Visiting the tomb of Imam Hussain (AS) has been popular among Shiites since the time of the Shia Imams who taught Shiites that this pilgrimage plays a significant role in a Shia’s life as quoted from regard Imam Sadiq (AS) in this regard:
Do not pull back from going to Karbala for visiting the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) out of insecurity or fear because anyone who does, will regret it so much that he wished the grave of Imam Hussain (AS) was near to him. Don’t you like to be one of those for whom the Prophet (PBUH & HP) and Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fatimah (AS) and the Imams pray? (1)
Having a significant impact on every aspect of our lives, the Shia Imams encouraged us to fulfill this pilgrimage. such a great event which has been discussed and studied through so many aspects for example its history, its political and social impacts and so forth; but seldom have its moral effects on our personality been examined. Arbaeen pilgrimage may change our individual and social life in so many ways from which we’re going to mention some in this text.
To purify soul in Islamic culture means changing our personality in a way that we obtain so many virtues and redeem our souls from bad habits or sins. Experiencing a very spiritual and calm atmosphere during this journey, anyone can revolutionize their lives and repent from all of their sins.
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
Should anyone leave their house in order to visit the grave of Imam Hussain (AS) Allah blesses them with a reward for each step they take if they go on foot and forgives one of their sins. (2)
Imam Hussain (AS) himself is the emblem of patience and endurance as he sacrificed all he had for the sake of Allah even his own life but he didn’t surrender to the tyrant oppressors. He and Lady Zeinab (AS) showed us how much a human can be patient facing the intolerable hardship that happen in their life. Imam Hussain (AS) even chose his companions from the most tolerant ones so that they could accompany him on his journey. For that matter, once he said to his people:
Anyone who is able to resist the sharp edges of swords and the invective of tongues can come with us and anyone who doesn’t must leave us (3)
Nowadays although Iraqi people have made it so much easier for the pilgrims, taking this trip to visit Imam Hussain’s holly shrine (AS) is still full of dangers and hardships . When the pilgrims undergo these difficulties and think about the patience that Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions had, they can practice how to be patient in their own life.
When a pilgrim puts their heart and soul into reach a certain destination which is the land of Karbala to pilgrimage Imam Hussain’’s shrine on their way they endure so many problems and difficulties, they understand what a human is verily capable of. They can find out that life isn’t just the material world that we see around us but humans are able to see something more in this life and sacrifice all they have for it. It makes people value their souls, believe in themselves and raises their more self-esteem.
The Impact of Arbaeen Pilgrimage on our Social Life
In Islamic culture, “Infaq” means helping people by giving charity, spending your time for them or even teaching others for free and stuff like that .
During Arbaeen rituals , money isn’t an important issue for the pilgrims as people’s needs are mostly provided by others in Iraq. Most of Iraqi people even save money for a year so that they can help the pilgrims during the Arbaeen rituals with food, medicine and so forth.
This enthusiasm for Infaq roots in the Islamic teachings and the messages of the Quran where says:
The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is that of a grain which grows seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. Allah enhances severalfold whomever He wishes, and Allah is all-bounteous, all-knowing. (2:261)
Also about the importance of the Arbaeen walk Imam Sadiq (AS) says:
For each coin that they spend for the sake of Imam Hussain (AS) Allah will consider it ten thousand coins and rewards them as they have spent that much and Allah will be pleased with them and the Prophet (PBUH & HP) will pray for them and Imam Ali (AS) and the Imams will do so. (4)
The holy Quran says:
Cooperate in piety and God-wariness, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression, and be wary of Allah. (5:2)
Arbaeen walk is a symbol for a society in which people with different ideas, nationalities, ethnicity colors, age groups, and religions work together to reach one common destination. The objective of all these people is the same and it’s making Allah pleased with themselves by commemorating the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (AS). People respect each other and help just for the sake of Allah.
Pilgrims in this ceremony think more about the message of Imam Hussain (AS) which was justice and fighting against tyranny, violence, and doing sins. Imam Hussain (AS) himself says:
I didn’t start this movement so that I could achieve a status among people or to please my desires. I didn’t do it to create chaos or to oppress. I started this movement so that I could make the followers of my grandfather better people; I want to enjoin others to do good works and prevent them from doing sins and I do as my grandfather and my father did. (5)
This walk helps us change ourselves and the others and understand that sitting down and watching people being in pain and oppressed is not what Allah wants us to do. We all are responsible for the circumstances in our society.
- Kamil az-Ziarat, Ibn Qulavaih, Pg.127
- The same, Pg.143
- Yanabi’ al-Mavaddah, al-Qunduzi, vol.3, Pg.62
- Kamil az-Ziarat, Ibn Qulavaih, Pg.139
- Bihar al-Anvar, Allamah al-Majlesi, vol.44, Pg.329
The hours of fasting in Ramadan vary based on the geographical position of the city where one lives. In some regions, the fasting hours might be extremely long while in other places it might be too short such that one wonders if the goal of fasting (Sawm) has been accomplished or not. Extended fasting might cause difficulties.
Some might complain that there is no advantage in fasting long days. Others might find excuses to avoid fasting altogether. But, Islam does not want Muslims to suffer. There are, therefore, some rulings on how to fast on very long days and very short days, that we review them all next.
In the case where the days are very short, one should perform fasting in its typical way, from dawn to sunset, according to the prayer times. Hence, short fasting hours does not change the default time rulings on fasting (Swam) [1].
Fasting is not a mere act of depriving oneself of foods or drinks, but it aims at spiritual growth and salvation, inner peace, exercising patience, strengthening the social ties and experiencing how poor people live their lives [2].
Hence, the obligation on fasting is not to make people suffer; as it is stated in Surah Baqarah: “Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship” (2:185). So, there are some rulings on long fasts which make them less difficult.
Long fast (Swam), especially in hot summer days, is tough. In this case, one should fast according to the prayer times of his\her city of residence. But, if it is extremely difficult, whenever during the day he\she feels unable to continue, he\she is allowed to break the fast (Swam) and have to fast (it is obligatory, Wajib) later on for those missing (Qaza) fasts in shorter days of the current year and before the next Ramadan [1]
However, different religious experts (Mujtahids) have different opinions on this matter. We explained one of those views above. There are two other opinions as follows and one of them might be the opinion of your religious expert (Mujtahid):
In any case, one should fast according to the prayer times of the city of residence;
One should fast according to the prayer times in a “moderate region,” with the normal day length, that is on the same meridian as his\her city of residence.
Fasting is obligatory due to its spiritual and physical benefits. It is not to put pressure and make people suffer. If it is tough to fast in very long days, one can fast according to the rulings stated above.
These approximate statistics show that the world today is experiencing many problems that solving them is so difficult that they seem almost impossible to solve. People are and have always been suffering from hunger, poverty, violence, war, physical and psychological disorders or diseases, and the like.
The question is, “What does Allah Almighty do about all these?”
Evil proves that Allah doesn’t exist
Some people may ask “If Allah Almighty exists and He is omnipotent and loves his worshipers, why do people suffer while He can prevent all these problems?”
Those believing in Allah Almighty mostly argue that the discipline in the world and the harmony between its parts prove that there is a God who has made all these. On the other hand, those who disbelieve in Allah Almighty respond that the world is full of evils, as well, and the difficulties in the world are uncountable and unbearable.
In return, the believers say that the discipline of the world is a sign of the existence of Allah Almighty whether some evils exist or not. They don’t say that to prove the existence of Allah Almighty we should prove the whole world is disciplined but there is an adequate amount of harmony in the world that proves there is a Creator.
The Holy Quran and the Shiite Imams have answered the problem of evil in various ways.
We know that Allah is pure good, but He sometimes lets us suffer because through enduring these sufferings and hardships, we can achieve something better which couldn’t be possible to achieve without experiencing those difficulties.
Sometimes, Allah tests us with hardships and difficulties, so He sees how we react and if we do well, we will be worthy enough to be rewarded by Allah. If Allah doesn’t test us, how can we show our worthiness?
The Holy Quran says,
We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure* — who, when faced with a disaster, say, “Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we will ˹all˺ return.”* They are the ones who will receive Allah’s blessings and mercy. And it is they who are ˹rightly˺ guided. * (2:155-157)
In this regard, Imam Sadiq (AS) says,
Indeed, there is a [high] place in the heavens that no one can reach except with enduring hardships regarding their bodies. (7)
Also, Imam Ali (AS) says about the advantages of difficulties,
Remember that the tree of dry plains is the best for timber, while green twigs have soft bark, and the wild bushes are very strong for burning and slow in dying off. (8)
Now we can understand why the believers are suffering from their issues more than the disbelievers. Allah wants to give us greater rewards in the hereafter. Imam Sadiq (AS) says,
Among people, the prophets suffered the most, and after them the ones who are like them. (9)
He also says,
Believers will suffer as much as their righteous deeds. Therefore, if they have a true religion and do good deeds, they will suffer from so many difficulties. This is because of the fact that Allah hasn’t created this world as a reward for the believers and not as a punishment for the disbelievers. (10)
Our Imams, especially Imam Hussein (AS), are the best examples of what Imam Sadiq (AS) says. If you study their history, you would see that they lived in the hardest circumstances.
The Holy Quran says,
Fighting has been made obligatory upon you ˹believers˺, though you dislike it. Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know. (2:216)
Imam Sadiq (AS) says,
The ones who disgust by the hardships of this world are like the kids who disgust by the bitter medicines and get angry when it is forbidden for them to eat some delicious food (which is harmful to them). (11)
For instance, imagine someone getting fired. This would make them so sad and they would think that Allah has forgotten about them. However, when they search for a new job, Allah gives them a better job opportunity which makes them understand getting fired was actually a gift because it made them go for another job. Notice that sometimes we think some event is bad but actually is a gift.
Our needs are mostly the only things that make us think about God. When everything is good and we have no problems in our lives and everything is just as we want, most of us forget about Allah and that He is the one who has given us all these gifts.
The Holy Quran says,
Indeed, man becomes rebellious * when he considers himself without need. (96:6 - 7)
It also says,
And this worldly life is not but diversion and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the [eternal] life, if only they knew.* And when they board a ship, they supplicate Allāh, sincere to Him in religion [i.e., faith and hope]. But when He delivers them to the land, at once they associate others with Him.* So that they will deny what We have granted them, and they will enjoy themselves.
But they are going to know.(29:64-66)
Allah almighty clarifies why he sometimes let people suffer,
We will certainly make them taste some of the minor torment ˹in this life˺ before the major torment ˹of the Hereafter˺, so perhaps they will return ˹to the Right Path˺. (32:21)
It means that Allah punishes us in this world because of forgetting about Him and committing sins and by this punishment, He tries to make us understand that we should stop and repent. This way Allah protects us from the greater punishment of the hereafter.
Every evil in this world is not always because of the will of Allah but it is sometimes the consequence of humans’ deeds. The Holy Quran says,
Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea as a result of people's actions, so He will make them taste [the consequences of] some of their actions so that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]. (30:41)
Whatever affliction befalls you is because of what your own hands have committed. And He pardons much. (42:30)
Allah gave humans free will and would not force us to do or not to do anything. Therefore, humans must face the result of their actions.
Take World War I and II as examples. Many people were killed and butchered by soldiers of the opposite party. Were these wars by the will or order of Allah? If one refuses to study and work hard while young, he/she will have to work hard and suffer from poverty in the future. It is the consequence of his/her deeds not the will of Allah.
- Vasa’il ash-Shia, Sheikh Hurr al-Ameli, vol.3, pg.261
- Nahjul Balagha, Letter 45
- Vasa’il ash-Shia, Sheikh Hurr al-Ameli, vol.3, pg.261
- The same
- Tohid, Mufazzal ibn Umar, pg.168