One of the significant aspects of responsibility in Islam is the responsibility towards ourselves and how we treat our bodies and souls. As discussed previously, every Muslim is responsible towards himself.
Since human beings owe their existence to their unique Creature, they should treat themselves as their Creator has commanded. The spiritual responsibilities of a human towards him\herself and some of the duties that one has towards his\her body were discussed in the previous part of this topic. Here, we continue the discussion on the rights of the parts of the body.
The eyes are the means of insight and awakening of the heart. Imam Ali (AS) said that a faithful person looks to learn, but a hypocrite looks to amuse [1]. Thus, of the rights of the eyes and one's responsibility in Islam towards them is to lower the gaze from whatever that is unlawful (Haram) and not to look at everything and everywhere around, unless there is a lesson or advice behind [2]. According to Imam Ali (AS), whoever closes the eyes from Haram, his\her heart will be relieved [3].
The legs are the means to walk towards the right path and to overtake others in doing good deeds. Hence, of the rights of the legs over one and the responsibility in Islam towards them are not going towards what is unlawful (Haram) or what humiliates him\herself [2].
Of the rights of the hands are not to do what is unlawful (Haram) with them, otherwise one will be punished in the Hereafter for what has committed by his\her hands, and will be blamed by others in this world; not to prevent the hands from doing what God has commanded to; and, to allow the hands to seek what is beneficial and useful for one [2].
Of the rights of the stomach are [2]:
To be careful about what you eat (80:24);
Not to eat what is unlawful (Haram), neither a little of it nor too much;
Not to consider the stomach as a container and not to overeat while ignoring others who suffer from hunger; “eat and drink, but do not waste” (7:31);
To eat moderately even when eating lawful (Halal) foods because eating less is the key to good health [4];
Not to forget that overeating makes one bored and lazy and stops him\her from doing good deeds. According to Imam Ali (AS), to eat less enlightens the mind [5];
To remember that drinking too much will also cause indiscretion and absurdity;
Of the rights of the private parts are to protect them from what is unlawful (Haram). To do so, one requires lowering the gaze since the eyes affect the heart and mind greatly. Also, one should frequently remember the death and the afterlife. He\she should always have a fear of the divine punishment and ask God to help him\her to protect his\her private parts from sins [2].
Every human being is composed of a body and a soul. These two, together, help one to live a natural life. The health of the body is as important as the health of the soul. Devoting everything in life to prepare for the afterlife and depriving oneself of the God’s blessings in this world is blamed in Islam. In Surah Qasas verses 77, Muslims are advised to apply the capabilities and wealth that they have been given to do good deeds and to gain rewards for the afterlife.
But, they should also consider and benefit from the blessings of this world (28:77). Indeed, it is possible to consider both the physical needs as well as spiritual ones simultaneously. Although fulfilling the physical needs is known to be important in Islam, one should keep a balance in life and avoid being luxury-oriented. Otherwise, he\she will always be busy to increase his\her wealth, and this might force him\her to unlawful (Haram) ways of raising money.
- S. al-Harrani “Tuhaf al-Uqul”, p. 212.
- Imam Sajjad (AS), Treatise On Rights (Risalat al-Huquq).
- “Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim”, T. 9122.
- S. al-Harrani “Tuhaf al-Uqul”, p. 172.
- “Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim”, T. 8462.
- M. B. Majlesi, “Bihar al-Anwar”, vol. 78, p. 321.
The mourning tradition of Imam Hussein (AS) is one of the important and effective traditions that has undergone changes throughout history. These days, we see many ceremonies held by different people in various places around the world, in which the fundamental ethics that were the reason for Imam Hussain’s (AS) movement are being neglected. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to take a deep look at how we commemorate the martyrdom of the Imam and identify our mistakes and amend them.
One of the best ways to achieve authentic methods of commemorating Imam Hussain’s (AS) martyrdom, away from superstitions and distortions of this important tradition, is to study history. In this article, an attempt has been made to outline the manner in which the tradition of mourning for Imam Hussain (AS) was held by the Imam’s progeny (AS) and the goals that those nobles pursued in doing so.
The tradition of commemorating and mourning for Imam Hussain (AS) started from the very day of Ashura when Imam Hussain (AS) was martyred alongside his companions and sons. The first group to begin mourning were the household of the Imam and his companions. As they were taken captive and moved from city to city, they narrated the events of Karbala to people if towns and cities, and the first mourning started from then.
After the household of the Imam returned to Medina, they never stopped narrating the tragedy of Karbala and the oppression of Yazid’s Army and the reason why Imam Hussain (AS) did not compromise with Yazid. The household of the Imam, especially his sister, Lady Zainab, and His Son Ali (AS), were the first ones to hold commemoration ceremonies and people used to go to their houses to offer their condolences. [1]
There are numerous narrations recommending us to commemorate and mourn Imam Hussain’s (AS) martyrdom. However, it is important to understand why our leaders and Imams have emphasized on holding mourning ceremonies so much.
The reason, in fact, is not only to cry and have compassion for Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions, although loving the Prophet’s (PBUH&HP) progeny is what we are commanded to do, as Allah orders his messenger to command people about it:
“… Say, ‘I do not ask you any reward for it except the love of [my] relatives…’” (42: 23)
Nevertheless, the aim of Imam Hussain (AS) was to set a role model for all human beings who face oppression and injustice, and to teach them the importance of sacrificing all they have in the way of reviving human values.
Therefore, commemorating his martyrdom and revisiting his goals and values is a great opportunity for people to reassess their life goals, reconsider their lifestyle, and correct their mistakes.
Commemoration of Imam Hussain (AS) at the time of other descendants of the Prophet (PBUH&HP)
Since the socio-political situation at the time of Imam as-Sadiq (AS) provided a platform for promoting the true school of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), many of our traditions and narration are quoted from him. Hence, there are many narrations and traditions from Imam as-Sadiq (AS) about commemorating and mourning for Imam Hussain (AS).
It is narrated that from the beginning moments of the day of Ashura in every Muharram, “Imam al-Sadiq (AS) became sad and cried over his noble grandfather, Imam Hussain (AS), and people came to his house from far and near to lament with him and offer condolences. When they stopped crying, the Imam said:
"O people, know that Hussain (AS) is alive and well with his Lord, and he constantly looks at his mourners and their names and their fathers and the place that is available for them in Paradise.” [2]
Imam al-Reza (AS) narrated about his father, Imam Mousa al-Kadhim that “As soon as Muharram came, no one saw a smile on the lips of the Imam and he was always sad until the decade of Ashura passed, and when the tenth day came, this day was the day of utter sorrow and calamity and he used to say: ‘This is the day that my grandfather, Hussain (AS), was killed.’” [3]
Therefore, it is very important to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS) by narrating the true events that happened in the battle of Karbala. The importance of the commemoration for the Prophet’s progeny (PBUH&HP) is as crucial as keeping Islam alive. They tried to prove the legitimacy of Imam Hussain (AS) and the falsity of the claims of Yazid and the Umayyads, and this shows that the general atmosphere of the Islamic society was so poisonous that even some of the companions of the Imams were unaware of this issue.
However, it is important to hold the ceremonies in a way that does not contradict any of the Islamic rules and ethics since Imam Hussain (AS) mentioned in his will that “I have risen only to make a reform among my grandfather’s people. I want to command the good and forbid the evil.” [4]
No matter how small or big these ceremonies are, they are seen by God and the Imams and rewarded, as long as they follow the goal of Imam Hussain (AS) in reviving the religion of God.
- Majlesi, M.B. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 45, p. 196
- Tarihi, F. Al-Muntakhab, vol. 2, p. 483
- Sheikh Sadouq. Al-Amali, Majlis 27
- Majlesi, M.B. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p. 329
These approximate statistics show that the world today is experiencing many problems that solving them is so difficult that they seem almost impossible to solve. People are and have always been suffering from hunger, poverty, violence, war, physical and psychological disorders or diseases, and the like.
The question is, “What does Allah Almighty do about all these?”
Evil proves that Allah doesn’t exist
Some people may ask “If Allah Almighty exists and He is omnipotent and loves his worshipers, why do people suffer while He can prevent all these problems?”
Those believing in Allah Almighty mostly argue that the discipline in the world and the harmony between its parts prove that there is a God who has made all these. On the other hand, those who disbelieve in Allah Almighty respond that the world is full of evils, as well, and the difficulties in the world are uncountable and unbearable.
In return, the believers say that the discipline of the world is a sign of the existence of Allah Almighty whether some evils exist or not. They don’t say that to prove the existence of Allah Almighty we should prove the whole world is disciplined but there is an adequate amount of harmony in the world that proves there is a Creator.
The Holy Quran and the Shiite Imams have answered the problem of evil in various ways.
We know that Allah is pure good, but He sometimes lets us suffer because through enduring these sufferings and hardships, we can achieve something better which couldn’t be possible to achieve without experiencing those difficulties.
Sometimes, Allah tests us with hardships and difficulties, so He sees how we react and if we do well, we will be worthy enough to be rewarded by Allah. If Allah doesn’t test us, how can we show our worthiness?
The Holy Quran says,
We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure* — who, when faced with a disaster, say, “Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we will ˹all˺ return.”* They are the ones who will receive Allah’s blessings and mercy. And it is they who are ˹rightly˺ guided. * (2:155-157)
In this regard, Imam Sadiq (AS) says,
Indeed, there is a [high] place in the heavens that no one can reach except with enduring hardships regarding their bodies. (7)
Also, Imam Ali (AS) says about the advantages of difficulties,
Remember that the tree of dry plains is the best for timber, while green twigs have soft bark, and the wild bushes are very strong for burning and slow in dying off. (8)
Now we can understand why the believers are suffering from their issues more than the disbelievers. Allah wants to give us greater rewards in the hereafter. Imam Sadiq (AS) says,
Among people, the prophets suffered the most, and after them the ones who are like them. (9)
He also says,
Believers will suffer as much as their righteous deeds. Therefore, if they have a true religion and do good deeds, they will suffer from so many difficulties. This is because of the fact that Allah hasn’t created this world as a reward for the believers and not as a punishment for the disbelievers. (10)
Our Imams, especially Imam Hussein (AS), are the best examples of what Imam Sadiq (AS) says. If you study their history, you would see that they lived in the hardest circumstances.
The Holy Quran says,
Fighting has been made obligatory upon you ˹believers˺, though you dislike it. Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know. (2:216)
Imam Sadiq (AS) says,
The ones who disgust by the hardships of this world are like the kids who disgust by the bitter medicines and get angry when it is forbidden for them to eat some delicious food (which is harmful to them). (11)
For instance, imagine someone getting fired. This would make them so sad and they would think that Allah has forgotten about them. However, when they search for a new job, Allah gives them a better job opportunity which makes them understand getting fired was actually a gift because it made them go for another job. Notice that sometimes we think some event is bad but actually is a gift.
Our needs are mostly the only things that make us think about God. When everything is good and we have no problems in our lives and everything is just as we want, most of us forget about Allah and that He is the one who has given us all these gifts.
The Holy Quran says,
Indeed, man becomes rebellious * when he considers himself without need. (96:6 - 7)
It also says,
And this worldly life is not but diversion and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the [eternal] life, if only they knew.* And when they board a ship, they supplicate Allāh, sincere to Him in religion [i.e., faith and hope]. But when He delivers them to the land, at once they associate others with Him.* So that they will deny what We have granted them, and they will enjoy themselves.
But they are going to know.(29:64-66)
Allah almighty clarifies why he sometimes let people suffer,
We will certainly make them taste some of the minor torment ˹in this life˺ before the major torment ˹of the Hereafter˺, so perhaps they will return ˹to the Right Path˺. (32:21)
It means that Allah punishes us in this world because of forgetting about Him and committing sins and by this punishment, He tries to make us understand that we should stop and repent. This way Allah protects us from the greater punishment of the hereafter.
Every evil in this world is not always because of the will of Allah but it is sometimes the consequence of humans’ deeds. The Holy Quran says,
Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea as a result of people's actions, so He will make them taste [the consequences of] some of their actions so that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]. (30:41)
Whatever affliction befalls you is because of what your own hands have committed. And He pardons much. (42:30)
Allah gave humans free will and would not force us to do or not to do anything. Therefore, humans must face the result of their actions.
Take World War I and II as examples. Many people were killed and butchered by soldiers of the opposite party. Were these wars by the will or order of Allah? If one refuses to study and work hard while young, he/she will have to work hard and suffer from poverty in the future. It is the consequence of his/her deeds not the will of Allah.
- Vasa’il ash-Shia, Sheikh Hurr al-Ameli, vol.3, pg.261
- Nahjul Balagha, Letter 45
- Vasa’il ash-Shia, Sheikh Hurr al-Ameli, vol.3, pg.261
- The same
- Tohid, Mufazzal ibn Umar, pg.168