Undoubtedly, all of us have heard more or less about the word ‘ intention ’. There is a famous English expression which says: “When there is a will, there is a way.” It has a miraculous power hidden beneath, but not if you just look at it and do nothing!
What does it mean, by the way?! Very briefly, it is as stretching or bending the mind towards a goal that makes you go ahead. Intentions occupy a vast and different portion of our everyday life. A very simple example: when a person greets you, tells you a few loving words, his intention will determine the effect of his words. If he loves you, then those words will have a good impact on you, and if not, the more he repeats these phrases, the more you get disgusted!
Now let’s start with what God says. According to the Quran: “All His command, when He wills something, is to say to it" Be," and it is” (36:82). In other words, He [God] stands upon the summit of the mountain of intention, and again, the Quran says: “Indeed we belong to Allah” (2:156). So, we can conclude that we have immense power, something similar to God. But the point is that every person can use this magic tool based on his inner self.
Imam Ali (AS) says: “having good intention arises from the pure inner self,” so when you could capture a pure soul, it brings about a healthy body for you.
When we have a great God, why don’t we set our aspirations to him? The Holy Quran says: “O Prophet! Urge on the faithful to fight: If there be twenty patient men among you, they shall overcome two hundred; and if there be a hundred of you, they shall overcome a thousand of the faithless, for they are a lot who do not understand” (8:65).
Another example: “As Saul set out with the troops, he said: ‘We have no strength today against Goliath and his troops.’ Those who were certain they would encounter Allah said, ‘How many a small party has overcome a larger party by Allah's will’ (2:249). Yes, as you noticed they believed in Allah, and they won.
So, whatever your goals are, try to adapt them to God's will; this way you will make them come true. Abraham (AS) is one of the prophets who is also called the friend of God. But why?! It is a long story, in Quran Allah himself says: “Indeed I have turned my face toward Him Who originated the heavens and the earth, as a hanif, and I am not one of the polytheists” (6:79). He believed that everything in his life belonged to God, that’s why God chose him as a real friend.
Do not forget this golden rule which says: Do everything for God; then, he opens the way for you.
The mere good intention of a person even without acting upon it is praiseworthy since it will lead to getting close to God.
Hagar, who left behind a sainted child that later became the forefather of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), is the symbol of a devoted and obedient woman to God. Although her name is not directly mentioned in the Quran, in many Islamic quotes (hadiths) she is known as an example of faith in Allah that makes her a role model for every Muslim.
Being barren, Sarah the prophet Abraham(AS)’s wife, told him to marry her housemaid, Hagar, as a second wife. After Hagar gave birth to a blessed child, Ishmael (AS), Allah ordered Abraham (AS) to emigrate from Egypt to Mecca with Hagar and infant Ishmael (AS).
With the guidance of Gabriel, they stopped to camp at a bleak, isolated place with a limited supply of food and water. That was the land on which the Kaaba was later built. Soon after this, Abraham (AS) received another command from Allah to leave his beloved wife and child behind in that harsh condition.
Abraham (AS) submitted to the command of Allah and patiently tolerated this separation while praying for them: “Our Lord! I have settled part of my descendants in a barren valley, by Your Sacred House, our Lord, that they may maintain the prayer. So make the hearts of a part of the people fond of them, and provide them with fruits, so that they may give thanks” (14:37).
At that time some people would come to Mecca to pray, but no one inhabited there because of the unbearable living conditions[1]. Believing in divine predestination and knowing that God had not forgotten them, Hagar endured the hard conditions until she ran out of food and water.
Seeing her child dying of thirst, she ran to the top of Mount Safa hoping to find some water, but she found nothing. So she continued her search and ran to Mount Marwa instead, again in the hope to find some water. She continued and ran seven times between these two mounts, Safa and Marwa, with faith in divine mercy.
She had such trust in her God that she did not give up searching for water even for a moment. Then, she noticed water bubbling up from somewhere under Ishmael (AS)’s feet. Hagar’s patience and sincere efforts were paid; they survived.
Later on, the place where the water came to the surface was named Zamzam Spring. This act of Hagar became a big sign (called sa’i) for billions of Muslims through the ages, especially during Hajj, reminding them of the pure struggles of a faithful woman and the subsequent Divine Favour [1]. Hagar showed a deep sincerity to God by attesting with certainty that Allah had not abandoned her and her child.
After Zamzam water sprang out from the Earth, a tribe who lived in the vicinity of Mecca realized and came to settle there. Abraham (AS)’s prayer was responded to; Hagar and her son were not alone anymore. He came to visit Hagar and Ishmael (AS) time by time. As he knew the capabilities and merits of Hagar, he entrusted the training and education of Ishmael (AS) to her mother.
Some years later when Ishmael (AS) became 13 [2], another divine test awaited him and his parents; Allah ordered Abraham (AS) to sacrifice Ishmael (AS): “When he was old enough to assist in his endeavor, he said," My son! I see in a dream that I am sacrificing you. See what you think." He said," Father! Do whatever you have been commanded. If Allah wishes, you will find me to be patient” (37:102).
The full story is mentioned in the chapter (Surah) Al-Saaffat (verses 102-111) in the Quran. Growing up with the religious teachings of her mother, Ishmael (AS) obeyed Allah’s will. But it was no more than a trial for both Ishmael (AS) and Abraham (AS) in which they succeeded: “This was indeed a manifest test, Then We ransomed him with a great sacrifice, and left for him a good name in posterity” (37: 106-108).
Hagar was buried beside the Holy Kaaba after her demise. Her grave is located in Hijr Ishmael; a crescent-shaped area immediately adjacent to the Kaaba. Every Muslim who performs Hajj is obliged to circumambulate around it; the place where Abraham (AS) had constructed a shelter for Ishmael (AS) and Hagar[3] before he left them in that desert. This is how Allah rewards his sincere obedient believers.
- http://en.rafed.net
- F. H.Tabarsi, "Majma' al-Bayan", vol. 8, p. 321.
- http://www.hawzah.net
Arbaeen pilgrimage is one of the most important ceremonies in Shia culture in which people come to Karbala for visiting the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) and commemorating his sacrifice. Actually, Arbaeen pilgrimage is an exhibition of Shias’ lifestyle and because of that, Shia Imams pointed out the importance of Arbaeen pilgrimage many times.
There are many hadiths quoted from our Imams about the significance of visiting the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) and also about the rewards that Allah Almighty blesses the pilgrims with:
Imam Baqir (AS) said:
If the people knew about the profusion of Allah’s rewards to the pilgrims of Imam Hussain (AS), they would die due to their excitement and enthusiasm (1)
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
If a person went to the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS), Allah will reward him as He rewards him for a Hajj plus an Umrah (another kind of the pilgrimage of Ka’bah) (2)
He (AS) also said:
Anyone who wants the Paradise to be their abode and refuge, they must not forget about visiting the grave of the Oppressed [means Imam Hussain (AS)] (3)
There are also hadiths which say we must visit the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) on Arbaeen day:
Imam Hassan al-Askari (AS), the Eleventh Imam, says:
The signs of faith are five: praying 51 Rak’ats during the day, the pilgrimage of Arbaeen, putting ring on the right hand, putting frontal on dirt (during Sajdah), and saying “Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim” by a loud voice (4)
Because of these hadiths, many Shias come to Karbala in Arbaeen to visit the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (AS). Not only Shias, but also many Sunnis or even Christians, jews and many other faiths participate in this grand ceremony.
During these days when millions of people from all around the world come and visit some cities of Iraq including Karbala, Najaf, Samarra and Kazimain, all services to the pilgrims are provided by the Iraqi people themselves like food, water, places for rest, clinical services, etc.
The generosity of Iraqi people in these days shows all the visitors that Imam Hussain’s message (AS) is different from any other hero in this world. They learn that in a world where everybody thinks only of their interests, we can be different just like Imam Hussain (AS). Iraqi people have exhibited a new lifestyle in which people are not individuals but a community led by one person, that is Imam Hussain (AS), regardless of their nationality, age, color, language, etc. and they are ready to sacrifice anything for their faith in Imam Hussain’s message (AS).
Actually, this is what our awaited Imam, Imam Mahdi (AJ), wants. It is quoted from Imam Mahdi (AJ) that he said:
If the hearts of our followers where united based on accomplishing their covenant with us, it wouldn’t take long for them to meet us and they would be blessed with seeing us so soon. (5)
Iraqi people’s sacrificial deeds have made it so easy for people to do as Imam Mahdi (AJ) in this Hadith says. When Shia Muslims sacrifice all they have for their Shia brothers and sisters, it is called “Musavat” which means thinking of your bother and your sister as yourself and share everything you have with him orher. What we see in Iraq during the Arbaeen ceremony is actually the culture and the lifestyle which Shi’ism suggests: a society without poverty and cruelty; the society of Musavat.
In this regard Imam Baqir (AS) says:
O son of Artat! [one of the Shias] how do you Shiites help each other?
He said: very well O Aba-Jafar! [Imam Baqir (AS)]. Imam Baqir (AS) said: is it possible for any of you to put their hand in the pocket of their brother andmtake what they need when they need it so much?
He said: no, we do not allow that.
Imam Baqir (AS) said: if you did, there would be no needy among you. (6)
Some concepts are valued everywhere in the world. For example, if you sacrifice your life to save another human being, you will be considered as a hero. The soldiers who fight for their nation’s freedom and dedicate their lives to save others are respected by anyone in their countries. Just like that, Imam Hussain (AS) sacrificed his life and the lives of his companions to save all the humanity from ignorance, misdirection and violence. In the Arbaeen prayer (a suggested prayer by the Shiite Imams that you read when you visit the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) on Arbaeen) we say:
[O God!] Imam Hussain (AS) sacrificed the blood in his heart for your sake, so that he would save your worshipers from ignorance and the confusion of misdirection (7)
Imam Hussain (AS) showed the humanity that we must not accept the tyranny of any king, president, prime minister, or any person. Every person is important and we are responsible for their lives and we even should sacrifice our lives to save theirs. Clearly, this lesson creates a worldwide peace if everyone was familiar with it and put it in practice.
Lady Zeinab (AS) is Imam Hussain’s sister (AS) who accompanied him on his journey to Karbala and she was captured as a slave with the other women after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS). She was a patient woman who endured all these problems including loss of her darlings, slavery, the enemies brutal behavior, humiliation and so forth; But she didn’t lose her control and she stood against the Yazid in Damascus and made some speeches that woke people up and made them aware of Yazid’s cruelty and bloodthirst. She actually was the messenger of Imam Hussain (AS) to the whole world and was commissioned to fight against oppression without a sword in her hands.
Women must take lady Zeinab as an example and learn that if they cannot fight like men in the battlefields, it doesn’t mean that they have no responsibility for fighting against injustice. They can change the culture of a society if they believe in themselves.
- Vasa’il ash-Shia, Sheik Hurr al-A’meli, vol.10, Pg.353
- Bihar al-Anvar, Allamah al-Majlesi, vol.101, Pg.39
- Kamil az-Ziarat, Ibn Qulavaih, Pg.147
- Iqbal al-A’mal, As-Seyyed ibn Tavuss, vol.2, Pg.589
- Al-Ih’tijaj, At-Tabarsi, vol.2, Pg.325
- Bihar al-Anvar, Allamah al-Majlesi, vol.78, Pg.185
- The same, vol.98, Pg.331