The Arab society during the time of the Holy Prophet(PBUH&HP), considered it a matter of pride to have male children and considered boys as the inheritors of the legacy of the fathers. Thus, having daughters was considered a matter of disgrace in the pre-Islamic Arabian society. After the demise of the two sons of the Holy Prophet(PBUH&HP) - at very young age - the community of polytheists of Mecca thought that with the eventual death of the noble Prophet, his mission of spreading Islam would also cease to exist since he had no male children to carry on his message and this greatly pleased those polytheist Arabs and they would often mock the Holy Prophet by calling him ‘abtar’ meaning the ‘cut off,’ assuming that his progeny and noble mission would be cut off/truncated after him. However, Surah Al-Kawthar (Surah number 108 of Holy Qur’an) was revealed as a reply to these individuals to let them know that It is the enemies of the Prophet who will eventually become ‘abtar’ or cut off in progeny, and that the program of Islam and the Qur’an will never come to a halt!
The revelation of this chapter was in fact, a fitting reply to the enemies of the Apostle of Allah to inform them that Islam and the Qur’an will survive forever. Apart from being a reply to polytheists, this Surah was revealed as a consolation to the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP).
Allah (SWT) consoles his beloved Prophet in the following words:
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful. Indeed We have given you abundance. (1) So pray to your Lord, and sacrifice [the sacrificial camel]. (2) Indeed it is your enemy who is without posterity. (Holy Qur’an 108:1-3)
‘al-Kawthar’ (translated as abundance in ayat [verse] no.1) has a vast, inclusive meaning which is ‘goodness in abundance’ and the examples are many.
A large number of scholars believe that one of the clearest examples of this word is the auspicious existence of Lady Fatima Al-Zahra (SA), because the occasion of the revelation of the verse indicates that the enemies accused the noble Prophet of being without offspring to which the Holy Qur’an replied with this surah and this verse upon which we understand that this ‘abundance of good’ is the daughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP), Lady Fatima Al-Zahra (SA)’.
Moreover, this abundance is not only limited to the physical and biological offsprings of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP), but also to the abundance of his followers who practice Islam and are responsible for the preservation of all of its values and continue to convey it to the future generations!(1)
When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) was informed that his wife Khadijah ( SA) gave birth to their daughter, he quickly went home and took his newborn daughter, kissed her, recited the adhan (the call for prayer) in her right ear, and recited the iqama (similar to adhan but recited between the adhan and salat) in her left ear. Thus the first voice Lady Fatima (AS) heard was that of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP) and the first words (she heard) were “Allah is the greatest” and “there is no God but Allah”. After this, angel Gabriel revealed upon the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) with glad tidings and blessings from Allah (SWT).
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and his beloved wife, Lady Khadija ( SA) enthusiastically received and cherished the birth of their child, Fatimah (SA). The Holy Prophet ( PBUH&HP) was aware that his new-born daughter would have a very high status on the earth besides in the heavens, that she would be unequalled in purity, chastity and faith from among all the women of the world, and that his pure progeny would be (continue) from her. He was very delighted for the coming of this pure child, and loved and adored her till he left this world.
Fatimah (SA) was nurtured by her father, the master of all creation. He fed her with his talents and ethics , taught her the Holy Qur'an and all things about the verses of verdicts, the causes of the revelation of verses and every other issues concerning the Holy Qur'an, educated her with the rulings of the Sharia, the nobilities of character, and high morals and principles. He nurtured her with sincere faith in Allah, the Creator of the universe, and Giver of life. Lady Fatima (SA) was known by many ephitets? nicknames/titles namely: Al-Zahra: the shinning, Al-Kawthar: goodness in abundance, Al-Siddika: the truthful, Al-Mubarakka: the blessed, Al-Tahira: the pure, Al-Zakiya: the chaste, Al-Radhiya* Al-Raadhiya?: the satisfied, Al-Muhaddathah: the one talked to (by angels), Al-Batool: the devoted (to Allah). )2(
Aisha, one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH&HP) says: ‘I have not seen anyone more similar to the messenger of Allah (SWA) in straightness, guidance, and talking in his sitting and standing than Fatimah, his daughter. When she came to the messenger of Allah ( SWA), he got up, kissed her, and seated her in his place. When the messenger of Allah ( SWA) came to her, she got up, kissed him, and seated him in her place.’)3(
Lady Fatimah ( SA) led an ascetic life and lived in satisfaction, devoiding of worldly pleasures or any kind of luxury just like her father, Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH&HP) and her husband Imam Ali ( AS) who had divorced this world and been abstinent from its pleasures. She was an example for all Muslims especially the women in all her conducts, she presented the true picture of Islam and taught Muslim women about how to be content with the blessings of Allah (SWT). For instance, despite enjoying the privilege of being the daughter of the Holy Prophet ( SWA) she lived a simple life just like many other Muslims, devoiding luxuries,. She was a source of solace for her father during her lifetime and was the best companion and spouse to Imam Ali ( AS) while performing the duties of a spouse in the best way and setting an example for generations to come. When Islam was in its nascent stage, she not only took care of her home, but also supported her husband in fulfilling his duties of Jihad and propagation of Islam. Despite her responsibilities of motherhood, home-maker and a spouse she also took upon herself to teach the Holy Qur’an, Hadith and other sciences to the Muslims of her time. Even when the position of caliphate -bestowed by the Holy Prophet ( PBUH&HP) through revelation- was snatched away from Imam Ali ( AS) she stood like a mountain defending her husband and his divine authority and even laid down her life protecting the rights of the true leader of the Muslim Ummah. She was the mother Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain( PBUT), two great personalities who devoted/dedicated their lives defending the lofty values of Islam as Islam and Muslims are greatly indebted to Lady Fatima Al-Zahra ( SA) for her devotions and services in protecting and preserving these values through her words, deeds and her teachings. Apart from nurturing children like Imam Hasan, Imam Hussain ( PBUT) she also gave the world, Zaynab (SA) who spread the message of Karbala and became the voice of Imam Hussain ( PBUH) after Karbala. (Lady Fatima ( SA) abstained from all desires of life in food, clothes, and others and she turned sincerely to Allah and preferred pleasing Him to everything else.)** …here it comes the matter of logic in writing so, in my belief. With all respect it neither sounds logical, nor seems professional to write this way, though the author indeed has been trying to seem so through writing this passage which can simply be found with even a glance at some explicit flaws such as redundancy and numerous examples of overrepetiotion!
She was the most charitable woman and no one returned from her house empty- handed. Many a times when the Holy Prophet didn’t have anything to offer in charity, he guided people to his daughter/daughter’s.
Fatimah ( SA) was the best example in chastity, honor and veiling for all Muslim women. Imam Ali ( AS) said, ‘Once, a blind man asked permission to visit Fatimah (SA), but she asked him to stay behind a screen. The messenger of Allah ( SWA) asked Fatimah ( SA), ‘Why did you screen him though he is blind and could not see you?’ She said, ‘He could not see me, but I could see him. (4)
Lady Fatima’s status is ?! (Please have a closer look and define what exactly was employed by this very word?! I do wonder if I could get the proper meaning or maybe nor do the readers…)in this world and hereafter, and truly so the Holy Prophet ( PBUH&HP) says: “He, who has known Fatimah has known her, and he, who has not (let him know her); she is Fatimah bint Muhammad. She is a part from me and she is my heart and my soul that is between my two sides. Whoever harms her harms me, and whoever harms me harms Allah.(5)
- Thakha’ir al-Uqba, p.40, al-Istee’ab, vol.4 p.450, Sunan of at-Tarmithi, vol.5
- Noor al-Absar, p.41.
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Judaism in Islam is considered as one of the most significant monotheistic religions, and many verses of Quran are dedicated to describing the fate of the followers of this religion. In different verses of the Holy Quran, when Allah wants to mention people of Moses, He calls them “Children of Israel” (Bani-Israel). The reason for which is that they were the generation of Prophet Jacob or Israel (PBUH), who at the time of Prophet Joseph (PBUH), migrated to Egypt and settled there for years [1].
After Pharaohs gained power in Egypt, they started violence against the immigrant generation of Israel by “slaughtering their sons and sparing their women” (28: 4).
Then after so many years, during which Bani-Israel were waiting for a deliverer, Moses was appointed to save them and deliver them from Egypt to the holy land: “O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has ordained for you, and do not turn your backs, or you will become losers’” (5: 21). They did not accept to enter the holy land as they were afraid of the people of that land. Therefore, they lost their opportunity and were wandering in the deserts for years. There was no promise that if children of Israel do not act according to God’s orders, they will still inherit the holy land.
“We dispersed them into communities around the earth: some of them were righteous, and some of them otherwise, and We tested them with good and bad [times] so that they may come back” (7: 168).
Like any other monotheistic religion that has good or bad followers, the followers of Judaism are either virtuous or sinful according to the above verse of the Holy Quran.
The bad Jews, mainly known to be Zionists, are those who are committing great sins and have huge racist beliefs. Since they believe they are the higher race and others are somehow their properties. Zionism is not a religion, but a political branch that tries to gain power using any tools, even the religion of Jews.
The Holy Quran introduces all prophets as Muslims [2]. Quran strongly defends Jewish believers like the believers of other religions; “Indeed the faithful, the Jews, the Christians and the Sabaeans - those of them who have faith in Allah and the Last Day and act righteously—they shall have their reward from their Lord, and they will have no fear, nor will they grieve” (2: 62).
Quran confirms the book of Moses and says: “We sent down the Torah containing guidance and light” (5:44). And in another verse, it says: “Yet before it, the Book of Moses was a guide and mercy, and this is a Book in the Arabic language, which confirms it…” (46: 12).
Although Quran confirms that all the prophets were from God and they had the same message, the problem, according to the Quran, is that the book of Moses was distorted by those ignorant and arrogant followers of him.
Accordingly, Islam was sent down to the followers of all prophets and the people of all nations and lands as a final and most complete religion, which was fundamentally the same as their religion. But all true believers and true followers of prophets should now be united in the way of worshipping One God and follow the book of Muhammad (PBUH), who has been mentioned in their books (7: 156-7).
God also warns Muslims that when they wish to convey His messages to the followers of other prophets, they should be respectful towards them: “Do not argue with the People of the Book except in a manner which is best, except such of them as are wrongdoers, and say, ‘We believe in what has been sent down to us and in what has been sent down to you; our God and your God is one [and the same], and to Him do we submit’” (29: 46).
As mentioned in the article on monotheism, from the Islamic point of view, the followers of other religions should realize the perfectness of Islam “despite the distorted image of Islam” in today’s world. They need to reach complete faith based on a firm understanding of Islam as the last and the complete way of life [3].
Since Jews were waiting for the last prophet and when some of them found him rise from among Arabs and not from amongst themselves, they denied him, since they had this thought that Islam must belong to a specific land or specific people, and it cannot be a complete universal religion for all lands at all times.
God mentions the rabbis with so much respect in the Quran and expects them to enlighten their people in worshipping one God and not to be fighting against each other while they worship the same God: “We sent down the Torah containing guidance and light. The prophets, who had submitted, judged by it for the Jews, and so did the rabbis and the scribes, as they were charged to preserve the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it...” (5: 44).
Going through the story of Prophet Moses (PBUH) and explaining it in details in the Quran had two major reasons:
1. Since when Muhammad was assigned as a prophet, Jews annoyed him in every possible way, God kept sending revelations regarding their past actions and their behavior towards Prophet Moses from whom they had seen many miracles.
2. The story of Jewish people and how they saw the miracles of their prophet and yet, they kept denying him, is repeatedly explained in the Quran, to be a lesson for Muslims. Muslims should remember that they had hard times, too, like the Jews, and they should not become arrogant because the last prophet was raised amongst them. Muslims should not make complaints against God’s orders, and by remembering the history of Jews, they should keep in mind that if they decline Allah’s commands, they will lose their opportunities since blessing is given to those who are God-wary:
“If the people of the towns had been faithful and God-wary, We would have opened to them blessings from the heaven and the earth. But they denied; so We seized them because of what they used to earn” (7: 96).
- The Quran, Yousof (12), 93
- The Quran, Al-Shourea (42), 13
- jews in Islam
The responsibilities of a Muslim towards family, relatives and other Muslims in general, were already reviewed in an article. Here one's responsibility in Islam towards neighbors, friends, and enemies are discussed.
Doing good to neighbors is highly emphasized in Islamic teachings: “Worship Allah and … be good to … the near neighbor and the distant neighbor” (4:36). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) advised Imam Ali (AS) to honor the neighbors, even if they are disbelievers (Kafir) [1]. Imam Ali (AS) said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to invite repeatedly to doing good to neighbors such that we thought he (PBUH) was going to consider an inheritance for them [2].
To honor them in their presence, and to help and care about them when they are absent [3]. It includes visiting neighbors when they are sick, to assist their funeral, and to offer them your tasty meals that smell good [4];
To keep their secrets. It means that not to look for their faults and errors. And, if ever you become aware of some of their faults, do not reveal them but try to conceal their deficiencies [3];
Do not leave neighbors alone in difficulties [3]; e.g., help them in case of financial needs [4];
Do not be jealous of them if God grants them some blessings [3];
Ignore their errors to yourself and forget about them. If ever they do wrong to you unintentionally, be patient and in peace with them [3];
Do not let others talk behind their back and reveal the deficiencies of your neighbors here and there [3].
Giving priority to the neighbors. It is narrated from Imam Hassan (AS) that Lady Fatima al-Zahra (AS) used to pray firstly for the neighbors and then for members of the family [5].
According to Imam Sadiq (AS), having good behavior and interaction with neighbors increases the provision (Rizq) [6]. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advised to respect neighbors as much as one should respect his\her mother [6] and he (PBUH) said: “God bless whoever does good to his\her neighbors” [7]. On the contrary, whoever sleeps peacefully at night while one of the his\her neighbors is hungry, God will deprive him of his blessings on the judgment day [8]. The same will happen to whoever annoys his\her neighbors [1].
Take your time and think about these attitudes towards the neighbors. Life will be surely much agreeable and peaceful if we improve our social interactions with our neighbors within the Islamic framework.
Having a good companion is known as a blessing; on the contrary, a bad one is like a disaster [9]. Friends and companions have certain rights one over the other including:
To interact with them with generosity as much as you can, otherwise, be fair to them [3];
To be smiling when you meet them and to receive them modestly [3];
To respect them as they respect you [3];
To be the first one who does good to the other one, otherwise, try to compensate properly [3];
To help them in difficulties and whenever they are in need, as Imam Ali (AS) advised to [10];
To hold them in great affection according to Imam Ali (AS) [11];
Not to reveal their deficiencies and mistakes;
To encourage them in obedience to God and to prevent them from committing sins [3];
To be honest with them and not to cheat [3]; e.g., nor to talk behind their back neither to reveal their deficiencies and to guard their secrets;
To be trustworthy whenever they rely on you [3].
The enemy here means a person whom one is in conflict with. There are some recommendations in Islamic resources on how to treat enemies and what is one's responsibility in Islam towards them:
To be fair with them [12]. According to Imam Sadiq (AS), a real believer (Mu'min) does not oppress his\her enemies [13];
To testify in favor of the enemies if they are right [14] even if your testimony is against yourself [3];
To keep the promises you made to your enemies [15];
To forgive and tolerate them, if possible [3]. According to Imam Ali (AS), there is a virtue in forgiving enemies [16];
To talk nicely and shortly with whoever you have complained of [3], to argue with them in a way that is best (16:125), and not to ignore their rights if ever you are wrong [3].
- M. Shoueiri “Jami’ al-Akhbar”, p. 84.
- Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 7, p. 51.
- Imam Zayn al-'Abidin (AS), “Treatise On Rights (Risalat al-Huquq)”.
- responsibility towards others
- Shaykh al-Saduq, "Ilal Al-Shara'i", p. 181
- Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 666.
- Shaykh al-Saduq, “Al-Amali”, p. 288.
- Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 2, p. 668.
- “Ghurar al-Hikam wa Durar al-Kalim”, T. 4719-4720.
- “Nahj al Balaqa”, p. 494.
- “Ghurar al-Hikam wa Durar al-Kalim”, T. 9665.
- Ibn Shu’bah, “Tuhaf al-Uqul”, p. 88.
- Shaykh al-Kulayni, “Al-Kafi”, vol. 1, p. 47.
- Shaykh al-Saduq, “Sifat al-Shia”, p. 24.
- “Nahj al Balaqa”, p. 53.
- “Ghurar al-Hikam wa Durar al-Kalim”, p. 435.