One of the motivations of those who convert to Islam may be marrying someone who is a Muslim.
Domestic violence is any violent or aggressive behavior by one person against another within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a s
Family planning in Islam is one of the recent issues that includes its own rules and regulations.
A significant part of children's rights in Islam address the needs and demands of children during their years of adolescence.
children's rights in Islam covers all the years of childhood and infancy and include all the needs of a child in the process of his/her growth
The respectability of human rights begins with the way that society treats its children.
Silatur-Rahim or preserving family ties is not limited to visiting relatives, but also includes trying to satisfy their needs and strengthening emo
As stated in the first part, Islam brought about reforms in the customs previous nations, including Arabs, had in practicing polygamy in Islam:
Today, one of the Islamic regulations that is the cause of many prejudgments about Islam in western countries is the law of polygamy in Islam.
“Allah made for you mates from your own selves and appointed for you children and grandchildren from your mates, and We provided you with all th