The concept of responsibility in Islam covers all the aspects of human beings and considers different situations one may encounter in his/her life. Islam is not only a religion but also a life plan; a divine plan that addresses all the humans throughout the history of humankind. Since religion, as a plan deals with the daily life of humans, it has illustrated the tasks and responsibilities in Islam of humans.
These duties can be summarized in four items:
The rights that God has over humans;
The rights that one has over himself;
The responsibilities towards other humans;
And, the responsibilities towards other creatures in this world.
These four categories will be discussed under separate topics each considering one responsibility in Islam. Here the focus is on the humans’ responsibility in Islam towards God.
According to Imam Sajjad (AS), the rights that God has over human beings, which are the most important rights over everybody, are to know that we are His servants, to pray Him and not ascribe any partners to Him [1]. This means that we have two main responsibilities in Islam towards God: first, to recognize and believe in God then, practically demonstrate it.
The first thing is to accept the existence of the one true God and to recognize all his divine attributes such as very powerful (Qadir), the provider (Razzaq), generous (Karim), etc.
By knowing these attributes and then believing that they are unique to God, one will be more successful in his duties responsibilities in Islam towards God [i]. For example, knowing that God is the only provider (Razzaq) in the universe, a true Muslim does not worry about livelihood, nor he\she will be greedy for more wealth. He\she knows that if he\she works adequately according to his\her capacities, he\she will be provided with the sustenance that God has reserved for him\her.
Imam Ali (AS) has advised his son Imam Hassan (AS) to recognize God since it is a duty over every human being: “He is One Allah whom we should all recognize and worship” [2].
Then, Imam (AS) enumerates some of the attributes of God that a Muslim should believe in [2]:
“Nobody is a partner to Him in His Domain”;
“He is Eternal, has always been and shall always be”;
“He existed even before the Universe came into being, but there is no beginning to His Existence”;
“He shall remain when every other thing shall vanish, and there shall be no end to His Existence”;
“His Glory and His Existence is so supreme, pre-eminent, transcendent, incomparable and excellent that it is beyond the grasp of intellects”;
“No one can understand or visualize Him.“ [2].
To recognize God and to believe in Him deeply in the heart are not enough; one should also say that he\she believes in God; otherwise, no one will be aware of his\her belief if it is not declared. That is why one should pronounce two testimonies (Shahadatain) to become Muslim.
In Surah Fatir, it is said that “To Him ascends good speech” (35:10), which means that the verbal admission to God is appreciated and is surely beneficial. But, it should be accompanied with good deeds and obedience to God to be more valuable: “and righteous work raises it.” (35:10).
Indeed, demonstrating the belief in God in practice is as important as believing in Him. If a child loves his\her parents but ignores their expectations and advice, he\she, in fact, does not respect them and the parents will not believe the his\her claim of having affection for them.
The same happens between a Muslim and God. A Muslim who ignores God’s commands, which are beneficial to him\her, does not truly believe in Him. Otherwise, he\she knew that everything that God has ordered to is to help him\her to live a better life, to improve and to reach the perfection that he\she merits.
According to Imam Ali (AS) [2], after accepting the facts mentioned above about God, a Muslim’s behavior should be like that of a person who realizes God’s superior status and power. He\she should try to gain His blessing through prayers and obedience, fear His wrath as well as His Punishments and feel him\herself absolutely in need of His help and protection [2].
In the Quran, it is stated that humans are created to worship God (51:56). Prayer and worship of God are duties over every Muslim as they remind him\her of the his\her creator and the fact that there is a reason to be in this world.
Another practical duty is to obey God’s commands that are mentioned in the Quran or explained in the narrations from prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and Imams (AS). Simply said: to do what is obligatory (Wajib) or advised to (talk pleasantly to others (2:83); to do good to others (16:90); to fast (2:183) and pray (4:103); etc.) and to leave what is Forbidden (Haram) (talking behind back of others (49:12); wasting water and nutrition (7:31))2.
Briefly, there are three main duties over every Muslim about God: to recognize Him, to declare the admission to Him, and to obey and worship Him. Duties of a Muslim towards him\herself and his responsibility in Islam, other people, and other creatures will be discussed in the next parts of the article.
[i] Recognition and belief are two different concepts. The recognition of God means to accept His existence and all His divine attributes, while the belief in God means to have faith in Him.
[ii] The two other categories of acts according to Islamic jurisprudence are: Recommended (Mustahab) acts and Detestable or abominable (Makruh) acts. Recommended (Mustahab) acts are those practices which are not compulsory in Islam, but a believer prefers to do it for God’s satisfaction. Detestable or abominable (Makruh) actions are not subject to punishment, but a believer abstains from them for God’s satisfaction.
- Imam Sajjad (AS), Treatise On Rights (Risalat al-Huquq).
- Nahj al balagha, Letter 31.
AbuTalib is the holy Prophet’s (PBUH & HP) uncle. His original name was “Imran,” and his father was “Abd al-Muttalib.” Abu-Talib was Imam Ali’s (AS) father.
Abu-Talib is one of the most important men in the history of Islam. His help to the Prophet (PBUH & HP) made Islam what it is and he made many efforts to make Islam get successful in Mecca. He was the most important supporter of the Prophet (PBUH & HP), and of course, he was one of the first individuals who believed in the Prophet.
The holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) lost his father, Abdullah, before he was born, and he also lost his mother when he was only 5 years old. After that, his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, was the guardian of the Prophet. Unfortunately, he also lost his grandfather when he was 8 years old. Abd al-Muttalib asked his son, Abu-Talib, to take care of the Prophet (PBUH & HP) and be his guardian. Then, the Prophet (PBUH & HP) lived with Abu-Talib, and he raised the Prophet (PBUH & HP). (1)
Abu-Talib was a merchant who was in charge of serving the Hajj pilgrims and looking after them in Mecca. These responsibilities were of considerable importance in Mecca, and consequently, Abu-Talib was highly respected there. He wasn’t so rich but because of his father, his job in Mecca, and his age, Abu-Talib was one of the most important and respected men in Mecca. Regarding his father, Imam Ali (AS) said
“My father was a respected poor person and there was no respected poor person before him.” (2)
He was a poor man who was generous. He provided food for impoverished people when no one else did. (3)
Abu-Talib was one of the most important supporters of the Prophet (PBUH & HP) in Mecca. He negotiated with the elders of Quraysh (the people of Mecca) so that they stop teasing the Prophet (PBUH & HP) and his followers. The elders of Quraysh wouldn’t dare to kill the Prophet (PBUH & HP) because Abu-Talib was with him and his support would have had serious repercussions for them. If they had dangerous plans for the Prophet (PBUH & HP), he would gather them to talk with them so that he could dissuade them and save the Messenger’s (PBUH & HP) life. (4)
When the Quraysh banished the Prophet (PBUH & HP) and his followers from Mecca, Abu-Talib let them live in Shi’b of Abi-Talib (a valley named Abu-Talib). He loved the Prophet (PBUH & HP) so much that he ordered his son, Imam Ali (AS), to sleep in the Prophet’s bed at night as the Polytheists were trying to murder the Prophet. Actually, he was ready to even sacrifice his children to save the Messenger’s (PBUH & HP) life. (5)
One of the most controversial issues that have led to many discussions between Shias and Sunnis is the faith of Abu-Talib. Sunni scholars believe that Abu-Talib helped the Prophet (PBUH & HP) in many ways not due to his faith but because of his relationship with the Prophet (PBUH & HP). They believe that Abu-Talib was a polytheist until his death, and he is now in Hell, but he is punished less than others.
On the other hand, Shiite scholars believe that Abu-Talib was one of the most faithful Muslims but he concealed his faith from the other Arabs so that he could retain his influence on them and help the Prophet (PBUH & HP) in this way. Shiite scholars say that so many poems written by Abu-Talib reflect the fact that he was a faithful person. Some of his poems are mentioned below:
Don’t you know that we have found Muhammad a Prophet just like Moses that his name has been written in the holy books?
Don’t you know that people love him and no one is better than the one that has been given love by God? (6)
Don’t you know that we do not deny our son? (The Messenger) and he doesn’t care about false words?
He is a person with a white face that the clouds rain because of him and he is a supporter of orphans and the shelter of the poor. (7)
The Shiite Imams also have claimed that Abu-Talib was a faithful person. Imam Ali (AS) said
“I swear to Allah that my father never worshiped an idol and neither did my grandfather, Hashim, or Abdi-Manaf (the ancestors of the Prophet).” (8)
Imam Baqir (AS) also said
“If the faith of Abu-Talib was put on one side of a balance and the faith of the other people on the other side, the faith of Abu-Talib would be heavier.” (9)
Abu-Talib died on Rajab 26th, ten years after the Prophet (PBUH & HP) was chosen by Allah. After his death, the Prophet (PBUH & HP) lost one of his most important supporters and because of that he was forced to migrate to Medina. The Prophet (PBUH & HP) was so sad because of that he named that year “The Year of Sorrow”. (10)
- Sirah ibn Hisham, AbdulMalik ibn Hisham, vol.1, pg.164
- Tarikh al-Yaqubi, Ahmad ibn Abi-Yaqub, vol.2, pg.14
- Ansab al-Ashraf, al-Balazori, vol.2, pg.23
- Sirah ibn Hisham, AbdulMalik ibn Hisham, vol.1, pg.242
- Bihar al-Anvar, Allamah al-Majlesi, vol.35, pg.93
- Sirah ibn Hisham, AbdulMalik ibn Hisham, vol.2, pg.4
- Al-Fosul al-Mukhtarah, Sheikh Mufid, pg.283
- Kamal ad-Din, Sheikh Saduq, vol.1, pg.174&175
- Sharh Nahj al-Balaqa, Ibn Aba al-Hadid, vol.14, pg.68
- Imtah al-Asma, Miqrizi, vol.1, pg.45
Trusting in Allah is the expense for achieving whatever worthwhile and the ladder toward whatever elevating.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.78, p.364.
Feeling Allah in every breath is more advantageous than exhausting your body in worshipping Him.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.78, p.364.
The believer is in need of Allah's favor, his/her inner guide, and being open to the goodwill of the well-wishers.
Ibn Shu'ba al-Harrani, Tuhaf al-'uqul, p. 457.
Visiting your friends, even for a short time, improves your health and elevates your mind.
al-Shaykh al-Mufid, Al-Amali, p.329.
Trusting someone before making sure [of his/her personality] ends up in pain and catastrophe.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol.78, p.364.
The believer prospers in not depending on others.
al-Shaykh al-Mufid, Al-Amali, p.109.
Life reveals the hidden secrets to you, [as it goes by].
al-Shaykh al-Mufid, Al-Amali, p.365.
Know that you are constantly under Allah's supervision, so beware of yourself.
Ibn Shu'ba al-Harrani, Tuhaf al-'uqul, p. 455.
If you approve of a wrong deed, you will be considered to have a share in committing it.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol.75, p.82.
Whoever turns to anyone other than Allah, Allah will leave his/her matters to that other person.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.68, p.155.
Don't pretend to be Allah's friend while being His enemy in secret.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p.365.
If you are confused about entering a deed, you'll be desperate in coming out of it.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p.364.
You receive affection through gaining three characteristics; being fair in your relations, sympathizing [with others] in their hardship and happiness, and keeping your heart unstained [from sins].
Baha' al-Din 'Ali b. 'Isa al-Irbili, Kashf al-ghumma fi ma'rifat al-a'imma, vol.3, p.139.
Avoid befriending a mischievous person, since he/she is like a bare blade whose look is alluring, while its impact [wound] is hideous.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.74, p.198.
The good that generous people do for others benefits them more than the ones in need of help since its reward, honor, and reputation belong to them. Therefore, any favor that one does first benefits him/herself. So he/she shouldn't expect to be gratified for what he/she has done.
Baha' al-Din 'Ali b. 'Isa al-Irbili, Kashf al-ghumma fi ma'rifat al-a'imma, vol.3, p.137.
The best worship is sincerity in [intention].
Warram b. Abi Firas al-Hilli, Tanbih al-khawatir wa nuzhat al-nawazir , vol.2, p.109.
When you listen to a speaker, you have turned into his/her slave (follower); if the speaker's words are directed toward Allah Almighty, the listener has glorified Allah, and if his/her words are directed toward Satan, the listener has worshipped Satan.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.6, p.434.
The blessing, which is not gratified, is like a sin, which has not forgiven.
Hasan ibn Muhammad Deilami, Aalam al-din fi Sifat al-Moumenin, p.309.
The least punishment of the one who relies on a mischievous person is being deprived of his/her aspiration.
Aziz Allah, Atarodi, Mosnad Imam al-Jawad (AS), p.248.
Unwise words cause many disputes.
Sabbagh al-Maliki, Al-Fusul al-muhimma fi ma'rifat al-a'imma, p.274.
If you stay pious despite being in a chaotic situation, Allah will bestow His mercy upon you and show you a way out.
Sabbagh al-Maliki, Al-Fusul al-muhimma fi ma'rifat al-a'imma, p.274.
Death is like your sleep at night, except that the fatal sleep is longer, and you won't wake up from it until the Day of Judgement.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.3, p.134.
The needs are requested by hope and answered by divine will. Undoubtedly, the best blessing is well-being.
Hasan ibn Muhammad Deilami, Aalam al-din fi Sifat al-Moumenin, p.309.
The one whom Allah is his/her trustee and guardian will never go astray or get disappointed.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.68, p.155.
Whoever desires Allah will surely be saved.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.68, p.155.
Unexpected incidents and calamities will devour the one who lacks foresight.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.68, p.340.
Blaming people without any evidence or reason causes anger and distress, and they will never forgive you for this.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.71, p.181.
If you are sure about the piety, faith, and trustworthiness of your daughter's suitor, agree to his request; otherwise, it will lead to great misfortune and ruin.
Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, al-Kafi, vol.5, p.347.
There will be no dispute among people if the ignorant remain silent.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p. 81.
Whoever accepts and submits [to a task, command, etc.] without considering its different aspects, has exposed him/herself to destruction and distress.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p. 364.
People will be dependent on the one who, by relying on Allah, considers himself independent. And the pious will naturally be favored by people even if they aren't pious themselves.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p. 79.
Strive in gaining knowledge and wisdom, and know that learning is obligatory (Wajib) and discussing [what has been learned] is recommended (Mustahab).
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p. 80.
Knowledge is the means of helping friends and relatives, the reason for and sign of fairness, a gift and means of entertainment in gatherings, the human's companion in travel, and one's mate in lonely times.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p. 80.
Modesty and humility are the adornments of knowledge and wisdom.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p. 91.
Politeness and being good-natured are signs of reason and forbearance.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p. 91.
Rely on patience in all your life, see poverty as your companion, and stand against your whims and impulses.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p. 358.
One should perform prayer (Salat) in a modest manner.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.74, p. 131.
The conditions for your repentance to be accepted by Allah are feeling regret at heart, asking for forgiveness by the tongue, compensating for your mistakes, and being determined not to commit those sins again.
Baha' al-Din 'Ali b. 'Isa al-Irbili, Kashf al-ghumma fi ma'rifat al-a'imma, vol.2, p.349.
There are two kinds of knowledge; one is heard, and the other is practiced [besides being heard]. There is no use in the knowledge that is heard but not practiced.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p. 80.
The one who does an injustice, the one who participates in it, and the one who is content with it all have a share in it.
al-'Allama al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol.75, p. 81.