We already wrote an article on the concept of freedom of thought and freedom of expression in Islam.
The hours of fasting in Ramadan vary based on the geographical position of the city where one lives.
Imagine one of your ordinary days in which you go out in the morning to go to work or the university or anywhere else. You attend some gatherings.
We are far ahead of the time when people lived in actual social networks.
Islam's history from the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) until now has witnessed many challenges that were overcome through the flexible and
As explained in the first part of the topic, Islam has spread much more quickly compared to other religions all over the world.
Islam has spread much more quickly than the other religions all over the world. The question is how this has happened?
Following the discussions on the concept of responsibility in Islam and Muslims' duties towards other human beings, this article reviews the duties
The responsibilities of a Muslim towards family, relatives and other Muslims in general, were already reviewed in an article.
One of the significant parts of responsibility in Islam is our responsibilities towards other people in our lives.