in him. In this regard, Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
With Mahdi (AS), there will be a little number of Arabs.
Then the Imam was told “But there are so many Arabs now that have faith in this religion!” Imam Sadiq (AS) replied:
People will inevitably be tested and they will be differentiated from one another and many will fail this test. (2)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) once prayed:
O Allah! Show me my brothers, Show me my brothers.
The people around him asked “O Messenger of Allah! Aren’t we your brothers?”
He responded:
No! you are my companions. But my real brothers are those who live in the last times of this world. They believe in me while they haven’t seen me … keeping faith in those times, will be more difficult than cutting the thorns of a plant on a dark night or holding a burning wood in one’s hands. They are the lights in the darkness and Allah will save them from every catastrophic test of seduction. (3)
As you see, being a faithful person is easy during the occultation. Therefore, one of our responsibilities is to keep our belief in Islam during these times.
Harith ibn Muqhairah (one of the followers of Imam Sadiq (AS)) says “Once I told Imam Sadiq (AS): ‘We are being told that the leader of this religion will be hidden one day. So, in those times, what should we do?’”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
Keep your very faith that you have now and do as you have been ordered before him, until the time that everything will be clear for you [the arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS)].(4)
Understanding the message of our Imams and having knowledge about their attributes and role in this world is crucial in the Shiite view. This is one of the most significant duties of Shias during the occultation. In this regard Imam Sadiq (AS) advises one of his pupils named Fozail:
O Fozail! Get to know your Imam because if you know him, it will be the same for youwhether his arrival is soon or delayed and anyone who knows their Imam and then dies before his arrival is like one of his soldiers. (5)
In the Islamic point of view, praying is one of the most effective ways to have our wishes fulfilled. We should call upon Allah when we need Him and ask him to solve our problems, trusting that He will answer our prayers. The holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) said:
Call upon Allah while being certain that He will answer. (6)
Living without a guide in this world is the most significant problem we have. Without our Imams, we Shias have no savor and our problems seem never-ending. In this regard, Imam Sadiq (AS) says:
The problems of the Earth will not be finished except by an Imam. (7)
Therefore, one of the most important prayers we should make is for the return of Imam Mahdi (AS). The Shiite Imams have persuaded their followers to pray for the arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS).
Imam Sadiq (AS) told one of his pupils named Humran about the attributes of the occultation time and advised him:
When you saw … that the world is highly favorable for the unfaithful people and the flag of the righteous people is hidden, be cautious and ask Allah to save you. (8)
Imam Sadiq (AS) also said:
You Shias will face doubts in the future and [during those times] you won’t see a right flag or a guiding Imam and no one will be saved in those times except for the ones who pray like a drowning person.
Then the narrator of the hadith asks the Imam: “How can I pray like a drowning person?”
Imam Sadiq (AS) replied:
You should say:
“یا اللّه یا رحمن یا رحیم یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلوبنا علی دینک”
O Allah! O Rahman! O Rahim! O Controller of the hearts! Make my heart keep its faith in your religion. (9)
Imam Mahdi (AS) himself wrote to one of his followers:
Pray so much to Allah for my arrival because it resolves all your problems (10)
In addition to this fact that praying makes his arrival more likely to happen sooner, praying is also the best way to relate to Imam Mahdi (AS) and this way, we can make a good connection to him. In return, Imam Mahdi (AS) sees that you are always thinking about him and praying for his arrival. It is obvious that Imam Mahdi (AS) loves the ones who do not forget him and pray for him more than others. Due to this fact, Imam Mahdi (AS) will pray for us in return and clearly, the praying of an Imam surely will be answered by Allah.
Don’t forget that it is so important for praying for the arrival Imam Mahdi (AS) to be in a group. You should get together with your family, friends or even the other people to pray for Imam Mahdi (AS).
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
If four people gather and pray, they won’t leave each other until Allah answers their supplication (11)
He also said:
When something would bother my father (Imam Baqir), he would gather all the women and kids in the house and he would pray and they would say “Amen.” (12)
As you see, praying together as a group holds great important for it to be answered by Allah. Imagine the impact if all the Shiite Muslims united in praying for the arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS) pure hearts. It is obvious that his occultation wouldn’t have prolonged for so long. So, one of our important responsibilities toward Imam Mahdi (AS) is to encourage others to pray for his arrival and we’d better pray in group.
There are many other responsibilities we have during the occultation. The most important thing is to follow the orders of the previous Imams and fulfill all of our religious obligations so that Allah would save us from this dangerous time.
- Kamal ad-Din, Sheikh Saduq, vol.2, pg.369
- Al-Ghaybah, Sheikh an-No’mani, pg.204
- Basa’ir ad-Darajat, As-Saffar al-Qommi, pg.84
- Al-Ghaybah, Sheikh an-No’mani, pg.159
- Al-Ghaybah, Sheikh an-No’mani, pg.329
- Bihar al-Anvar, Allamah al-Majlesi, vol.90, pg.321
- Al-Kafi, Sheikh Koleini, vol.2, pg.21
- Al-Kafi, Sheikh Koleini, vol.8, pg.42
- Kamal ad-Din, Sheikh Saduq, vol.2, pg.352
- Al-Ih’tijaj, Sheikh at-Tabrasi, vol.2, pg.284
- Al-Kafi, Sheikh Koleini, vol.2, pg.487
- Al-Kafi, Sheikh Koleini, vol.2, pg.487