Ja’far ibn Muhammad (AS) known as the Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS) is the sixth Shiite Imam. Imam Sadiq (AS) was born on 17 Rabi al-Avval 83th (702 CE) in Medina. His father, the previous Imam, was named Muhammad al-Baqir (AS) and his mother was called Umi-Farvah. After his father, Imam Sadiq (AS) became the Imam of the Shias and his leadership lasted for about 34 years. The era of Imam Sadiq (AS) was the time of instability and wars, since the Umayyad dynasty were weakened so much due to the battles they had in the Islamic territory. In addition , Abbasid dynasty were trying to topple the Umayyad government and reign over the whole Islamic world. The weakness of the rulers gave Imam Baqir (AS) and Imam Sadiq (AS) a perfect opportunity to spread the teachings of Shiism and train so many Shia scholars. At last, Imam Sadiq (AS) was martyred by the order of the Mansur (an Abbasid Caliph) on 148 H (765 CE).
The word “Sadiq” means an honest person who does not tell lies.
Once, Imam Sajjad (AS), the grandfather of Imam Sadiq (AS) was asked: “Who is the Imam after you?”
“My son Muhammad (AS) who opens knowledge and after him his son Jafar who is called in the skies as ‘Sadiq’” Imam Sajjad (AS) replied.
He was asked once more: “Why out of you all, he is called “Sadiq” while you all are honest?”
Imam Sajjad (AS) said: “Because the Prophet (PBUH & HP) said: ‘Name my son Jafar ibn Muhammd as “Sadiq” because there will be another Jafar in the future who falsely claims to be an Imam and he is named “liar” by Allah’” (On the contrary, Jafar ibn Muhammad is honest because he is a true Imam). (1)
The liar Jafar mentioned in the hadith is the son of Imam Hadi (AS), the eleventh Imam.
All Shiite Imams were known for their abundant knowledge in their time; but among all, Imam Baqir (AS) and Imam Sadiq (AS) were different. Due to the fact that Umayyad dynasty were weak and unstable in those times, Imam Baqir (AS) and Imam Sadiq (AS) had this chance to unveil the abundant knowledge of the Prophet’s household.
About 4000 people learned from Imam Sadiq (AS) and narrated hadiths from him . (2)
Amr ibn Abi al-Mighdam, a Sunni scholar, says:
“Every time I looked at the face of Jafar ibn Muhammad (AS), it would make me sure that he is a descendant of the prophets. Once, I saw him in Jamrah (a place in Mecca where the pilgrims gather) and he was telling people: ‘Ask me! Ask me!’” (3)
Hassan ibn Ali al-Vasha, a Shiite hadith narrator, says:
I saw about 900 sheikhs who all would narrate hadiths from Jafar ibn Muhammad (AS) (4).
Once Abu Hanifah, one of the most knowledgeable and popular Imams of the Sunnis, was asked: “Who do you think is the most knowledgeable person in religious fields?” he said: “I do not know anyone more knowledgeable than Jafar ibn Muhammad (AS)” (5).
Imam Sadiq (AS) is mostly known for his knowledge in Islamic laws and because of this, the Shiite school of law is called “Jafari School”. The hadiths narrated from Imam Baqir (AS) and Imam Sadiq (AS) are more than all the hadiths narrated from the Prophet (PBUH & HP) and the other Imams all combined together.
In addition to his wisdom and knowledge, Imam Sadiq (AS) was also known for his significant moral qualities.
Muhammad ibn Talha says:
“Imam Sadiq (AS) was the greatest person among the Prophet’s household and he was so knowledgeable and he would pray and recite the Quran so much and he was an ascetic person.” (6)
Malik ibn Anass, one of the Sunni school’s head, says:
Every time I met him, he was in one of these three moods: either praying, fasting or whispering prayers (7).
Hisham ibn Salim, a famous apprentice of Imam Sadiq (AS) says:
Abu-Abdillah (Imam Sadiq (AS)) would always take a bag full of bread, meat and money in the darkness of the nights and go to the house of the needy ones in Medina and give it to them while they didn’t know him. Then, when he died, the people weren’t given those goods anymore and from that, they found out about his identity. (8)
- Al-Khara’ij, ar-Ravandi, vol.1, pg.268
- Al-Irshad, Sheikh Mufid, vol.2, pg.179
- Siar A’lam an-Nubalah, Zahabi, vol.6, pg.257
- Rijal al-Kashi, vol.1, pg.138-139
- Siar A’lam an-Nubalah, Zahabi, vol.6, pg.257
- Kash al-Qummah, Irbeli, vol.2, pg.691
- Bihar al-Anvar, Majlesi, vol.47, pg.16
- Kafi, Koleini, vol.4, pg.8
Nowadays, we hear every day that our earth is becoming more and more polluted and that a day will come that our life on this planet will be no longer possible. This is undoubtedly the result of our negligence toward the blessing that God had granted us, the blessing of nature and a clean environment: “It is He who created for you all that is in the earth…” (2:29). We are responsible for whatever is going on in our surroundings and at the same time dependent upon it to be able to live.
It is important to note that at the time of the emergence of Islam, people did not face such complex environmental issues and thus this matter has not been dealt with in depth in Islam. Nevertheless, Islam has emphasized the significance of preserving the environment and provided us with guidelines that help us find solutions for such complexities through the narrations and actions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) as well as the twelve infallible leaders (AS). This article is an attempt to summarize these matters for you briefly.
The answer is quite simple, and it reveals the direct correlation between human beings and their surroundings. Preserving the environment equals our own physical and mental wellbeing. Our immediate surrounding is where we are always in touch with, and its quality will inevitably affect our mind and soul. Moreover, we are the ones who make use of the environment to fulfill our needs, and the way we use it will ultimately determine our condition of life.
On the other hand, Allah has made this world in perfect equilibrium and human’s excessive exploitation of natural resources will result in damaging this balance: “And We spread out the earth and cast in it firm mountains, and We grew in it every kind of balanced thing” (15:19). When the balance is disturbed, the result will be the many environmental crises that we are faced with nowadays. These include pollution, global warming, natural resource depletion, waste disposal, climate change, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, ocean acidification, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, water pollution, etc. [1].
The problems mentioned above are the result of our irresponsibility toward the blessing of the environment, and this is we that should compensate for it. What follows are some Islamic guidelines for us to observe in our treatment of the environment:
When you make excessive use of natural resources such as water or what is produced by water such as electricity, the paper that is made through cutting trees, fossil fuels, etc., you put the environment in danger and threaten its durability. Quran also emphasizes the necessity to be moderate in using God’s blessings in this world: “… Eat and drink, but do not waste; indeed, He does not like the wasteful” (7:31).
Moreover, our environment is not restricted to our use only but is a public possession from which every human being has the right to benefit. Therefore, we should be careful not to violate other people’s rights in having a share in the environment through our extravagant exploitation of its resources.
There is a general rule in Islam that bids Muslims not to “cause harm or return harm” [2], meaning that they should act in a way that neither brings inconvenience for others nor undermines their situation. Through wastefulness we bring injustice to both ourselves and other human beings; we consume their share in the environment and damage God’s blessing that was given to us to sustain our livelihood. So, respect yourself as well as your fellow human beings through respecting your surroundings.
Think about the environment as your home and keep it clean as you like your home to be neat and tidy. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) says in a narration that: “Allah is pure and likes purity and cleanliness… therefore, keep where you live in clean” [3]. As it was mentioned above, pollution is one of the most pervasive environmental issues in today’s world; this includes air pollution, water pollution, as well as the excessive amount of waste produced on a daily basis.
Those who have faith in Allah and consider His satisfaction in every instance of their lives must be much more cautious regarding their own or their environment’s cleanliness since as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) puts: “Cleanliness roots in one’s faith” [4].
Air, water, and soil are the three elements that are the source of life on the earth, which has been mentioned in the Quran as well as narrations [i]&[ii]. It is all the matter of your choice. Keep the air you breathe in clean by choosing to take a walk or public transportation instead of using your car. Preserve the water fresh and pure by avoiding throwing waste in the water, urinating in it, and producing waste water excessively; Imam Ali (AS) emphasizes that water has some inhabitants, so we should not harm them through polluting it [6].
Even at the time of war, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) forbade his soldiers to pollute or poison their adversary’s city [7]. So, let the soil from which your food is provided remain unpolluted by not throwing waste, especially those that do not dissolve in the environment such as plastic waste, etc.
Plant a tree or bring awareness to people about the environment and the natural crisis that is threatening the earth and its inhabitants. There are many narrations from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) that highlight the necessity of planting trees. For instance, he says: “If a Muslim plants a tree and a bird, human or another creature eats its fruit, it will be considered as an act of charity from him [by Allah]” [8].
Also, Imam Sadiq (AS) considers planting trees and agriculture as the occupations which bring lawful (Halal) earning for the person performing them [9]. When your surrounding is green, your life will become lively and energetic [iii], and you will become more efficient in your performance.
Finally, it all depends on you and how you want your future to be like. A green and lively environment is the result of our endeavors to preserve it and to give our posterity the opportunity to enjoy the blessing of God. The message of Islam in this matter is again that of moderation and responsibility which guides human beings to live in perfect equilibrium with the environment.
[i] (25:54), (23:12), (24:45), (30:24), (21:30)
[ii] Imam Sadeq (AS) said: “life in a land where is devoid of these three essential factors is highly difficult and challenging: clean air, fresh and plentiful water, as well as fertile ground” [5].
[iii] Imam Ali (AS) said: “looking at the green nature causes freshness, liveliness and vitality” [10].
- Environment
- Shaikh al-Hur al-Aamili , Wasail Al-shia , vol. 18, p.32
- Muhammad ibn Hassan Sheibani, Al-Jame Al-Saghir, vol.1, p.267
- Muhammad Baqir Majlisi ,Bihar al-Anvar, vol.59, p. 291
- Ibn Shu'ba al-Harrani, Tuhaf al-Ughul, p.320
- Muhammad ibn Ali Al-Ehsaei, Avali al-Leali, vol.2, p. 187.
- Mirza Hussain Tabarsi , Mustadrak al-Wasail, vol. 13, p.26.
- Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni al-Razi , Usul al-Kafi, vol.5, p.260
- Shaykh as-Saduq,Uyun Akhbar ar-Reza (AS), vol.2, p. 40
We are far ahead of the time when people lived in actual social networks. People living in a town or village were in a strong relationship with one another, and of course, it served them well.
But, maybe people were too closely related back then. And it had its downsides, too. “Give me a break, please, I need some privacy!” That’s what we said to the social life of the past times. The modern way of life ascribed so much importance to our privacy. This, too, had its downsides and sometimes made us feel so lonely. It didn’t quench our need to see and be seen. We needed to share more.
But, modern life and technology also had the answer to that. They provided an unaccountably cheap and easy way of making relationships, without the need for getting quite out of our private zone; virtual Social Networks!
Well, that’s great! We can get to know about our family and friends without spending much time or money. We can easily make thousands of friends from around the world. We can share our ideas and lifestyle with them and get to know about theirs. Like all other inventions, there are many good ways to benefit from social networks. And there being many good ways to benefit from something, is somehow equal to its lawfulness in Islam.
“… who bids them to do what is right and forbids them from what is wrong, makes lawful to them all the good things and forbids them from all vicious things…” (7:157).
But is using social networks in Islam forbidden? Does Islam have any special resistance to these networks? Well, not really. And the rules on what we should do and what we should try to avoid are pretty much the same as the ones we need to observe in actual communications.
Therefore, as we are always careful to avoid any harm in our actual relationships [1], we should also do the same in these virtual sites of getting together, and try not to go for the bad things that might be found in there, nor spread things that might do more harm than good to others or to the society.
That means even if it is a boy-girl or man-woman relationship, there is nothing wrong with it as long as it is an upright, righteous, and honest one, and as long as you observe modesty and the rules of covering, the same way as a relationship between men and women in the outer world.
Also, Islam very much calls us up to mind the circles we move in [2], which are, more or less, a representation of our character and inclinations! Do our friends and groups in social networks –as well as in the real world– help us and change us for better? Or that they are just fun for a short time and may bring us lasting sorrows and regrets? [3]
You might have noticed that conventional social networks, being inherently so cheap and easy, tend to make everything cheap and easy in all respects… and maybe too much so sometimes!
Suppose you share a highly valuable and precious post on Facebook –which is the easiest way to share it, of course– and your friends would barely spend five seconds to look at it!
We are in the habit of taking everything easy in these virtual places; even our relationships. We don’t care that much about what we see or share, and sometimes about the kind of relationships we are making, while, to the contrary, a Muslim is always required to be watchful of his or her doings! [4]
So, apart from the benefits of being cheap and easy for use, they also make it easier to lie, to pretend, or to do any wrong. We may not be quite conscious that some of our relationships in the social networks could be, more or less, a kind of betrayal of our wedlock! Or a little too open to be modest and righteous! For, according to Islam, a husband’s level of modesty affects that of his wife and vice versa. [5] That means, the more righteous a spouse, the more so will be the other! That’s why it is even more important here never to forget that, little as it may be, a wrongdoing is always wrong, whether in a virtual social network or out there in the real world.
“So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” (99:7,8)
- Wasa’il al-Shi’a, vol. 26, p. 14, Al-Mu’jam al-Awsat, vol. 1, p. 90
- Al-Amali, p. 518, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, vol. 4, p. 167
- Quran, 25:27,28
- Quran, 59: 18, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 74, p. 349
- Kanz al-‘Ummal, vol. 5, p. 317