Have you ever taken part in a challenge of self-building for a certain amount of time? These challenges, be it individual or social, need a few elements to keep you move on and get over them. Thirty days of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan seems like both an individual and a social challenge.
In this text, we would like to discover the ways that keep us motivated to finish our challenge of fasting in Ramadan. How can we complete this challenge and take the most benefits out of it?
The challenge is to perform fasting for thirty (sometimes 29) days in the month of Ramadan. Fasting in Islam is to avoid eating and drinking and many other worldly desires and sins from the morning prayer (Salat al-Fajr) time until the dawn prayer (Salat al-Maqrib). It is noteworthy that committing some acts will make fast invalid. [1]
The main goal of fasting like any other type of worship is to purify the soul and improve human beings spiritually: “Felicitous is he who purifies himself.” (87: 14)
But any type of worship, apart from its ultimate goal, has other benefits and some minor goals in training the human soul. For example, one of the small goals of praying the obligatory prayers (Salat) during the day and at night is to teach Muslims to adhere to certain principles. It is mentioned in the Quran that one of the characteristics of true believers is that they are “those who are humble in their prayers” (23:2) and “are watchful of their prayers” (23:9). These two verses, mentioned in the same Surah, show that one level of being a believer is to reach a feeling of utter humbleness in front of Allah. However, at the same time, being watchful on prayers and trying to perform them on time while observing all of its rulings is another aspect that will lead to higher spiritual levels. The same example applies to any other type of worship, especially fasting in Ramadan.
I have personally tried many different challenges for forty days; for example, forty days of waking up before dawn, forty days of avoiding fast foods, forty days of doing half an hour exercise per day, etc. I’ve been able to make some of those challenges a habit. However, in all those challenges, I needed something or someone to keep me motivated and guide me with the issues that I was facing throughout the challenge.
Regarding the challenge of fasting in Ramadan, I think it is essential to find some ways to help us enjoy fasting, instead of solely experiencing hunger and thirst.
Different things can keep us motivated to have better spiritual experiences of fasting in Ramadan. Having a different routine in the month of Ramadan, avoiding some entertainment and starting some new useful habits such as reading the supplications and contemplating on them, specifying a certain amount of time on reciting the Quran with translation and interpretation, performing the recommended prayers (Nawafil), trying to help others in any possible ways, and any other act of goodness that we can accomplish.
While we try to perform good deeds during fasting, reciting the Quran has a powerful influence on all our acts. Allah (SWT) mentions in the Quran: “So recite as much of the Quran as is feasible. He knows that some of you will be sick, while others will travel in the land seeking Allah’s bounty, and yet others will fight in the way of Allah. So recite as much of it as is feasible, and maintain the prayer and pay the zakat and lend Allah a good loan.” (73:20)
Allah (SWT) tells us to recite the Quran as much as we can. Then He mentions that He is aware of different conditions that people may have; some of them may be sick, some maybe traveling and working outside their houses to gain Allah’s provision, some may be fighting in the way of Allah. But then He mentions again that in whatever situation you are, do not forget to recite the Quran. It does not need to be a lot of recitation. Just recite as much as you can, and it will help you by both its miraculous and extraordinary achievements.
To provide a better definition of the above phrases, it can be said that the miraculous effects of the Quran are those effects that everyone can gain them by reciting it, even if they are not contemplating on its verses. However, exceptional achievements are for those who recite the Quran thoughtfully and intend to understand the words of Allah (SWT) as much as possible.
In sum, when you start the challenge of fasting in Ramadan and hope to gain the best results out of it, you need someone to motivate you, to be your mentor, and to elevate your knowledge and wisdom while you are going through the hard days of your challenge. The Quran could be that mentor who speaks to you the words of Allah (SWT), gives you hope, sympathizes with you in your hard moments, and guides you through the way to reach your ultimate goal. “So recite as much of the Quran as is feasible.” (73: 20)
Visiting the tomb of Imam Hussain (AS) has been popular among Shiites since the time of the Shia Imams who taught Shiites that this pilgrimage plays a significant role in a Shia’s life as quoted from regard Imam Sadiq (AS) in this regard:
Do not pull back from going to Karbala for visiting the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) out of insecurity or fear because anyone who does, will regret it so much that he wished the grave of Imam Hussain (AS) was near to him. Don’t you like to be one of those for whom the Prophet (PBUH & HP) and Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fatimah (AS) and the Imams pray? (1)
Having a significant impact on every aspect of our lives, the Shia Imams encouraged us to fulfill this pilgrimage. such a great event which has been discussed and studied through so many aspects for example its history, its political and social impacts and so forth; but seldom have its moral effects on our personality been examined. Arbaeen pilgrimage may change our individual and social life in so many ways from which we’re going to mention some in this text.
To purify soul in Islamic culture means changing our personality in a way that we obtain so many virtues and redeem our souls from bad habits or sins. Experiencing a very spiritual and calm atmosphere during this journey, anyone can revolutionize their lives and repent from all of their sins.
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
Should anyone leave their house in order to visit the grave of Imam Hussain (AS) Allah blesses them with a reward for each step they take if they go on foot and forgives one of their sins. (2)
Imam Hussain (AS) himself is the emblem of patience and endurance as he sacrificed all he had for the sake of Allah even his own life but he didn’t surrender to the tyrant oppressors. He and Lady Zeinab (AS) showed us how much a human can be patient facing the intolerable hardship that happen in their life. Imam Hussain (AS) even chose his companions from the most tolerant ones so that they could accompany him on his journey. For that matter, once he said to his people:
Anyone who is able to resist the sharp edges of swords and the invective of tongues can come with us and anyone who doesn’t must leave us (3)
Nowadays although Iraqi people have made it so much easier for the pilgrims, taking this trip to visit Imam Hussain’s holly shrine (AS) is still full of dangers and hardships . When the pilgrims undergo these difficulties and think about the patience that Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions had, they can practice how to be patient in their own life.
When a pilgrim puts their heart and soul into reach a certain destination which is the land of Karbala to pilgrimage Imam Hussain’’s shrine on their way they endure so many problems and difficulties, they understand what a human is verily capable of. They can find out that life isn’t just the material world that we see around us but humans are able to see something more in this life and sacrifice all they have for it. It makes people value their souls, believe in themselves and raises their more self-esteem.
The Impact of Arbaeen Pilgrimage on our Social Life
In Islamic culture, “Infaq” means helping people by giving charity, spending your time for them or even teaching others for free and stuff like that .
During Arbaeen rituals , money isn’t an important issue for the pilgrims as people’s needs are mostly provided by others in Iraq. Most of Iraqi people even save money for a year so that they can help the pilgrims during the Arbaeen rituals with food, medicine and so forth.
This enthusiasm for Infaq roots in the Islamic teachings and the messages of the Quran where says:
The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is that of a grain which grows seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. Allah enhances severalfold whomever He wishes, and Allah is all-bounteous, all-knowing. (2:261)
Also about the importance of the Arbaeen walk Imam Sadiq (AS) says:
For each coin that they spend for the sake of Imam Hussain (AS) Allah will consider it ten thousand coins and rewards them as they have spent that much and Allah will be pleased with them and the Prophet (PBUH & HP) will pray for them and Imam Ali (AS) and the Imams will do so. (4)
The holy Quran says:
Cooperate in piety and God-wariness, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression, and be wary of Allah. (5:2)
Arbaeen walk is a symbol for a society in which people with different ideas, nationalities, ethnicity colors, age groups, and religions work together to reach one common destination. The objective of all these people is the same and it’s making Allah pleased with themselves by commemorating the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (AS). People respect each other and help just for the sake of Allah.
Pilgrims in this ceremony think more about the message of Imam Hussain (AS) which was justice and fighting against tyranny, violence, and doing sins. Imam Hussain (AS) himself says:
I didn’t start this movement so that I could achieve a status among people or to please my desires. I didn’t do it to create chaos or to oppress. I started this movement so that I could make the followers of my grandfather better people; I want to enjoin others to do good works and prevent them from doing sins and I do as my grandfather and my father did. (5)
This walk helps us change ourselves and the others and understand that sitting down and watching people being in pain and oppressed is not what Allah wants us to do. We all are responsible for the circumstances in our society.
- Kamil az-Ziarat, Ibn Qulavaih, Pg.127
- The same, Pg.143
- Yanabi’ al-Mavaddah, al-Qunduzi, vol.3, Pg.62
- Kamil az-Ziarat, Ibn Qulavaih, Pg.139
- Bihar al-Anvar, Allamah al-Majlesi, vol.44, Pg.329
Imam Mahdi (AS) is the last and the twelfth Imam of the Shiite Muslims. He was born in 255 H (874 AC) and the Shiite Muslims believe that their last Imam has been alive for approximately 1150 years. According to Shiite narrations, Imam Mahdi (AS) is currently in occultation and hidden from the public.
In this regard, Imam Kazim (AS) says:
After that, the narrator of this hadith asks the Imam: “Is there going to be a hidden Imam?” Imam Kazim (AS) replied:
Yes! He will be hidden from the eyes of the people but the hearts of the faithful will not forget him. (1)
Despite Imam Mahdi (AS) being in occultation, we have responsibilities and duties to fulfill during this period. His hidden state doesn’t imply that Shiite Muslims have nothing to do for their faith and religion.
In fact, the best way to maintain a strong connection with our Imam is by following his orders. The Shiite Imams have told us about the responsibilities we have during this special time and some of them are mentioned below:
During the occultation of the Imam, it is a time when people may lose faith in him. In this regard, Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
With Mahdi (AS), there will be a little number of Arabs.
Then the Imam was told “But there are so many Arabs now that have faith in this religion!” Imam Sadiq (AS) replied:
People will inevitably be tested and they will be differentiated from one another and many will fail this test. (2)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) once prayed:
O Allah! Show me my brothers, Show me my brothers.
The people around him asked “O Messenger of Allah! Aren’t we your brothers?”
He responded:
No! you are my companions. But my real brothers are those who live in the last times of this world. They believe in me while they haven’t seen me … keeping faith in those times, will be more difficult than cutting the thorns of a plant on a dark night or holding a burning wood in one’s hands. They are the lights in the darkness and Allah will save them from every catastrophic test of seduction. (3)
As you see, being a faithful person is easy during the occultation. Therefore, one of our responsibilities is to keep our belief in Islam during these times.
Harith ibn Muqhairah (one of the followers of Imam Sadiq (AS)) says “Once I told Imam Sadiq (AS): ‘We are being told that the leader of this religion will be hidden one day. So, in those times, what should we do?’”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
Keep your very faith that you have now and do as you have been ordered before him, until the time that everything will be clear for you [the arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS)].(4)
Understanding the message of our Imams and having knowledge about their attributes and role in this world is crucial in the Shiite view. This is one of the most significant duties of Shias during the occultation. In this regard Imam Sadiq (AS) advises one of his pupils named Fozail:
O Fozail! Get to know your Imam because if you know him, it will be the same for youwhether his arrival is soon or delayed and anyone who knows their Imam and then dies before his arrival is like one of his soldiers. (5)
In the Islamic point of view, praying is one of the most effective ways to have our wishes fulfilled. We should call upon Allah when we need Him and ask him to solve our problems, trusting that He will answer our prayers. The holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) said:
Call upon Allah while being certain that He will answer. (6)
Living without a guide in this world is the most significant problem we have. Without our Imams, we Shias have no savor and our problems seem never-ending. In this regard, Imam Sadiq (AS) says:
The problems of the Earth will not be finished except by an Imam. (7)
Therefore, one of the most important prayers we should make is for the return of Imam Mahdi (AS). The Shiite Imams have persuaded their followers to pray for the arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS).
Imam Sadiq (AS) told one of his pupils named Humran about the attributes of the occultation time and advised him:
When you saw … that the world is highly favorable for the unfaithful people and the flag of the righteous people is hidden, be cautious and ask Allah to save you. (8)
Imam Sadiq (AS) also said:
You Shias will face doubts in the future and [during those times] you won’t see a right flag or a guiding Imam and no one will be saved in those times except for the ones who pray like a drowning person.
Then the narrator of the hadith asks the Imam: “How can I pray like a drowning person?”
Imam Sadiq (AS) replied:
You should say:
“یا اللّه یا رحمن یا رحیم یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلوبنا علی دینک”
O Allah! O Rahman! O Rahim! O Controller of the hearts! Make my heart keep its faith in your religion. (9)
Imam Mahdi (AS) himself wrote to one of his followers:
Pray so much to Allah for my arrival because it resolves all your problems (10)
In addition to this fact that praying makes his arrival more likely to happen sooner, praying is also the best way to relate to Imam Mahdi (AS) and this way, we can make a good connection to him. In return, Imam Mahdi (AS) sees that you are always thinking about him and praying for his arrival. It is obvious that Imam Mahdi (AS) loves the ones who do not forget him and pray for him more than others. Due to this fact, Imam Mahdi (AS) will pray for us in return and clearly, the praying of an Imam surely will be answered by Allah.
Don’t forget that it is so important for praying for the arrival Imam Mahdi (AS) to be in a group. You should get together with your family, friends or even the other people to pray for Imam Mahdi (AS).
Imam Sadiq (AS) said:
If four people gather and pray, they won’t leave each other until Allah answers their supplication (11)
He also said:
When something would bother my father (Imam Baqir), he would gather all the women and kids in the house and he would pray and they would say “Amen.” (12)
As you see, praying together as a group holds great important for it to be answered by Allah. Imagine the impact if all the Shiite Muslims united in praying for the arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS) pure hearts. It is obvious that his occultation wouldn’t have prolonged for so long. So, one of our important responsibilities toward Imam Mahdi (AS) is to encourage others to pray for his arrival and we’d better pray in group.
There are many other responsibilities we have during the occultation. The most important thing is to follow the orders of the previous Imams and fulfill all of our religious obligations so that Allah would save us from this dangerous time.
- Kamal ad-Din, Sheikh Saduq, vol.2, pg.369
- Al-Ghaybah, Sheikh an-No’mani, pg.204
- Basa’ir ad-Darajat, As-Saffar al-Qommi, pg.84
- Al-Ghaybah, Sheikh an-No’mani, pg.159
- Al-Ghaybah, Sheikh an-No’mani, pg.329
- Bihar al-Anvar, Allamah al-Majlesi, vol.90, pg.321
- Al-Kafi, Sheikh Koleini, vol.2, pg.21
- Al-Kafi, Sheikh Koleini, vol.8, pg.42
- Kamal ad-Din, Sheikh Saduq, vol.2, pg.352
- Al-Ih’tijaj, Sheikh at-Tabrasi, vol.2, pg.284
- Al-Kafi, Sheikh Koleini, vol.2, pg.487
- Al-Kafi, Sheikh Koleini, vol.2, pg.487