Everybody has a name and is known by that name among his/her friends, family, and in the society. Names might seem as some letters simply put together that form a word, but there is more to names than that. Every name represents the identity of its owner and sometimes affects the personality of that person. In Islamic teachings, great attention is paid to the names, and a lot of advice exists on how to choose a proper name for the new-borns. Someone who converts to Islam is said to be a re-born, so, is he/she required to choose another name for him/herself after this new birth? and should he/she Chang his/her Name after Converting to Islam?
The answer to the question above depends on what one’s name means and the origin of that name. There is no need to change the names:
without any specific orientation like the names of the flowers, or the names which are popular in a region or area but without any ideological persuasion, etc.;
without any negative backgrounds;
that do not bear negative historical, conceptual or educational meanings.
On the whole, a convert is not obliged to change his/her name, unless in the above where he/she is free to decide. In this regard, considering the Islamic teachings in naming can be helpful.
Choosing a proper name is one of the children’s rights over the parents. A good name positively affects its owner’s mind, and its meaning unconsciously strengthens the features implied in it in the character of the owner [1]. On the contrary, a funny or ridiculous name causes the owner to be laughed at or to be mocked by others.
This matter is of great importance in Islam that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) said choosing a good name is a duty of the father [2]. Also, giving the child a good name is known as the first gift a father gives to his child [3]. In another narration, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) commands Muslims to choose good names for their children since on Judgment Day also they will be called by the names they have in this world [4].
But, what is a good name?
In Islam, the concept of being good and evil is first determined based on rationality and then according to the Islamic law (Shari’a), so do proper names. A good name should be therefore rationally pleasant.
Are Non-Islamic Names Allowed?
In Islam, some names like those of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and Imams (AS) are said to bring abundant blessings to its owner and his/her family [5]. Choosing these names for children, according to a narration from Imam Sadiq (AS), is the sign of the devotion that one has for the Prophet (PBUH&HP) and his family (Ahl al-Bayt (AS)) [6].
However, choosing names other than these names are not prohibited by Islam. In other words, the meaning of the name, its history, and the educational effects it has on one’s personality, matter much more than the fact of being Islamic or not.
During the history of Islam, there existed some converts who had common non-Islamic names after they converted. Since they hold the names common in their regions or tribes and free of any negative concept, they kept their names after embracing Islam. Hence, there is no obligation in choosing an Islamic name.
- Name in Islam
- S. Hal-Amili, “Wasail al-Shia”, vol. 2, p. 618.
- S. H. al-Amili, “Wasail al-Shia”, vol. 15, p. 128.
- M. B. Majlesi, “Bihar al-Anwar”, vol. 101, p. 131, T. 29.
- S. H. al-Amili, “Wasail al-Shia”, vol. 15, p. 129.
- Shaykh Sadouq, “Sawab-ul-Aamal wa Iqab-ul-Aamal”, p. 300.
Hagar, who left behind a sainted child that later became the forefather of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), is the symbol of a devoted and obedient woman to God. Although her name is not directly mentioned in the Quran, in many Islamic quotes (hadiths) she is known as an example of faith in Allah that makes her a role model for every Muslim.
Being barren, Sarah the prophet Abraham(AS)’s wife, told him to marry her housemaid, Hagar, as a second wife. After Hagar gave birth to a blessed child, Ishmael (AS), Allah ordered Abraham (AS) to emigrate from Egypt to Mecca with Hagar and infant Ishmael (AS).
With the guidance of Gabriel, they stopped to camp at a bleak, isolated place with a limited supply of food and water. That was the land on which the Kaaba was later built. Soon after this, Abraham (AS) received another command from Allah to leave his beloved wife and child behind in that harsh condition.
Abraham (AS) submitted to the command of Allah and patiently tolerated this separation while praying for them: “Our Lord! I have settled part of my descendants in a barren valley, by Your Sacred House, our Lord, that they may maintain the prayer. So make the hearts of a part of the people fond of them, and provide them with fruits, so that they may give thanks” (14:37).
At that time some people would come to Mecca to pray, but no one inhabited there because of the unbearable living conditions[1]. Believing in divine predestination and knowing that God had not forgotten them, Hagar endured the hard conditions until she ran out of food and water.
Seeing her child dying of thirst, she ran to the top of Mount Safa hoping to find some water, but she found nothing. So she continued her search and ran to Mount Marwa instead, again in the hope to find some water. She continued and ran seven times between these two mounts, Safa and Marwa, with faith in divine mercy.
She had such trust in her God that she did not give up searching for water even for a moment. Then, she noticed water bubbling up from somewhere under Ishmael (AS)’s feet. Hagar’s patience and sincere efforts were paid; they survived.
Later on, the place where the water came to the surface was named Zamzam Spring. This act of Hagar became a big sign (called sa’i) for billions of Muslims through the ages, especially during Hajj, reminding them of the pure struggles of a faithful woman and the subsequent Divine Favour [1]. Hagar showed a deep sincerity to God by attesting with certainty that Allah had not abandoned her and her child.
After Zamzam water sprang out from the Earth, a tribe who lived in the vicinity of Mecca realized and came to settle there. Abraham (AS)’s prayer was responded to; Hagar and her son were not alone anymore. He came to visit Hagar and Ishmael (AS) time by time. As he knew the capabilities and merits of Hagar, he entrusted the training and education of Ishmael (AS) to her mother.
Some years later when Ishmael (AS) became 13 [2], another divine test awaited him and his parents; Allah ordered Abraham (AS) to sacrifice Ishmael (AS): “When he was old enough to assist in his endeavor, he said," My son! I see in a dream that I am sacrificing you. See what you think." He said," Father! Do whatever you have been commanded. If Allah wishes, you will find me to be patient” (37:102).
The full story is mentioned in the chapter (Surah) Al-Saaffat (verses 102-111) in the Quran. Growing up with the religious teachings of her mother, Ishmael (AS) obeyed Allah’s will. But it was no more than a trial for both Ishmael (AS) and Abraham (AS) in which they succeeded: “This was indeed a manifest test, Then We ransomed him with a great sacrifice, and left for him a good name in posterity” (37: 106-108).
Hagar was buried beside the Holy Kaaba after her demise. Her grave is located in Hijr Ishmael; a crescent-shaped area immediately adjacent to the Kaaba. Every Muslim who performs Hajj is obliged to circumambulate around it; the place where Abraham (AS) had constructed a shelter for Ishmael (AS) and Hagar[3] before he left them in that desert. This is how Allah rewards his sincere obedient believers.
- http://en.rafed.net
- F. H.Tabarsi, "Majma' al-Bayan", vol. 8, p. 321.
- http://www.hawzah.net
Islam is a complete way of life, which deals extensively on both the spiritual, as well as the physical well-being of its adherents. Hygiene in Islam is one of the great privileges in Islam. This write-up is aimed at examining the Islamic perspective on physical cleanliness.
Cleanliness and purification is an essential part of Islamic life, and in fact, the philosophy behind it in Islam is much beyond the superficial concept of the conventional cleanliness.
In the Quran, Allah says:
"…Indeed Allah loves the penitent, and He loves those who keep clean." (2:222)
Similarly, one of the injunctions that were revealed unto the Prophet (PBUH&HP) following his call to rise and warn was the purification of his garments [i]. The Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) and the infallible leaders (AS) have instructed the Muslims to maintain cleanliness and have seriously frowned at dirtiness and untidiness [ii].
When a child is born, Islam enjoins the Muslims to maintain a high level of cleanliness and purity concerning him/her, as this has an impact on the mind and soul of that child. If the parents neglect this duty, they should answer before God for the consequences. Similarly, circumcision of the male child-preferably on the seventh day- is a mandatory Islamic custom. That is because it “prevents the child against the possible infection of the male genital organ" [3].
Also, at death, it is mandatory to perform full body washing ablution (Ghusl) for a dead body of a Muslim.
In addition, ablution (Wudu) and body purity are considered as very crucial conditions for the validity of prayer (Salat), which is the most significant act of worship in Islam. In fact, on a normal circumstance, a Muslim cannot offer his prayers with an unclean body, clothes or use dirty premises. They are enjoined to use clean, pure water and keep it safe from any form of impurities.
Various full body-washing ablutions (Ghusl) after the release of semen, expiration of monthly period or childbirth, touching of dead bodies, etc. are prescribed in Islam to observe some religious obligations.
Cleansing of their genitals with water or other cleansing materials after passing urine or excreta are parts of the Islamic customs. Similarly, Muslims on an interval are enjoined to clip their nails and to shave the hair in their armpit and pubic area. Likewise, they are also enjoined to trim their mustaches in order to avert oral intakes, keep oral hygiene, good physical appearance and to make use of fragrance. Similarly, Islam emphatically enjoins a Muslim to keep his clothes, houses, and environment clean. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) said: “The Arch Gabriel continuously ordered me to clean my teeth until I thought it would be made compulsory” [4].
In the Quran and narrations (Hadiths) of the Prophet (PBUH&HP) and the infallible Leaders (Ahl-al-Bayt) (AS), great emphasis has been placed on the cleanliness and purity of the foods and drinks. For the importance attached to the well-being of the body as well as that of the soul, Islam has enjoined the entire human beings and the believers in particular to consume hygienic, pure and lawful foods [iii]. Similarly, it forbids the consumption or usage of all unhygienic, impure and unlawful foods/drinks (such as blood, dead animal, dogs, pig, intoxicants, etc.) and they are considered great sins in Islam and punishable under the Islamic laws.
Cleanliness and personal hygiene in the Islamic custom are aimed at keeping both the body and mind healthy. In some cases such as ablution (Wudu) and body-washing ablution (Ghusl), body purity is considered a prerequisite for the observance of prayers. Moreover, body purity is one of the necessary conditions for attaining an inner or spiritual purity. It is based on this that Muslims are strictly enjoined to uphold high standards of physical hygiene and to be ritually cleaned whenever possible.
[i] (74:4)
[ii] The Prophet (PBUHHP) said: "Verily, Islam is [the religion of] cleanliness, so cleanse yourselves. For surely, only the cleanly enter Paradise" [1] and "Observe cleanliness in every respect you are capable, for indeed God based Islam on cleanliness" [2].
[iii]. "O humankind! Eat of what is lawful and pure in the earth…" (2: 168). "O you who have faith! Eat of the good things We have provided you, and thank Allah if it is Him that you worship." (2: 172)
- Nahj al-Fasahah, Vol. 2, P. 998.
- Ibid.
- Ibrahim Amini, Principles of upbringing children, chapter 25 P. 176 (published by Ansariyan publications, Qum)
- Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 76, P. 126.