The concept of the last savior and his advent exist in many religions, although with some fundamental differences. Here we review what expecting the last savior in Islam means, what are its requirements and how it improves the quality of one’s life.
Awaiting, in general, represents a situation where someone is hoping or watching for something to happen, especially for a long time. Awaiting the last savior means hoping for the last divine messenger who will reveal the truth and spread justice and peace in the whole universe. In Surah Qasas, it is stated that: “We wanted to confer a favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors” (28:5). This is a promising divine concept which enlightens the hearts, prepares human beings for receiving who they are waiting for, and brings hope to them [1].
We are surely living in an era that is filled with injustice; some people are at war, and many of them face discrimination and hypocrisy. From an Islamic point of view, even the physical presence of the last savior brings mercy over human beings, and all these shortcomings are due to his absence. Hence, a conscious human being, a creature that is a perfectionist in nature, does not tolerate these shortcomings and defects and tries to remove the barriers against the presence of the last savior.
Being a perfectionist and trying to achieve a better condition is an inherent quality of the human beings that regulates almost all activities of every human being towards perfection. Hence, a conscious human being is naturally inclined toward accelerating the coming of the last savior.
4. Making Efforts to Pass the Current Unfavorable Condition and to Reach a Desirable Situation
Hoping for a better future that the presence of the last savior will bring about is not sufficient. One should also make efforts and participate in the process of preparing the requirements of the advent of the savior.
Sometimes something is missed in our life, but we are not even aware of that. The very first step in the process of awaiting the last savior is to know that there is divine mercy that is absent.
One might be aware of the absence of the last savior but does not believe that human beings require his presence and guidance. Hence, waiting for the last savior requires one to contemplate and know what his presence will bring about for human society. In fact, this situation is like a divine test to see whether one will rely on his\her abilities and will to improve the current condition.
Those who do not believe in the advent of the last savior will undoubtedly not await for him. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and Imams (AS) have always tried to reinforce the belief in the advent of the last savior and to prevent any despair among human beings. In this regard is a narration (hadith) from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), which describes that The Judgment Day will not arrive until one of his descendants rises with the truth and makes his advent whenever Allah permits [2]. One who believes in the advent of the savior in Islam should also wish that it happens, otherwise, he\she is not really awaiting his advent. This requires having a clear vision of the things that will happen if the last savior emerges. If one is afraid of that time, he\she will surely not await for him to come.
Although the items above make one await for the savior, believing that this might happen very soon will cause one to get ready to help the last savior in Islam in his peace plan.
- M. Musavi Isfahani,"Mikyal al Makarim", vol. 2, p. 235.
- Wasa’il ash-Shi’a, vol. 7, p. 325.
If you have ever experienced such hard conditions in life that you see your life or other peoples’ lives completely purposeless or absolutely miserable and you may have thought of killing yourself or ending miserable peoples’ lives, then I suggest you read this text to the end and realize why suicide in Islam is strictly forbidden.
Although I know that if you are close to one of those highly hopeless phases of your life, you may even wish to kill me over the net!!! But, you probably have no important task right now, as you probably don’t care. So read on and do not lose your opportunity of accompanying me in this meaningless life!
Have you ever come across a person who is seriously ill, and his existence seems to be real trouble for himself and his family members? He stays all day in bed, with no capability of moving, or talking or transferring emotions or anything else, and he lives a plant life. Have you ever thought that killing such a useless and incapable person would bring more mental, physical and economic benefits to the society?
These thoughts and many other thoughts that may be on your mind, and may have remained unanswered for ages, can make life meaningless. But let us see how our creator answers these types of thoughts;
All human beings try to reach high positions in life, whether economic, social, political, educational, physical or spiritual. Some people reach those high positions, and many of them remain normal people in society. Among those who think that they have not achieved such reasonable positions in life, there is a group who has never set a real goal to achieve and have only dreamt of those situations.
But there are also a group of people who have set realistic goals and tried hard to achieve them, but they have never been successful. A percentage of the latter group may become disappointed and may think of this life as a pointless life, and some of them may think of suicide.
The tragedy that repeats in the history of humankind, and has been the reason for many suicide attempts is a broken heart, and not gaining the love of your life. People, who are not in love, may think that the suicidal decisions of disappointed lovers are very shallow and childish. But the person, who is trapped in the hands of powerful love, sees nothing more important than reaching the love of his/ her life.
The worldly loves may not be limited to the opposite sex only. Some people desire wealth, different jobs, cars, buildings, and towers, or even knowledge. This sort of love can also remain unattained and lead people toward disappointment.
Some people face problems in every aspect of their life. It can be individual problems such as debt, disease, family problems, loneliness, etc. Or it could be much bigger than that; social problems, war, the unjust power of imperialism and capitalism, environmental pollutions or the spread of oppression in the world.
These great issues are enough to make one totally disillusioned with living in this cruel world and to lead him toward ending his/ her life.
In all the issues mentioned above, that may take a person to the point of hopelessness, God gives us guidelines and answers. He says in the Holy Quran that most of the hardship that human beings go through is to test their level of faith and to distinguish those who are truthful and those who verbally talk about faith with no real belief in it (29: 2-3).
The life of this world is only a place for us to prove our capabilities and talents for greater eternal life, and in this path, only the patient will win;
“We will surely test you with a measure of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth, lives, and fruits; and give good news to the patient.” (2: 155)
Imagine that you have entered a challenge or a test. In the middle of the tackle, you find it really hard that you feel like you cannot take it anymore. Will you stop the challenge and decide to kill yourself, or will you think about your goals and keep going with the rest of your energy?
Usually, people who have set goals in life, will keep moving and find ways of overcoming problems. Therefore, the main problem of those who may think of suicide is that they don’t have a clear goal, nor they have a clear vision of the meaning of challenges in life.
From an Islamic viewpoint, the life of this world is full of different tests, and by going through them and passing the tests, people elevate their spiritual level and build their eternal life more comfortable. Therefore, the harder the tests are, the stronger the person will become, and he will have an easier life in the hereafter.
First of all, He wants us to choose the right path in life; “rectitude has become distinct from error.” (2: 256)
After choosing the path of righteousness, He wants us to follow the guidelines that He sent us through His messengers; “should any guidance come to you from Me, those who follow My guidance will not go astray, nor will they be miserable.” (20: 123)
Then, He promises that whoever sets his goals in the direction of helping the religion of God and gaining God’s satisfaction, He will show him/her the right way: “As for those who strive in Us, We shall surely guide them in Our ways, and Allah is indeed with the virtuous.”(29:69)
Therefore, whoever forms his lifestyle based on teachings of God, will never feel disappointed, since Allah says: “indeed no one despairs of Allah’s mercy except the faithless lot”. (12: 87)
When you face problems you should:
1. Revise your goals and lifestyle. If it is against the path that Allah has sent us, disappointment will overcome you at some points.
2. Remember God, knowing that it will give you strength; “—those who have faith and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah.’ Behold! The hearts find rest in Allah’s remembrance!” (13: 28)
3. Form a strong Islamic family to keep you in peace; “And of His signs is that He created for you mates from your own selves that you may take comfort in them, and He ordained affection and mercy between you.” (30:21)
4. Never hang around aimlessly and idly; “so when you are done appoint (to a new task).” (94: 7)
5. Keep in mind that the real life is to come after death. So live every day of your life knowing that it may be your last day. Many of us are the last minute people!!
And there are many other solutions that can help us get rid of satanic thoughts, if we just read the Quran while we are depressed and feeling suicidal.
Hagar, who left behind a sainted child that later became the forefather of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), is the symbol of a devoted and obedient woman to God. Although her name is not directly mentioned in the Quran, in many Islamic quotes (hadiths) she is known as an example of faith in Allah that makes her a role model for every Muslim.
Being barren, Sarah the prophet Abraham(AS)’s wife, told him to marry her housemaid, Hagar, as a second wife. After Hagar gave birth to a blessed child, Ishmael (AS), Allah ordered Abraham (AS) to emigrate from Egypt to Mecca with Hagar and infant Ishmael (AS).
With the guidance of Gabriel, they stopped to camp at a bleak, isolated place with a limited supply of food and water. That was the land on which the Kaaba was later built. Soon after this, Abraham (AS) received another command from Allah to leave his beloved wife and child behind in that harsh condition.
Abraham (AS) submitted to the command of Allah and patiently tolerated this separation while praying for them: “Our Lord! I have settled part of my descendants in a barren valley, by Your Sacred House, our Lord, that they may maintain the prayer. So make the hearts of a part of the people fond of them, and provide them with fruits, so that they may give thanks” (14:37).
At that time some people would come to Mecca to pray, but no one inhabited there because of the unbearable living conditions[1]. Believing in divine predestination and knowing that God had not forgotten them, Hagar endured the hard conditions until she ran out of food and water.
Seeing her child dying of thirst, she ran to the top of Mount Safa hoping to find some water, but she found nothing. So she continued her search and ran to Mount Marwa instead, again in the hope to find some water. She continued and ran seven times between these two mounts, Safa and Marwa, with faith in divine mercy.
She had such trust in her God that she did not give up searching for water even for a moment. Then, she noticed water bubbling up from somewhere under Ishmael (AS)’s feet. Hagar’s patience and sincere efforts were paid; they survived.
Later on, the place where the water came to the surface was named Zamzam Spring. This act of Hagar became a big sign (called sa’i) for billions of Muslims through the ages, especially during Hajj, reminding them of the pure struggles of a faithful woman and the subsequent Divine Favour [1]. Hagar showed a deep sincerity to God by attesting with certainty that Allah had not abandoned her and her child.
After Zamzam water sprang out from the Earth, a tribe who lived in the vicinity of Mecca realized and came to settle there. Abraham (AS)’s prayer was responded to; Hagar and her son were not alone anymore. He came to visit Hagar and Ishmael (AS) time by time. As he knew the capabilities and merits of Hagar, he entrusted the training and education of Ishmael (AS) to her mother.
Some years later when Ishmael (AS) became 13 [2], another divine test awaited him and his parents; Allah ordered Abraham (AS) to sacrifice Ishmael (AS): “When he was old enough to assist in his endeavor, he said," My son! I see in a dream that I am sacrificing you. See what you think." He said," Father! Do whatever you have been commanded. If Allah wishes, you will find me to be patient” (37:102).
The full story is mentioned in the chapter (Surah) Al-Saaffat (verses 102-111) in the Quran. Growing up with the religious teachings of her mother, Ishmael (AS) obeyed Allah’s will. But it was no more than a trial for both Ishmael (AS) and Abraham (AS) in which they succeeded: “This was indeed a manifest test, Then We ransomed him with a great sacrifice, and left for him a good name in posterity” (37: 106-108).
Hagar was buried beside the Holy Kaaba after her demise. Her grave is located in Hijr Ishmael; a crescent-shaped area immediately adjacent to the Kaaba. Every Muslim who performs Hajj is obliged to circumambulate around it; the place where Abraham (AS) had constructed a shelter for Ishmael (AS) and Hagar[3] before he left them in that desert. This is how Allah rewards his sincere obedient believers.
- F. H.Tabarsi, "Majma' al-Bayan", vol. 8, p. 321.