If you feel you are not doing enough in your life and need to be a more productive Muslim, here we suggest some tips on planning a more productive lifestyle based on Islamic teachings. But before starting to review the tips on how to be a more productive Muslim, we should answer a "WHY" question? "Why do we want to or have to be more productive?"
Merging into life routines can be hugely devastating for human beings. At the same time, many may not even recognize the fact that they are gradually being merged into their habits, and one day, they look back and look over their life, finding it all wasted. To avoid experiencing such hard and disappointing moments in life, Allah Almighty guides us through the Quran and the Islamic lifestyle provided in it.
Allah (SWT) introduces the ultimate goal of human creation as worshipping Him; "I did not create the jinn and the humans except that they may worship Me." (51: 56)
However, it is essential for human beings to understand the meaning of worshipping Allah (SWT). If, by glorifying Him, Allah (SWT) meant that people should spend all their time praying and fasting, then there was no need for all the other rulings and laws that the Quran describes regarding human beings' daily life including social, economic, political, etc. issues.
The meaning of worshipping Allah (SWT) lies in the believers' understanding of the reason behind their behaviors and every single act and thought that they have; that is Allah Almighty's acceptance and satisfaction. It is crucial to keep in mind that worshipping Allah is not limited to praying and fasting, but every act of believers that is done in the way of gaining Allah's satisfaction is counted as worship. That is why He recommends that all our deeds and actions should have a divine tint; "The coloring of Allah, and who colors better than Allah? And Him do we worship." (2: 138)
Therefore, one can easily conclude that living an idle life is far from what Allah has expected from us. Allah (SWT) in the Quran encourages people not to waste even a single moment in their life when He says, "So when you are done, appoint, and supplicate your Lord." (94: 7 – 8)
The above verses show that for a more productive life, people should always have plans for their days, weeks, and years, so when they finish one task, they know what they should do next. Imam Musa al-Kazim (AS) says: "try that your daily time is divided into segments. One part for worshipping your Lord. One part for earning allowed (Halal) livelihood, a part for socializing with trustworthy friends, and another exclusively devoted to Lawful (Halal) pleasure with the family. [1]
We should still keep in mind that everything may not go exactly as we plan and not get disappointed if our plans do not go very well. Allah (SWT) says:
"Yet it may be that you dislike something, which is good for you, and it may be that you love something, which is bad for you, and Allah knows, and you do not know." (2: 216)
Therefore, keep a "to-do list" of your goals and plans for your years, months, weeks, and days. That will help you find less time in front of the TV, thinking that there is nothing else left to be done.
In the Quran, Allah counts some habits of those prosperous people. If we pay special attention to them, they help us have a more productive life.
Vain talk does not necessarily apply to speaking to others. But any type of futile habit will take away one's prosperity, among which we can name unproductive use of social networks, useless friendships, ineffective discussions, etc.
Being humble and putting effort into reaching a humble character helps us be free from all useless social conflicts. Many people in human history wasted their lives looking abnormally beautiful or earning huge wealth. While the real prosperity belongs to those who beautify their soul, "Felicitous is he who purifies himself, celebrates the Name of his Lord, and prays. But you prefer the life of this world, while the Hereafter is better and more lasting." (87: 14- 17)
Many people pay a lot of attention to their conversations with other people. So much that after each party or gathering, their mind is so busy analyzing what others told them and find out if they meant to humiliate or disrespect them. This habit takes a lot of energy from a person and prevents him/her from being a productive person. Therefore, Allah (SWT) suggests that if one wants to be a real servant of Him, he/ she should ignore all the things that may take away his concentration in serving Allah (SWT).
There is nothing that people can not reach by their imagination and creativity. However, without effort and hard work, nothing is attainable. Through hard work, practice, and persistence human beings can gain what they plan for. Therefore, after planning for your life, and setting your goals that have a tint of God, you have to work hard and "… and once you are resolved, put your trust in Allah…" (3: 159)
Allah also orders people to be careful about the health of their body and soul at the same time when He provides them with sleeping habits: "Stand vigil through the night, except for a little [of it], a half, or reduce a little from that, or add to it, and recite the Quran in a measured tone." (73: 2- 4)
One may say that the above verses apply only to the Prophet (PBUH&HP), but whoever follows these habits will achieve high spiritual levels; "And keep vigil for a part of the night, as a supererogatory [devotion] for you. It may be that your Lord will raise you to a praiseworthy station." (17: 79) Studying the biography of great believers, one can realize that the night watch was one of the most explicit parts of their daily routine.
Allah (SWT) also orders people to watch what they eat, as eating habits have a significant effect on the human body and soul: "Let man consider his food" (80: 24) Having a healthy body and soul will help people to be more productive.
One great habit that can help people have a more productive life, as recommended by Allah (SWT), is reciting the Quran: "…So recite as much of the Quran as is feasible. …" (73: 20)
Reading the Quran and contemplating over its stories, examples and even rulings can help us have a more creative and analytic mind, and this is aside from the miraculous impact that reciting the Quran has on human soul and body "We send down in the Quran that which is a cure and mercy for the faithful…" (17: 82)
In the Quran, Allah (SWT) has always put faith beside practice, which shows the importance of taking action instead of being passive human beings: "By time! Man is indeed in loss, except those who have faith and do righteous deeds, and enjoin one another to [follow] the truth, and enjoin one another to patience." (103: 1- 3)
Imam Ali (AS), in his letter to his son, Imam Hasan (AS), says: "My son! Know that you were created for the Hereafter, not for this world, for extinction (in this world), not for permanence, and death, not for life. You are in an abode from which you must depart, in a place from which you acquire your provisions, and on a path to the Hereafter." [2]
It is vital to keep in mind that we are not going to live in this world forever. We are here for a short time, and we need to prepare for the real life as mentioned in the Quran: "The life of this world is nothing but diversion and play, but the abode of the Hereafter is indeed Life (itself), had they known!" (29:64). Therefore, if we live every moment of our life knowing that we are traveling to the real world any moment, then we will try our best to make the best out of our time, energy, and talents.
In sum, having a more productive life is a necessity for all Muslims, and to improve one's productivity, planning a life based on the Quran and Islamic teachings can be a great guideline.
- Ibn Shu’bah ,Tuhaf al-Uqul, P. 409-410.
- Allamah Sharif Razi,Nahj al-Balaghah, letter 31.
The Qur'ān says, “Indeed, God enjoins justice and kindness.” (16:90) Given that the context of this verse pertains to the responsibilities of human beings toward their society, the term ‘justice’ should be interpreted as ‘social justice’. Thus, God has ordered human beings to uphold justice.
'Allāma Ṭabāṭabā'ī has said that social justice denotes treating each member of society in accordance with their merit and ensuring everyone receives their rights. This social quality is an obligation that responsible individuals must observe [1]
The establishment of social justice is one of the most important teachings of divine prophets ('a). Hence they strived to explain its essence and scientific principles, inculcate its spirit within humanity, and compel its acceptance as a cornerstone upon which earthly life depends. Anyone with basic knowledge of religious teachings understands that the establishment of social justice enlivens God's religion.
Thus, until justice prevails, true religion remains incomplete. Similarly, until universal social justice takes root, the fulfillment of religious and legal obligations remain unattained. [2]
The absence of social justice historically has been the cause of most revolutions. Noble-minded reformers have consistently started their movements with the of establishing social justice and eradicating discrimination. The Prophet (ṣ) said that “Justice in social struggle is like a guardian shield which protects people from oppression; and it is like a stable paradise that perpetually bestows its blessings” [3]
Although it is necessary for everyone to respect one another's rights, it is more important for a leader [to respect human rights]. In this regard, Imām 'Alī ('a) told his commanders that neglecting people's rights equates to ruin [4]. Additional, Imām Riḍā ('a) said that the Household (Ahl al-Bayt) of the Prophet (ṣ) are guardians and protectors of the believers' rights [5]
However, it is not solely leaders who must foster social justice; Islām has said both leaders and followers possess rights. Social justice can only thrive when everyone's rights are upheld. Imām 'Alī ('a) said that mutual respect between leaders and followers results in the elevation of righteousness, the revelation of religious principles, and the solidification of just characteristics.[6]
One of the most important characteristics of social justice is meritocracy, which means entailing the assignment of roles and responsibility based on individual merit. Justice mandates that the most qualified individuals are given precedence for opportunities and higher positions.
Imām 'Alī ('a) instructed Mālik Ashtar to appoint individuals to different positions in accordance with their merit (Nahj al-Balāgha, letter to Malik Ashtar). The Prophet (s) emphasized that it is treachery to appoint less qualified people to positions of authority [7]
Another characteristic of social justice is paying attention to the rights of the poor and needy. Injustice is a contributing factor to poverty, which in turn breeds various hardships. Luqman said that of all the bitterness he had encountered, poverty was the harshest. The Prophet (s) said that poverty, pain, enmity, and fire are never trivial [8], and that poverty represents a significant form of death [9]
These reports show that leaders have heavy responsibilities, because the poor need justice more than other people.
When oppression becomes prevalent in society, leaders should not merely distance themselves from it; they ought to stand up and fight for the rights of the oppressed. In fact, all individuals must resist remaining silent when others endure oppression, as passivity equates to complicity in oppression.
Furthermore, not only oppression destroys everything, including culture, economics, wisdom, ability, talent, innovation, etc. but also it is the biggest obstacle to establish justice within society. Imam 'Alī ('a) asserted that ending oppression is a prerequisite for justice.
It has been reported that one day a rich man and a poor man were sitting next to each other. The rich man pulled his face at the poor man and adjusting his clothes. Observing this the Prophet (ṣ) asked the rich man “Are you afraid that some of his poverty will be transmitted to you?” [10]
The Prophet (s), both in words and acts, paid attention to this important characteristic. For example, when a woman from the Banī Makhzūm tribe committed theft and the people asked the Prophet (s) to judge, her family, who were still influenced by the customs of the class system, considered execution of punishment to be shameful for their aristocratic family. As a result, they started looking for ways to prevent the punishment. To this end, they coerced Usama ibn Zayd, whom the Prophet (s) held in deep affection, to intercede with the Prophet (s) and halt the punishment. However, scarcely had Usama begun to speak when the Prophet (s) grew angry and said no one should stop him from implementing God's laws. Usama promptly sought forgiveness. Later that day, the Prophet (s), aiming to dispel any perception of favoritism, addressed the incident in a speech. He said “Throughout history, tribes and nations declined and vanished due to favoritism in justice’s administration. When both an aristocrat and a commoner committed the same crime, they would punish the commoner while granting impunity to the aristocrat. I swear by the God in whose hands hold my life that I shall spare no one from punishment, regardless of their social standing, whether high or low” [11]
On a different occasion, when Umm Hānī, Imām Alī's sister, went to see him, the Imam gave her twenty dirhams. When she asked her non-Arab bondswoman about her received amount, the female slave said she had also been given twenty dirhams. Incensed by this equality, Umm Hānī confronted her brother, Imam Ali, in protest. In response, the Imam sent her back with these words: “Go back, and may God forgive you. In the Book of God, we have not found any preference for Ishmael over Isaac” [12]
A leader must avoid treating benevolent and malevolent individuals equally, as this engenders injustice. Imām Alī ('a) instructed Mālik Ashtar to avoid treating benevolent and malevolent individuals equally, because doing so could discourage the benevolent and embolden the malevolent. Instead, everyone should be rewarded according to their deeds.[13]
- (Al-Mīzān fī Tafsīr al-Qur'ān, vol. 24, pp. 243-246).
- (Al-Ḥayāt, vol. 2, p. 97).
- (al-Ḥadīth – Riwayāt-e Tarbiyyatī, vol. 2, p. 265).
- (Nahj al-Balāgha, letter no. 79)
- (Musnad al-Imām al-Riḍā, ('a), vol. 1, p. 136).
- (Nahj al-Balāgha, sermon no. 216).
- (Al-Ta'ajub, p. 59).
- (Nahj al-Faṣāha, saying no. 252)
- (Nahj al-Balāgha, saying no. 163).
- (Majmu'at Waram, vol. 1, p. 214).
- (Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, vol. 5, p. 152).
- (Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 40, p. 106).
- (Nahj al-Balāgha, letter no. 53).
Lady Zainab (SA) is an icon of purity, bravery, and steadfastness.Though she lived 14 centuries ago, her personality and teachings continue to guide men and women till now/to this day. She is the fruit of the tree of Prophethood nourished by Imamat. Lady Zainab (SA), the daughter of Imam Ali (As), has several attributes and titles associated with her, such as Al-Aqilah the noblewoman, Al-Aalimah or the knowledgeable woman and Aminatu-al-Allah, the faithful of Allah (SWT).
She belonged to a holy lineage; her mother was Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (SA), - the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP) - and was actually a reflection of her father in the worship of Allah, piety, self-discipline, virtues, clemency, veneration, and the other features of perfection thus her father named her the chief of the women of the worlds and such a great mother nurtured Lady Zainab.
Lady Zainab’s father, Imam Ali (AS) honoured as the representative, successor and heir to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) was given remarkable titles like ‘the chief of the prophets’ successors’, ‘leader of the pious ones’ and ‘the head of the worshippers’ by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) himself. With innumerable merits and unrivalled sacrifices for Islam he was recognised and reputed as the most knowledgeable, the most magnanimous, the most generous, the most abstinent, the most trustworthy, the best worshipper, the most faithful, and above all, the most pious and the bravest of all Muslims. In other words, he was the best Muslim after the Holy Prophet Muhammad. (PBUH&HP).
Lady Zainab (SA), hence, was born into the most pious family and raised under the care of the best human beings therefore she learnt many things that composed her perfect personality from the etiquettes of her parents and her brothers. Since early life, she was marvellous in her intellect and wisdom and had learnt the Holy Quran by heart as well as the Prophet’s sayings regarding Islamic laws, rules of education and principles of ethics.
Throughout her life she faced one tribulation after another, but emerged strong and victorious in all her trials. She then witnessed the martyrdom of her mother, father and brothers - Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain (AS) - and in Karbala where all male members of her family were brutally martyred including her own sons Awn and Muhammad, and all the women folk were taken into captivity. But despite all these vicissitudes she always remained a source of strength and a caretaker for the survivors of the tragedy of Karbala and the flagbearer of the message of this great event. She is the epitome of selflessness and perseverance, the embodiment of patience and courage in the face of oppressors and the personification of knowledge and purity. Despite all the hardships she endured in Karbala she decided to preserve and propagate the true message of Karbala While her bravery, eloquence, courage, asceticism, chastity and caring nature towards the survivors of the tragedy of Karbala has been and still is unparalleled in history.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) says, “Whoever tries to fulfil the needs of a sick person, whether they fulfil it or not, they will be cleansed of their sins like the day they were born.”[1] In another tradition, he has said, “Whoever looks after the sick for an entire day, Allah (SWT) will raise them up with Prophet Abraham.”[2] If we would take only these two traditions into consideration, we can understand the greatness of Lady Zainab (SA) who cared for Imam Sajjad (AS) and all the children and women who had got sick or were injured after what happened in Karbala. Therefore, taking inspiration from her, the 5th of Jamadi-Al-Awwal which is her birthday is celebrated as the Nurses’ Day in the Islamic calendar.
- Kitab Man La Yahzarul Faqih, V.4, Pg.16
- Sawab ul Aamal, Pg. 341
- https://www.al-islam.org/lady-zaynab-badr-shahin/life-lady-zaynab
- https://www.al-islam.org/victory-truth-life-zaynab-bint-ali-muna-haeri-bilgrami