What is “hope” and how important it is in our lives? Why do we need hope? How can we cultivate moments of hope in our lives and honour our hope in small ways even through hard times? In other words, How hope makes us successful? And what is the importance of hope for a believer?
A seed of hope is the beginning of every good thing in our livesHope gives birth to ?! life. It always believes for the best, even in the face of the worst circumstances.
For believers in Allah, hope is much more than a wish or a positive outlook; it is based on the promises of Allah found in His Word. They are promises to move on our behalf.
We can have hope in life no matter what surrounds us because we serve a mighty Allah who cares about us as knows us by name, and understands the desires of our hearts. “He knows whatever there is in the heavens and the earth, and He knows whatever you hide and whatever you disclose, and Allah knows best what is in the hearts”.[1] He who had known us before we were even formed in our mother’s womb. “Indeed the knowledge of the Hour (Resurrection) is with Allah. He sends down the rain, and He knows what is in the wombs. No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die. Indeed Allah is The All-knowing, The All-aware”.[2]
Perhaps you are facing setbacks with your job or relationships. Maybe you are struggling financially or the pressures of life is just overwhelming you. If it applies to you, there is still hope! Allah is for you, not against you. His resources are endless As He says, “There is not a thing but that its sources are with Us, and We do not send it down except in a known measure”. [3] His power and love know no boundaries. Allah is on your side. Do not let the enemy, Satan, your thoughts, or anyone else tell you anything different. Keep hope alive and never give up! “Satan frightens you of poverty and prompts you to [commit] indecent acts. But Allah promises you His forgiveness and grace, and Allah is The All-bounteous, The All-knowing”. [4] Allah is a God of more than enough as He does not have any lack. He always has a solution and is ready to speak to you, encourage you and for some, to rescue you. Let me ask you where your hope is today. Is it in people; in your capabilities; in your occupation? Be encouraged and build your hope on nothing less than Allah himself. And put your trust in Him; He suffices as trustee “and He is an excellent trustee”. [5] He is your solid rock in which all other ground is sinking sand.
Hope today, hope now! Know that whoever hopes in Allah and trusts in Him, will never be/get disappointed. This is the right path and this is the way of salvation. Always remember this verse of the Holy Quran, “Say, nothing will befall us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our master, and in Allah let all the faithful put their trust”.[6]
- (The Qur’an; 64:4)
- (The Qur’an; 31:34)
- (The Qur’an; 31:34)
- (The Qur’an; 31:34)
- (The Qur’an; 31:34)
- (The Qur’an; 9:51)
Islam is a complete way of life, which deals extensively on both the spiritual, as well as the physical well-being of its adherents. Hygiene in Islam is one of the great privileges in Islam. This write-up is aimed at examining the Islamic perspective on physical cleanliness.
Cleanliness and purification is an essential part of Islamic life, and in fact, the philosophy behind it in Islam is much beyond the superficial concept of the conventional cleanliness.
In the Quran, Allah says:
"…Indeed Allah loves the penitent, and He loves those who keep clean." (2:222)
Similarly, one of the injunctions that were revealed unto the Prophet (PBUH&HP) following his call to rise and warn was the purification of his garments [i]. The Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) and the infallible leaders (AS) have instructed the Muslims to maintain cleanliness and have seriously frowned at dirtiness and untidiness [ii].
When a child is born, Islam enjoins the Muslims to maintain a high level of cleanliness and purity concerning him/her, as this has an impact on the mind and soul of that child. If the parents neglect this duty, they should answer before God for the consequences. Similarly, circumcision of the male child-preferably on the seventh day- is a mandatory Islamic custom. That is because it “prevents the child against the possible infection of the male genital organ" [3].
Also, at death, it is mandatory to perform full body washing ablution (Ghusl) for a dead body of a Muslim.
In addition, ablution (Wudu) and body purity are considered as very crucial conditions for the validity of prayer (Salat), which is the most significant act of worship in Islam. In fact, on a normal circumstance, a Muslim cannot offer his prayers with an unclean body, clothes or use dirty premises. They are enjoined to use clean, pure water and keep it safe from any form of impurities.
Various full body-washing ablutions (Ghusl) after the release of semen, expiration of monthly period or childbirth, touching of dead bodies, etc. are prescribed in Islam to observe some religious obligations.
Cleansing of their genitals with water or other cleansing materials after passing urine or excreta are parts of the Islamic customs. Similarly, Muslims on an interval are enjoined to clip their nails and to shave the hair in their armpit and pubic area. Likewise, they are also enjoined to trim their mustaches in order to avert oral intakes, keep oral hygiene, good physical appearance and to make use of fragrance. Similarly, Islam emphatically enjoins a Muslim to keep his clothes, houses, and environment clean. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) said: “The Arch Gabriel continuously ordered me to clean my teeth until I thought it would be made compulsory” [4].
In the Quran and narrations (Hadiths) of the Prophet (PBUH&HP) and the infallible Leaders (Ahl-al-Bayt) (AS), great emphasis has been placed on the cleanliness and purity of the foods and drinks. For the importance attached to the well-being of the body as well as that of the soul, Islam has enjoined the entire human beings and the believers in particular to consume hygienic, pure and lawful foods [iii]. Similarly, it forbids the consumption or usage of all unhygienic, impure and unlawful foods/drinks (such as blood, dead animal, dogs, pig, intoxicants, etc.) and they are considered great sins in Islam and punishable under the Islamic laws.
Cleanliness and personal hygiene in the Islamic custom are aimed at keeping both the body and mind healthy. In some cases such as ablution (Wudu) and body-washing ablution (Ghusl), body purity is considered a prerequisite for the observance of prayers. Moreover, body purity is one of the necessary conditions for attaining an inner or spiritual purity. It is based on this that Muslims are strictly enjoined to uphold high standards of physical hygiene and to be ritually cleaned whenever possible.
[i] (74:4)
[ii] The Prophet (PBUHHP) said: "Verily, Islam is [the religion of] cleanliness, so cleanse yourselves. For surely, only the cleanly enter Paradise" [1] and "Observe cleanliness in every respect you are capable, for indeed God based Islam on cleanliness" [2].
[iii]. "O humankind! Eat of what is lawful and pure in the earth…" (2: 168). "O you who have faith! Eat of the good things We have provided you, and thank Allah if it is Him that you worship." (2: 172)
- Nahj al-Fasahah, Vol. 2, P. 998.
- Ibid.
- Ibrahim Amini, Principles of upbringing children, chapter 25 P. 176 (published by Ansariyan publications, Qum)
- Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 76, P. 126.
We all agree that ethical values flow out from one source, and follow a clear path that extends to every part of the world. These values which honor the dignity of human beings and maintain their essential rights throughout their life include life, freedom, preservation of property, health, and sufficiency.
Let us always remember that what we mean by ethics are those positive values one maintains freely and commits himself firmly to them. These cannot be limited to social or family lives. Ethics apply to all aspects of human interactions, including human health. Quran states some general rules regarding human beings, which are going to be used in medical situations in this article.
The first principle is that human beings are honored – “We have honored the children of Adam” (17:70) – regardless of their color, gender, or belief. This implies that they should be kept in full health and wellbeing.
It also shows respect for their personality, their private affairs, and secrets, their right to receive all the information relevant to any medical procedure to which they will be subject. And the fact that they are the only creatures entitled to make any decision that concerns their health affairs, so long as that remains within the framework of these values.
The Holy Quran beautifully gives the right of living to every single human being; his life is respected and protected by God. One human soul is equal in value to all human beings. God, the Most Glorious and Sublime, says, “…and whoever saves a life is as though he had saved all mankind” (5:32).
Any aggression against the life of a human being, even if it is a fetus or an old or disabled person, is an aggression against all people: “whoever kills a soul, without [being guilty of] manslaughter or corruption on the earth, is as though he had killed all mankind” (5:32). It should be noted that this life saving, as it is seen in Islam, is not only saving a person physically but also includes psychological, spiritual, and social aspects of human’s life.
Equity is regarded in religion as an essential value, being one of the purposes of the messengers' missions: “Certainly We sent Our apostles with manifest proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance, so that mankind may maintain justice” (57:25). God indicates that equity should be applied to everything including statements [1], judgment [2], conciliation [3], and guardianship [4].
On the other hand, He warns against all the things that may upset a just situation [5]. It is incontestable then that equity and equality should be observed in providing health care at the individual, societal, and governmental levels. This means following the greatest possible degree of equality in the distribution of health resources among society members and in providing them with preventive and therapeutic care, without the slightest discrimination by gender, race, belief, political affiliation, any social or judicial consideration, or any other factor. This is expressed in the well-known motto of the World Health Organization: “Health for all.”
The three of these together can form a good whole of primal principles of ethical manners in medical issues and environments, but is that all?
{Based on Islamic Code of medical and health Ethics, Regional Committee for Eastern Mediterranean, 2005}
- “When you speak, be fair” (6:152).
- “When you judge between people, judge with fairness” (4:58).
- “Make peace between them fairly, and do justice” (49:9).
- “Maintain the orphans with justice” (4:127).
- “…And ill feeling for some people should never lead you to be unfair” (5:8).