Throughout the history of humankind, there are not many figures who stood up for all the…
Have you ever thought about sacrificing what you love most? How would you feel then? What…
Unity between Muslims is considered as a crucial matter in Islam. Thus, the Quran compares…
The death of a loved one, the problems at home or work, and even maintaining the Islamic…
Perhaps one of the most important questions for each of us about life is what a good and…
In the previous part of this topic, we emphasized that advertising peace and educating…
Those who do not know Islam very well and those who follow the propaganda of the media,…
“O believers, when the proclamation is made for prayer on the Day of Congregation (Friday…
According to dictionary definitions salvation means “deliverance from the power and effects…
Our knowledge about Prophet Adam and his wife Eve, unlike our knowledge about other…
It may not be a great deal for Muslims even to check if hanging around in social networks…
Marriage is the tradition of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and a sacred union in Islam [1].…