Many of us experience situations in our daily life when we get oppressed by other people, or we witness an act of injustice. We might prefer to keep silent to prevent the probable consequences, not realizing that this may keep us away from immediate harm, but it will be followed by greater consequences and damages later on.
One may ask how keeping silent against oppression and injustice will harm us later on? And what would have happened if Imam Hussain (AS) paid allegiance to Yazid, instead of putting himself and his family in such a horrible situation?
This article tries to explain the importance of standing against oppression and injustice by learning lessons from Imam Hussain (AS)’s uprising.
As we know, Imam Hassan (AS) remained silent and signed a peace treaty with the ruler of his time, Muawiaya. The main reason was that although Muawiaya had started to bring some changes in some of the rules of Islam, he still preserved his Islamic attitudes in public. Therefore, being in peace with him did not lead to so much damage to religion. But his son Yazid had no intention even to present an Islamic behavior in the Islamic society. Yet, Muawiaya chose him as the ruler after himself.
If Imam Hussain (AS) kept silence and paid allegiance to Yazid, it would have meant that he approved of his behavior. As a result, all the rulings and laws of Islam that the Prophet (PBUH&HP) had suffered to teach people for a more prosperous life would gradually disappear over time.
As Yazid forced Imam Hussain (AS) to pay allegiance to him, he notified his reasons for which he could not accept Yazid’s ruling over the Islamic society. The most important reason was that he was not behaving as a Muslim and had stood up against Allah’s orders.
It is clearly mentioned in the Quran that it is prohibited for Muslims to accept the ruling of a non-Muslim or a non-believer:
“O! You who have faith! Do not take those who take your religion in derision and play, from among those who were given the Book before you, and the infidels, as friends, and be wary of Allah, should you be faithful.” (5: 57)
However, Imam Hussain (AS) did not mean to start a war, and therefore, he took his family and left Medina for Mecca. Yazid knew that Imam had a significant impact on Muslims’ decisions and was afraid that Imam’s decision would spread among the Muslims and lead to their uprising against him. Thus, he sent his people to bring the Imam (AS) and to take his allegiance.
Imam left Medina for Kufah and then to Karbala. He was surrounded by the massive army of Yazid and had to choose. Should he have paid allegiance by force and teach a lesson to people that all he did to stand against oppression and injustice was wrong? Or should he have done what he did?
Based on his ideology and belief, and the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH&HP) that he had grown up with, Imam Hussain (AS) chose never to surrender against the injustice acts of Yazid. He, therefore, did not give up his duty to stand against injustice and along with his companions and sons, defended his household until they were all martyred.
The beauty and magnificence of his free spirit and his uprising started to spread throughout the world after his martyrdom.
He reached his goal to conserve the true religion of Islam and the pathway to prosperity by unveiling the real character and aims of those who desired to rule over the nation.
After the event of Karbala, his message on ‘standing against injustice and being free-spirited’ spread all over the world. He became a symbol for all those who care about their spirit, don’t want to accept oppression, tyranny, and injustice for the sake of their benefits in the short life of this world; people like Gandhi, the great leader of India.
From Imam Hussain's (AS) lifestyle, we learn that neglecting some mistakes may bring significant harm to society and, consequently, to our lives. Therefore, we should be wise and realize in our daily life to speak justice where oppression is taking place. That might be in our relations with our family members, our colleagues, or on a larger scale with those in power.
“Prophets and Imams (PBUT) are vivid examples and leaders that true believers should practically follow and not just worship. The example of Imam Hussain (AS) teaches us the lesson of standing against tyranny and injustice, the movement of honorable believers who preferred martyrdom to humiliation, and who have shown us what it means not to surrender.” [1]
Allah (SWT) has created human beings the way that we are all associated with one another. We live in a society where none of us can live isolated lives and each one of us depends on the other for love, compassion, caring and even fulfilling our materialistic needs. Every day of our lives, we strive to each other’s needs and requirements. Apart from our intertwined social structure, at times, one of our family members, friends or colleagues needs money for their house rent or treatment of a disease, or requires a recommendation to attain someone’s assistance or just requires our emotional support to tide them through difficult times. These difficulties are not just a test for those suffering it, but also for those around them. We are tested with our response to fulfilling one’s needs. What were our efforts in alleviating a person’s need? Could we have helped him? How much did we help them? Sometimes, what a person needs is just a warm hug and a shoulder to cry on, did we become one for the needy person?
The recommendations and rewards related to fulfilling the needs of the people have been emphasized in such great measure that one is left amazed that despite this great path available to attaining success in the hereafter, how very few of us make the best of it.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP) says: “Anyone who wants Allah to enter him into His mercy and make him dwell in His paradise, he must beautify his conduct, be fair with people in his relationships, be merciful to the orphans, help the weak, and humble himself before Allah, his Creator.” [1]
The Holy Quran says about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP): We did not send you but as a mercy to all the nations. (21:107)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) was not just sent as a mercy to Muslims but to all of humanity and similarly the goodness and benevolence that are recommended for Muslims are not just limited to themselves but for every human being. Imam Ali (AS), the first rightful successor to the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) - when became the Caliph of the Muslim Ummah- he wrote in his letter to Malik Al-Ashtar, when the latter was appointed as the governor of Egypt: “Habituate your heart to mercy for the subjects and affection and kindness for people. Do not govern them like they are just greedy beasts and just in need of devouring, since they are of two kinds, either your brother in religion or one like you in creation.”
In the same letter he further advised Malik Al-Ashtar with the following words: “(Fear) Allah and keep Allah in view; in respect of the lowest class consisting of those who have few means: the poor, the destitute, the penniless and the disabled; because in this class are both the self- contained needy? And those who beg. Take care for the sake of Allah of His obligations towards them for which He has made you responsible. Fix for them a share from the public funds and a share from the crops of lands taken over as booty for Islam in every region, because in it the remote ones have the same shares as the near ones do. All these people are those whose rights have been placed in your charge. Therefore, a luxurious life should not keep you away from them. You cannot be excused for ignoring small matters because you were making decision for bigger problems. Consequently, do not be unmindful of them, nor turn your face from them out of vanity.” [2]
As the Caliph of the Muslim Ummah, one day Imam Ali (AS) saw an old blind man who was extremely troubled by his condition, begging for alms. Imam (AS) enquired about the man’s family and on investigating, found that he was a Christian by faith, and had earned his living through hard labour until he had lost his eyesight because of age. He was on his own and had no one to care for him. He had also not saved any money because of meagre earnings. When confirmed that he had never begged while he could earn, Imam Ali AS) said, ‘It is wondrous how you people use a human being for as long as he can serve you and discard him after he cannot. You all testify that he served society as long as he could see. It is, therefore, the duty of society and government to ensure him a decent life, now that he cannot fend for himself. I hereby institute a regular allowance to be paid to him from the State Treasury for as long as he lives.’ [3] Similarly, Imam Sadiq (AS), the sixth Shi’ite Imam was once travelling with his helper, Musadaff between Mecca and Medina. On the way, they saw a man lying under a tree. Imam (AS) said: “Let’s go and see if he requires any help, it’s possible he has fainted due to dehydration.” When they went near him, they realised he was thirsty, so they immediately gave him some water and helped him sit up. After they had helped the man and made him feel better, they left the place. On the way, Musaddaf asked Imam (AS), “O, dear Imam, from his appearance, it was clear that the man is a Christian. Could we help Christians and give them alms?’ Imam Sadiq (AS) replied: ‘Yes, especially when they are in need, just as it was right now. [4]
Islam is a universal religion which has been presented to guide and serve humanity. Thus, we see that Muslims almost all over the world strive to serve fellow human beings, irrespective of their faiths. The Corona pandemic was a tragedy that called for human cooperation, empathy and brotherhood and Muslims throughout the world played a significant role in treating the sick, helping their family members cope with the tragedy and also made financial arrangements for the needy. Throughout Europe, Muslims made noteworthy philanthropic contributions to their respective communities and countries amid public health crisis. From Germany to the United Kingdom, European Muslims have coordinated relief efforts for their compatriots as a whole and not just for their coreligionists. Despite constant propaganda against Muslims and Islam, in particular, being a violent and hate-filled religion, such acts of charity and brotherhood seek to spread the true teachings of Islam through their deeds.
1. al islam
2. al islam
3. al islam
4. american muslim
When facing a question like this, you may find a group of people who try to justify that Islam is not a religion of peace. They usually refer to terrorist attacks by pseudo-Muslims and conclude that Islam is not a peaceful religion. Peace in Islam is a value and an ultimate goal of life; may it be personal, social or worldwide.
But let’s see what is Islam’s viewpoint about war and if it approves terrorism.
Before discussing the main topic of this article, we have to understand what peace in Islam means. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, “peace is a state of tranquility or quiet such as:
Freedom from Civil Disturbance
A state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom.
Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
Harmony in personal relations.” [1]
Therefore, there are two types of peace defined above; social and individual. Islam not only talks about individual peace, but also all of its rules are based on logic to shape a peaceful society. In this article, we would focus on social aspects of peace in Islam, either within one country or on what goes on between different countries.
Allah emphasizes in the Quran that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) is a mercy towards all human beings: “We did not send you but as a mercy to all the nations” (21: 107). It can be understood from this verse that a worldwide mercy, peace, and tranquility is the goal of sending Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with the religion of Islam.
Imam Ali (AS) in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar (his appointed commander in another country) wrote: “Develop in your heart the feeling of love for your people and let it be the source of kindliness and blessing to them. Do not behave with them like a barbarian, and do not appropriate to yourself that which belongs to them. Remember that the citizens of the state are of two categories. They are either your brethren in religion or your brethren in kind. They are subject to infirmities and liable to commit mistakes.” [2]
He specifically notes that we should be tolerant of people who have no bad deeds against Muslims and the religion of Islam.
In social relations The Quran defines Muslims as moderate people; “Muhammad, the Apostle of Allah, and those who are with him are hard against the faithless and merciful amongst themselves. “ (48:29)
By referring to the above verse and by going through its interpretations we find out that “Muslims should be harsh on infidels. Who are these infidels? Muslims should not be harsh on anyone who does not believe in Islam. They should behave kindly towards those who are not opposed to them, who do not plot against them, and who do not seek to wipe out their nations - even if they follow other faiths.” While at the same time “Muslims should be harsh on those who fight against Islam and their identity, nationality, country, independence, honor, dignity, traditions, culture, and values.” [3] Therefore, it is completely rational for Muslims to defend themselves while their values are being attacked, and it has no contradiction with their peaceful nature.
In recent years we have seen different terrorist groups such as Taliban, Al-Qaida or ISIS, who under the name of Islam, have committed terrorist attacks in different countries. They refer to verses of the Quran that are about the holy struggle (Jihad) and use those verses as a permission for their terrorist acts.
However, their interpretations of the verses of the holy struggle (Jihad) are not correct. The fact is that war is prohibited in Islam, and Muslims are not allowed to start a war against other countries for the sake of conquest or even for spreading the religion of Islam. Jihad is allowed for Muslims only if:
They are attacked by other countries, and their lives and properties are at risk.
If other Muslim territories are under attack by oppressive governments.
If other powers attack Muslim territories to annihilate Muslims or their religion.
“In the holy struggle (Jihad), violating or infringing on others' rights is not allowed. Killing other people under baseless pretexts is not part of the holy struggle (jihad). Neither is killing those who are not Muslims. Such acts are not allowed in the holy struggle (Jihad). Not all those who believe in religions other than Islam should be treated with harshness. Rather, only those who are opposed to Islam, your independence and territorial integrity, and Islamic culture, identity, and values should be treated with harshness. If carried out under these conditions, the holy struggle (Jihad) is considered as a divine order and will bring about glory to nations.” [4]
It is only under these conditions that Muslims are allowed to fight against the oppressors. And even when they are allowed to defend themselves and enter the war, they have to make sure to follow the rules of war. They are not allowed to kill the children or elderly of the infidels, or to poison the cities of the infidels. [5]
They have to tolerate the refugees, and if they betray them, they will face punishment [6]. Also, they should observe the rights of the captives of war [7]:
“Allah does not forbid you from dealing with kindness and justice with those [polytheists] who did not make war against you on account of religion and did not expel you from your homes. Indeed Allah loves the just. Allah forbids you only regarding those who made war against you on account of religion and expelled you from your homes and supported [the polytheists of Makkah] in your expulsion, that you make friends with them, and whoever makes friends with them—it is they who are the wrongdoers.” (60: 8-9)
In conclusion, Islam is a religion of peace for Muslim people and peaceful people. It is not a passive religion to sit and watch all the cruel things that are happening in the world and smile at it. Islam is the life map for those who wish to reach human perfection which is only achieved by obeying all of its rulings. No matter you call it Islam or something else, but every sane human being, by studying The Quran and searching about Islam, will understand that Islamic rules have been designed to make the society a safe place for human growth.
- peace
- Malik Ashtar richest treasure
- view of Jihad
- ibid
- Mafatih al-hayat, p. 318
- Mafatih al-hayat, pp. 419- 20
- Mafatih al-hayat, p. 423